04/19/2024 05:25 PM 


π““π’†π’‚π’…π’π’š π“‘α΄‡Ι’α΄œΙͺΚŸα΄‡,

Starter for:   www.roleplayer.me/LordvonRabenmort 

Prologue---"It was not the fable's that Ella was used to being told by hermother. This one held a more sinister of sorted details. One's that were barely whispered over a trembled lip as a heavy mist cloaked the ghostly white mansion on top of the hill that seemingly had its own pulse, heartbeat if you stared long enough.

The prettiest of flowers and emerald blades trailed the surrounding fields to the doorway leading into Lord Von Rabenmort's home. A deceptive scented sweetness enticed visitors along with his kind glacier like eyes spiriting in screams, pained breaths that would all soon know." Many months had passed since she lost her father and along with him the very spark that once captured her heart and soul---"

Even their home that once held such beauty with hand painted petite flowers along the wallpaper faded just as her own mother's eyes had long ago. What was once familiar to Ella seemed more so like a spector of her past. In its remembrance, she could still see the memories that shrouded around varies objects, a vase, her own teddy bear that aligned her bed since she was a knee-high no longer held the warmth, magic's it was had and even the tiny sparrows, cardinals that would sing with her as the morning star knitted over the horizon silenced their once cheerful song. Since her stepmother's arrival along with her two offspring that sounded like hyena's cackling at dusk, a dark cloud much like an evil magician's cloak shrouded over her family's lands.

Flowerbeds, the orange orchards her own mother's hands kneaded in for hours on many days working the soil as the sun embraced her loving movements and christened each seed now turned to dust as if the heart of the soil itself abandoned all of their fields. It was as barren, cold as her stepmother's soul and reflected that in which she exuded in her every step and sway and Ella was convinced if evil truly had a bride it would be her stepmother who would be the equal of such a task and could easily claim it.

Day, after long gruelling day she worked poor Ella to the bone and in her nights she often had to soak her chapped fingers from all the dusting, scrubbing against the harsh cold tile that wore her knuckles as they gleamed white and crimson through the cracks that would form. Even with all the darkness that clamoured around her in an almost mocking way, Ella's radiance still gleamed like the sacred pearl moon in an obsidian sky and the stars clung to the shimmer of the young lasses gentle soft eyes. Her long spools of golden locks never tarnished or lost its lustre even when it was a dishevelled mess wrapped in ribbons upon her head and whenever a visitor were to arrive at their home she still met each gaze with a warm inviting welcome and took their coats as she escorted them inside.

Her mother's words although not spoken since she passed, still lived long after the lips that once belonged to her. Only kindness, love outshines all else and is the greatest of magicks to cast any darkness away. But it was when her stepmother decided to fire her parent's servants, some who had been with their family since before Ella was born, that the young lass finally gave way and sunk to her knee's sobbing with her small hands muffling her whimpers and contesting words. In their wasteful spending the value of their home, belongings and lands that have been in Ella's family for over two hundred years have almost lost all of its worth, and it was on that day that she laid trying to gather the pieces of her heart from the very ground in the form of tears that she was told she had to keep up the responsibilities of the estate as well as work in the mansion owned by the man Ella only knew as Lord Von Vabenmort.

"What?" Ella's voice cried out in broken breaths as her stepmother's scowling gaze looked down upon the disgrace of a stepdaughter she saw Ella to be and repeated herself again, but this time kneeled alongside of her and flicked her long disgusting finger under the young lasses chin. "You heard me, girl. Or..." Her eyes traced along her supple curves, the rise of her creamy white breasts that shivered in disbelief and fright.

"We can find other means for you to save your family's home, and I am sure I can find a thousand suitors to take up your days...." -A scandalous, evil snarl escaped her venomous lips as she continued her sentence, causing Ella to flinch back as if she was struck by the whip she often used on the poor lass.

