abraXus Section Manager

05/26/2024 11:01 PM 

Five + One.
Category: Drabbles

Here are five times Hunter almost texted Ophelia:
  1. It was late one night as Hunter nursed a glass of whiskey, memories of Ophelia's smile and infectious laugh replaying in his mind. His thumb hovered over her contact, ready to confess how much he missed her. But he stopped himself, convincing his heart it was for the best to let her go.
  2. After an intense sparring session at the gym, Hunter caught his reflection in the mirror - sweaty, muscles rippling. He smirked, picturing Ophelia's reaction if he sent her a flirty selfie with "Missing this?" as the caption. His fingers twitched towards his phone before hesitation kicked in.
  3. Ophelia's favorite band was playing in town, and for a split second, Hunter's fingers began typing out "Two tickets for old time's sake?" He could already envision her delighted smile. But then reality hit - they were over, and opening that door again risked further heartbreak.
  4. It was a crisp autumn evening when Hunter walked past the ice cream shop where he'd taken Ophelia on some of their first dates. Unbidden, his phone appeared in his palm as he started to joke "Feeling nostalgic for those double-scoop sugar highs..." He stopped, throat tightening.
  5. Hunter's finger lingered over Ophelia's contact info as he composed a message for the hundredth time: "I'm sorry. For everything." Regrets swirled in his mind, but he couldn't bring himself to hit send and risk reopening old wounds.

The One Time: It was a quiet Tuesday evening when Hunter's phone lit up with Ophelia's name and picture. His breath caught in his throat as he fumbled to answer the FaceTime call with shaking hands. When her soft smile filled the screen, all his practiced speeches escaped him.

"H...hey," was all he could manage as his heart thundered in his chest. Ophelia simply gazed at him for a loaded moment.

"I miss you, Hunter," she finally murmured, voicing the words he could never quite say himself.

And just like that, the door was open once more.

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