06/14/2024 03:20 PM 

The Heartbreak

The Heartbreak

Hearing Sam in the distance as she would be hiding. Hearing a couple of gunshots go off. Then a scream. It was Mindy. Then another scream. Then silence filled the room right outside. Managing to take a few deep breaths as she continued to hide until cue. Sam was fighting Ghostface again then this time Sam ran into the room where she was hiding in trying to close the door but Ghostface put their leg in the way preventing the door from closing all the way.

Sam held a buck knife in hand and started swinging then Ghostface dodged the knife swings then grabbed Sam's bloody arm digging fingers into her open wound before knocking Sam back into the wall. But Sam had the gun near her and fired two shots into Ghostfaces body dropping him. Then as Sam went nearing the closet, she knew that it was time. 

Opening the closet door they came out just as Sam turned to her, a shocked look across her face as she aimed the gun right at their head looking to pull the trigger. They stood there wearing the mask and shroud as she dug her own knife into the side of Sam's ribcage hearing her scream then twisted it. Now it was time for the big reveal, the heart break.

Removing the mask, it was revealed to be TARA. A darker look in her eyes as Sam would drop to a knee, "Tara?" A confused look written across Sam's facial features as she couldn't believe it. Then taking the knife out as she wiped the blade in front of her. "Why? How?" Sam looked more confused than afraid in this moment. The other Ghostface had managed to recover and stood up.

Taking out the voice modulator from her pocket and brought it up to her lips. "Surprise, Sam". Tossing the voice modulator to the side, "but are you really that surprised, Sam? After everything that's happened, there was only one way this thing could of gone. Everyone looked to you, and thought you would be the one to turn. I was your f***ing anchor and broke you from all of those trances. Call my motive whatever you want. Abandonment issues. Lack of being loved".

Sam held onto her wound listening to Tara, "but, why?" Tears coming down her cheek from her biggest heartbreak yet. "Tara, I've always loved you. I don't understa-".

"Stop talking" Tara screamed at her sister pointing the knife at her own sister. "Stop f***ing talking before you give me a headache. You may of loved me, Sam, but not enough. Dad left because you weren't his. Mom turned into a drunk and ended up not giving two sh*ts about me. Then you came back into my life, Chad got closer. Then Chad died and it opened my eyes. I realized that no story truly has a happy ending because romance is overrated".

"It's TARA?" Mindy's voice behind as she slowly came into the room with a gun in hand, stab wounds shown all over her right arm as the other Ghostface grabbed Mindy and held their knife at her throat. "Keep her there" she commanded. Then turned back to Sam, tears streaming down her own cheek, "what happened after New York? You left again. But you should of seen the way Danny looked at me after you left" wanting to get under her sister's skin as she came closer and brought the blade against her throat. "The majority of the world looked up to you, talked about you wanting to be you. I was just the forgotten baby sister who can go f*** herself, right? I have every reason to do this and my actions are justified, but are yours? Compare me to every f*** up in this family, and I'm seen as the angel among devils. But even the devil was once an angel".

"But the best part has yet to come" taking a step away, "because this is just one half of tonight's reveals, isn't that right, partner?" Turning to the other Ghostface and they nodded their head. Then a sinister smile came across her face. "If you think I was a jaw dropper, then you are going to love this next part". Tara nodded to her partner as they would grab the end of the mouth of the mask then started to remove it.


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