"And nights if this arrangement does not suit you. The choice, Cinderella, is completely up to you. You can lose your home, and the lands in which I'm sure your mother's spirit still flourishes over can be taken and pounded into the very ground. Then swept away just like the dust that both of your parents are now, The choice I will repeat again darling girl is yours..."

he last of her words spilled mockingly over her curled lips as she stood, turned and walked out of the room and Ella swore even in the light a darkness never left her side. Ella laid still slumped over, feeling defeated as her gaze fixated on the one single candle flickering dimly upon the cedar block table in their kitchen. Only one... Her stepmother even restricted this much, not wanting to waste even one single candle when she said we had no business being awake in the nights. Those were the times that ghosts, and long forgotten ancestors ruled over the lands. Suddenly she could hear the whispers of her childhood friends speaking of Theo and the mansion along the side of the hill and how even the roots of the tree's rose above the soil as if they were veins blackened by the sun or evil that penetrated the grounds no one truly knew.

Her choose left her mouth dry, her mind spinning at the evil she knew and possibly the one she did not and a forbidding feeling trembled upon her incandesce flesh, but she knew she hardly had a choice. Much like most things in her life now, nothing was really left up to her. It seemed the trail covered once in marigolds, hopes and reachable dreams were now littered in dirt. Slowly, she flattened her small hands along the hard, cold tile flooring and stood tall, but sha kingly against the dying embers of the candle before her as she wiped away her wet nose and blow it out at once retreating to her bedroom in the attic for the last few hours she would know in her childhood home, although Ella was not told the whole truth of the arrangement her stepmother had made.

The next morning, although the morning star sliced through the curtains in a warm golden haze, Ella couldn't feel anything but a bone chilling coldness seep over her soul as she packed a sachet of the few remaining things she owned in these days. Her stepmother was more than happy to oblige the young lass with the only carriage and horse they owned now and this only trickled fear more so upon Ella as she shivered with each rock, boulder the dusted off the uneven dirt road. Soon they would arrive at Theo's mansion and without warning her stepmother tossed her belongings along the dirt road and alerted the coachman not to make one more move as he began to climb off his seat to help Ella down the buggy's steel steps.

A soulless smirk and a blackness, crimson ribboned in her stepmother's eyes as if devils were dancing, chanting telling tales she once heard as a child and Ella couldn't resist as she climbed backwards out of the carriage, pleading with her stepmother,

"Please? I'll do anything. Allow me to come home, and I will work double what I do now?"

Tears steamed down her face and she was met with just a long extended finger pointing to Mr. Theo's door and Ella knew it to be no use, and she knelt down shakingly and picked her belongings up and was met with the coachman's sorrowful gaze that nearly broke whatever courage she needed to muster her legs to walk along the path leading to his door of the unknown. She barely had the capability to raise the dragon claw knocker that made such an ominous sound and softly breathed the words, "Hello." As she awaited for Lord Von Vabenmort to open the door but secretly hoped he wouldn't at all....

Ella had never seen blackness flicker in such a way as it did in her stepmother's eyes. It was as if every dark tale, the very opening of hell's gate, glinted in the shadows that were held. When she first mentions Lord Von Rabenmort's name and the "work" Ella would do in the upkeep of his home. Her lips curled up in the most unnatural way, and it felt worse than the lashing Ella took in most nights by her stepmother's hands. 

Her life was once a fairy tale of sorts, but since the passing of her father, each page and chapter has withered away just as the dryness that overtook her family's once lush lands. That glint, spark in her stepmother's eyes—could it be there was a worse fate than the one she suffered now at her hands? She quivered in such thoughts but tried to be brave, just as her mother once taught her, because it hardly mattered these days. Her life was not her own anymore, and she felt like a star without a constellation to belong in. The meadow mice that shared her quarters seemed to sense the foreboding future as they looked upon Ella with tear-filled eyes and clutched to each other as they waved goodbye to the young lass they hoped they would someday see again. 

