06/16/2024 04:56 PM 

Truth or dare

Sophie and her friends were at this party, playing a game of ‘truth or dare’ which started to gradually got more and more out of hand. At one point in time, it was Sophies turn and she felt bold enough to ask for a dare. One of her friends had quite the smirk on her face, as she told her: “Alright: I dare you to put on a blindfold for the next half an hour and you can’t take it off, no matter what happens…”

Sophie raised her brow in confusion, since that didn’t sound too bad at all: “Sure thing: why not?!”, she confidently proclaimed. After she was being blindfolded to the point where all she could see was pitch-black, her friend would proceed by writing something on her forehead with a black marker: “Aah, that tickles! What are you writing?”, Sophie wondered. Her friend only whispered mysteriously: “You’ll find out soon enough…”, causing her other friends to giggle as well, as they could all read the words ‘free use’ across Sophies forehead…

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