05/27/2024 11:08 PM 

My rules.

Hey what's a God without rules? I have them. They're pretty simple and I'm not picky about them much anymore cause nobody seems to follow them, but please, do your best to do so. In any case, here's a few things to know about my Chuck.
  1. Multi-para plus writer. This is obvious. I don't waste my time if your a one liner or paragraph writer only. I don't mind para writing for banter, but for an actually story, please do more then three paragraphs or more for your comment. Spelling and grammer is a must to know.
  2. Mature themes. All of my writing will have nc/17 plus themes. If you can't handle it, consider this your trigger warning now. Anything that happens in the show Supernatural will happen in my writing, so I suggest you watch that show for a good idea of how dark things can get. 
  3. Crossovers: I can fit Chuck into pretty much ANY universe. He's God after all and pretty much every universe has some version of a God, he can even change his appearance to fit into said universe. Say in Harry Potter, Chuck could be a Slytherin student or professor, in Star Wars? A Jedi Master, so on and so fourth. Just come up with a good storyline and anything is possible.
  4. Inactivity: I really don't give a crap if people are inactive around here. I'll never be one to delete someone for not responding right away. I get it, we all have lives and sometimes sh*t happens. This is an escape from real life and not meant to be stressful or taken too seriously. So, if you're one of those people who are very demanding and want a response right away, please delete me now, because you won't like waiting for me to respond and I won't like you sending me fifty thousand messages asking me to respond. I'm a busy God.
  5. How I write Chuck: Glad you asked. I can write him for whatever the storyline requires of me. Good God, bad God, two different Gods. Prophet Chuck, just a writer. Anything. I don't mind. I never liked the final season of Supernatural though and would like to rewrite that if I could. So please, let's forget that ever happened.
  6. Love Interests: Romantic interests? Chuck dates, yeah. He may flirt and want to do other things while he's pretending to be human. Chuck is a multi-love interest account with chemistry. Seeing that he is God of well everything and can jump around any universe he wants, I see know reason to have him settle down with one person. It can be anyone.
  7. Please no out of character drama. We don't need high school sh*t here, we'reall adults. Please act like one and treat others the way you'd like to be treated in real life. 
  8. I don't write with people who do Wincest or Destial. Gross. It ruined the final season when they brought that crap in and made it canon. I liked that the writers ignored. Now I'm going to rant about the final season. Better stop now if you don't want to read my hate for it.
  10. No random comments. We plot first, then write out something after. We can even do a crappy storyline, Chuck's known for those! Just send me a message, I promise I won't smite you, yet.
Thanks for reading! I hope those weren't that difficult. You can sign below if you want. USE YOUR JOHN HANC*CK TO DO SO! These are my ten crappy commandments. Hope to hear from you soon! Happy writing.



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