As the door creaked open on hinges that seemed well oiled and should not have made a single sound. It was not the rubbing of metal upon itself that Ella heard, but a warning: spirits crying out, telling her she must go; turn around now! It felt like a talon's claw scraping along her delicate porcelain flesh, but she knew she hadn't a choice. Her stepmother already made the arrangements, and she was not only made to help with the upkeep of the Baron's mansion, but she must stay for a few weeks and be his guest. Many tales were told in hushed tones, as if fear were placed upon the teller's eyes. If they spoke too loud, or the zephyr wind carried their words, the Baron would soon come from them too, and they would become part of the folklore that haunted these lands.

Ella gentle stepped over the threshold and watched her own foot as if it did not even belong to herself, and although the scent of the foyer was pleasant with an array of an almost unnatural red rose, it sickened her because it smelt too sweet, too perfect, or too ripe. Whatever it was, it felt like a shrouding of a more pungent odor hidden in the floor boards or perhaps the walls; she was not sure, and as she stepped further inside, the door slammed suddenly and swept up the long red carpet that ran endless along the mahogany floor. Ella yelped and clung to her sachet of belongings, then bit her bottom lip. She would not cry; she would not shake even a muster. No. She would be brave, and the stories she heard were just stories passed on from one generation to the next. In truth, it couldn't be real. For it would mean the Baron was not the age he appeared in the many paintings she had seen. How could the stories be true, unless?

Ella gazed around at her surroundings and noted almost right away the intricate detailing of the surrounding wallpaper. It almost looked like the same rosettes her mother would paint on canvas for her when she was little, but these seemed old, even though the inside of his mansion looked like it was perfectly kept. A time capsule from a much earlier time. As she traced her soft fingertips along each detail and each line, her cherub lips trembled as she felt pain and tormented souls between the crevices and in her mind.


π““π’†π’‚π’…π’π’š π“‘α΄‡Ι’α΄œΙͺΚŸα΄‡, Response  

Any sense of time passing was close to non-existent at the von Rabenmort mansion. Neither the rays of the sun nor the glow of the moon ever effectively penetrated through the constant thick mists cloaking the grounds with their chill, moist embrace—giving the impression of an eternal silver twilight during daylight hours. Flowers and plant life did not bloom or wither. Fauna and insects did not age or die, nor were they able to reproduce. This all were effects of a curse. An ancient curse stirred awake by humanities lusting curiosity for the perilous forbidden after a many centuries-long slumber, resulting in the estate being dragged in-between the worlds of the dead and the living. A lesson, perhaps, that humans should not fiddle with what they did not fully understand. It had become a place of nightmares fed by hatred, pain, lies, deceit; a concoction of poisonous insanity dripping down the walls and ceilings—affecting all imprisoned within, one way or another. The rebirthing of all this darkness had been influenced by a single book the master of the house had one day found when exploring a newly discovered hidden passage behind one of the hearths build inside the large manor. The book was written in Latin, a language tutored to him in the early years of his pre-adolescence. It was clear from the first moment he picked it up and opened it, that the pages were old, possibly even ancient. The ink, however, appeared as fresh as if it had met with the paper merely yesterday. This fact fascinated the Master. But the words themselves, the horrors they spoke of, fascinated him even more. Little by little they seeped into his soul, leaving his heart as sunless and cold as the darkest of voids, stirring a turning of tides—the curse—into motion.

It was very clear to Madonna that the man was easily swayed by his sinful desires, though, in those days, he kept it successfully a secret from the public, his soul not yet fully tainted by darkness, yet ever present from the moment he had taken his first breath. Perhaps she so effortlessly saw the truth of his heart since it wasn’t so different from her very own. Is it not that, those of the same kind easily recognized each other? She took delight in dipping her fingers in his private affairs, cautiously exploring. What she found thrilled her to the core; an unhappy wife who resented her husband and let the pains of her heart (caused by his many beatings and stinging words rolling so mindlessly off his tongue) freely weep upon the caring hands of her father-in-law until the latter had died, his secret perverse acts with fellow men and female whores of a private underground sex club. It was she, Madonna, who hinted to Mrs. Rabenmort of Theodore’s unfaithfulness. The lack of interest in bedding her—his wife—had raised questions in her fragile mind before, and she did not find it hard to believe the shocking soft-spoken words of Lady Tremaine, for it made complete sense. She wasn’t sure she would take action, seeing as she had a sinful secret of her own which, if revealed, would undoubtedly send Theodore into a mad frenzy. Her marriage with him, as miserable it made her, still was better than being seen as a ‘fallen’ woman, an unfavorable reputation no woman of high-status wanted to obtain.

