04/29/2024 10:21 PM 

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Wilting  Flower
Alone Gothel sat writing in her diary, cataloging her last trip outside the tower. Gothel only left when she needed to. When she needed to replenish supplies for herself and Rapunzel. Venturing out more than that might draw attention. Someone might recognize her, might suspect what she kept locked away in her high and hidden tower.

There were the sounds of the birds outside, the stove nearby, and the scratching of Gothel's quill. She glanced up however when she heard a small whimper. "Mommy.." a soft voice spoke. Setting eyes upon her sweet golden-haired daughter Gothel stared at her for a moment. "What? What is it?" She asked not really wanting to be disturbed at the moment.

"I don't feel well. My tummy hurts." Whined Rapunzel. Gothel sighed and only rolled her eyes turning her attention back to her diary. "I'll be there in just a minute. I'll make you some soup and-" she looked up again when she heard the soft thud. Seeing Rapunzel fall to the ground Gothel's diary was forgotten. 

Standing quickly she hurried to Rapunzel and knelt down gently scooping her into her arms. "Rapunzel... what.. how long have you been feeling this way?" She asked. "A few days.." the girl mumbled. Gothel felt the girl's head and cheeks, she was burning with fever. Without hesitation Gothel stood, carrying Rapunzel upstairs to her bed.

For the next few days, Gothel tended to Rapunzel night and day. Bringing her food, keeping her clean, and trying her best to keep her cool. She had tried in vain to use Rapunzel's own magic to heal her. It seemed Rapunzel could not heal herself with her gift. This worried Gothel. She herself had no magic, she couldn't heal Rapunzel. She also couldn't risk taking her from the tower to a doctor or having one come to her.

Sitting at Rapunzel's bedside Gothel looked down upon her beloved daughter. She looked so pale, so weak, and so frail. Gothel knew she'd need to do something soon. Before her eyes her precious flower as she often referred to Rapunzel as was wilting before her eyes. And if she wasn't careful Rapunzel could and would die.

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