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05/26/2024 11:01 PM 

Rock Bottom Reckoning
Category: Drabbles

The amber liquid burned Hunter's throat as he drained another glass, seeking that familiar solace at the bottom of every bottle. The dingy bar blurred around him, a safe haven to escape the endless cycle spinning through his mind - memories of that fateful day constantly on rewind, replaying each agonizing second when a flawless routine shattered into shards of regret.

Stumbling out into the harsh chill of the night air, reality slapped him once again - he'd done it again, let the guilt and shame fester until the only relief was surrendering to the oblivion of drunken numbness. Each bender chipped away another piece of the man he used to be, the fearless artist who danced across the ice with effortless passion and joy.

But tonight was different. Ophelia's tear-stained face flooded his memory, her trembling voice crackling like the dying embers he felt mirrored in his soul, "I can't keep watching you self-destruct like this, Hunter. You're killing yourself...and us in the process. Please, you have to get help...for both of us."

Her raw, achingly vulnerable pleas lodged in his chest like shrapnel tearing through skin. For years, he'd desperately clung to the idea that she could never see the true depths he'd plunged - that by some miracle her love would remain untainted by his spiral. But now, staring at the shattered reflection in a puddle, Hunter understood with searing clarity that his reckless alcoholism wasn't just poisoning his own life - it was slowly strangling the last precious threads keeping their bond alive after so many years of harbored trauma, regret, and unspoken feelings frozen in time.

He crumpled to his knees on the unforgiving pavement, gasping for air as if the weight of a thousand lives lost pressed down on his fragile frame. Ophelia's love, her gentleness, her spirit - it had been his sole constant liferaft in the turbulent sea of self-loathing and doubt constantly battering his psyche. And now, the gutting truth revealed itself - he was staring into the deep abyss of losing her forever to the all-consuming darkness rapidly unraveling the semblance of life he still clung to.

This was his reckoning, his cosmic wake-up call forcing him to confront the demons that had mercilessly tormented him for far too long. Tonight, as the frigid air burned his lungs, a sobering flicker of hope revealed itself - a chance to claw his way back from this brink, to rediscover the unbreakable strength and perseverance that had once bonded their souls so seamlessly for a decade across the ice.

He would honor their journey, their dreams, their connection by beating this demon gnawing at his existence...or be utterly consumed by it. There would be no more running, no more numbing the pain with a temporary antidote that only poisoned him further. It was time to fight, to reclaim the fearless fire that had been his lifeblood, the spark that had set their passionate routines ablaze in front of arenas full of awestruck fans.

Summoning every ounce of fortitude still lingering in his shattered spirit, Hunter vowed to purge the inner self-loathing toxin before it bled him dry for good. He would face down each waking nightmare, endure every anguished memory, embrace the overwhelming tides of guilt - and emerge from the tempest reborn and whole once more.

If not for himself, he would do it for her: the other half of his soul, now standing on the other side of the yawning chasm, hand outstretched with love and belief in the man he could still be.

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