However, one night, they had a terrible fight, and she betrayed herself by yelling out the truth of their children; that they were not his but fathered by his very own father, that she had had a liaison with the late Mr. Rabenmort during the earlier years of their arranged marriage—a result of the lack of love she received from Theo. So the children, disturbingly, were in fact his half-siblings. For a moment he was lost for words, his visage bearing an expression of genuine shock; his lips apart, his deep blue hues wide and wild like an owl’s, pupils manipulated into dilation by a prior intake of something intoxicating.

Noting his state, which only enraged her more, she daringly hit him then with her truest thoughts on him, such as that he was a poor excuse for a gentleman, or a man in general. A mistake, for it moved him into action like a charging soldier on a battlefield.

“You haven’t seen nothing yet of who I really am, you filthy slut,” he hissed hotly in her face, the smell of whiskey riding on his breath. He had roughly grabbed a handful of her hair to yank her head back, forcing her to meet his icy gaze as a cry of pain left her throat. “Oh yes, you’ll come to beg for my forgiveness once you got a decent taste of the horrors that reside within me. Making you shudder with utter fear before my feet, which is precisely where you belong.”

He paused his tongue. Her whimpers of fright filled the sudden silence—a strange delight to his ears, he suddenly found. Rushes of intense emotions and happenings were a drug to him. A nasty smirk slowly spread across his handsome but terrible visage then, a raging fire presenting itself within his eyes. Abruptly, the fingers of his free hand seized her chin, after which he continued: “Ones wife should at all times obey her husband. And yet you dared to besmudge my name with your treachery, and that of the children, whoring yourself out to your husband’s very own father.” He tugged at her chin, bringing it closer to him so that their faces almost collided. Was that a glimmer of madness within his eyes? “It is not I that shall burn in hell forever, my darling wife. No, it will be you.” With a hard shove he released her from his grip, sending her sprawling to the floor with her face moving merely inches from the hungry flames of the hearth-fire. She thought it her imagination that the flames seemed to lean toward her, like an unperceivable wind blowing them in her direction. The true forces behind it, however, was the mansion itself, and whatever had once nested itself there and ever since remained. It lusted towards the words spoken by Theo, a promise laying within. Yesss, it responded as an alluring whisper in his ear, give her soul to me. I will make your wish into reality. All you have to do is find the right passage in the book, perform exactly what is written, and vengeance will be yours.                                               
The events of that very night spun the last threads of the curse into completion, a total domination. And not even Lady Tremaine had foreseen this outcome. Perhaps if she would have known the possibility of it, she wouldn’t have done what she did. But not for very long did she let the little regret she felt linger within her thoughts. Maybe it was what they deserved, what was meant to be. She merely gave their already sealed fate a little push. Tragedy though came to strike her eventually too with the sudden passing of her husband, which presented her with no other choice than to marry an acquaintance of the late Lord Tremaine—Ella’s father. Ella, who was so perfect, so lovely and good-natured. So different from Madonna’s own daughters, who continued failing her at every opportunity, puting her and themselves to shame. The bright light of her stepdaughter outshone all, which only made her, Drizella and her other daughter Anastasia abhor every fiber of the girl’s being. So, after Ella’s father left his daughter by slipping into his final but forevermore slumber, leaving Madonna once again widowed, she began abusing the power she had over the girl. What right did Ella have to be so perfect, while her very own daughters, who despite born of pure nobility, ever appeared lesser then. It was time to put Ella in the position she belonged; that of a servant.

It was after some time however, that Drizella came up with an even better idea. To remove the unwanted girl out of their sights, yet still have her suffer. “Maman,” Madonna’s eldest daughter spoke at dinner one evening, she once more having complained about her stepsister. “Oh Maman, do you remember the horrid stories about that one mansion on the side of a hill?” A dark excitement in her voice. “Did not you mention once they were true? You must send her there! I believe a more horrible fate does not exist.” She cast a glance at her sister, suddenly booming out her awful ear-screeching laugh as if the words she just spoke were the contents of a joke, though she was absolutely serious about them. Anastasia joined her, a sound as unsavory as the other. Not unlike two hens madly clucking. “That’s enough!” Their mother yelled above the cacophony, immediately bringing silence to the room. Regaining her calm, she said: “For once you seem to speak with a brain, Drizella. It’s not a bad idea, I must confess.” Madonna’s eyes darkened, came unfocused as they stared into the distance—her mind in another place. “Indeed, not bad at all.” Theodore had never learned who disclosed his secrets to his wife. Which worked greatly in Madonna’s advantage, for if he knew, her wicked plans would never become a reality at all. Letters were exchanged between the two, in which Madonna inquired about the Baron’s health, and mentioned the time they once spend together, so that he hopefully remembered her face.

Part of his response read: Dear lady, I fear my mind is not as bright as how it used to be. Yet, I believe I do recall the memories you speak of. My wife, children, they left me abandoned. The past few decades I have been incapable in leaving my home. Loneliness is therefore a heavy ache upon my heart. Since you decided to write me, I would be greatly pleased if you were to consider paying me a call. Much has changed last time we met in the flesh. I desire to tell you all about it. Well, what has not yet fled my thoughts. The days seem to only blend into each other. Perhaps you could make me remember the parts of the past that have gotten lost to me. I have always been fond of your company.

Almost all lies, of course. He merely sought to trick her into his deadly trap. Another soul, a step closer to his salvation. Oh, he would have a guest soon alright, but not the Lady Tremaine. She was not so foolish as to tread upon those accursed grounds herself and meet her end by whatever evil had dominated it. No, as planned Ella would go. In a returning letter she told her own lies; she was indisposed, too unwell to travel, and would send one of her maids instead to compensate for it, so that he both would have the company he asked for and have another help for the household.

This Theodore did not mind. A soul was a soul. Though he did not dare to imagine that the maid’s was as pure as a newborn’s—without even a slight trace of sin. When the girl made her way up the tracks leading to the manor on the agreed date, the book became aware of her presence, and so did Theodore as it whispered about her arrival into his ears. Our new guest is almost at the door. Make it worthwhile. I too am starving for entertainment. Concealed by the shadows of the foyer, he observed Ella’s entry into his house. Not yet would he make his presence known. First, he wanted to study her from afar. Her breathtaking beauty was the first thing he noted, which lead to a musing of how the expressions of horror and fright might transform that lovely visage. It was then when the front doors flew shut—the terrible loudness of it cascading off the walls of the large room. That jump, how delightful.

He could not help but smirk darkly with pleasure. He followed her gaze. Ah, yes, the painting depicting the Master. Aside from the impressive staircase leading to the first floor, it was perhaps what most easily drew the eye of one who found themselves here for the first time. First and only time these days, as a matter of fact. Theodore continued watching her with eyes unblinking, and when she trailed her soft but callused fingertips along the wallpaper adorning the walls, he felt a slight stirring of lust within himself. There was a sensual gentleness to how she touched it. Her brow suddenly seemed to furrow in pain. Was she perhaps clairvoyant? If so, she might possess the ability to altar Theo’s existence, of which he was unsure he should feel mad or glad about. How things currently were, he had become very used to it. The toying, the tormenting, the beguiling, the taste of heart’s blood upon his tongue and the delicious ecstasy of taking a life...

No, she will only deprive you of what is your only means of experiencing pleasure—of feeling something. You do savor in these games we play. Without it, you would truly feel damned. The one we serve has the only true power to give what your heart yearns for. Do not forget my promise. A mere human being cannot help you. Only their souls are of use to us. Remember this. “Looking for anything in particular?” The Baron’s toneless voice came from somewhere close behind Ella, abruptly disturbing the tranquil stillnes

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