04/04/2024 06:38 PM 

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 Royal Wedding
King Leopold's marriage to Princess Regina, a young woman who was in fact young enough that she could be his daughter. From the start, many had cautioned the King from marrying. If not for her age but for who her mother was. Cora was well known to all and while no one would speak out publicly against her it was well known what she was, and surely what her daughter would one day be as well.
Regina felt as though she were suffocating despite being in a very open room. Beside her stood her mother, the other side of her the King.  The snugness of her dress, the sounds of the waiting people surrounding them. Regina was lost in this moment, consumed with terror. How did she get here? At the altar with King Leopold? About to be his wife? And Snow White's new mother? This wasn't what she wanted. Who would want this? To marry an old man, to mother his petulant child?

Regina was snapped from her thoughts when she felt the tug to her hand from her mother. Everone seemed uncertain for a moment. The priest in his reluctance spoke again. "Do you Princess Regina take the King to be your husband? In sickness and health? For better or worse? Till death do you part?"

Regina's eyes remained locked on the priest before her. She wanted to bolt, she wanted to shove her mother and the king, kick off her heels, rip off her dress, and flee from this place. But she couldn't. Suddenly everything stopped well.. not stopped but slowed down. And inside her head, Regina could hear her mother's voice.

"If you do not marry the King you know what will happen, Regina." Turning Regina looked down to her father. While he was smiling his eyes gave away the pain he was in. Cora was doing something to him. "If you do not marry the King your dear Daddy will die and it will be all your fault, Regina. What will you do?" Cora's voice asked.

Regina felt a pain in her hand, she looked down to the hand her mother held. Cora was digging into Regina's hand, quite literally forcing it. Everything around them resumed normal speed. Looking to the priest Regina smiled. "I do." She said softly.

Her smile remained spread across her face though tears swelled in her eyes. Most might assume she was just a young bride overcome with happiness on her wedding day. But in reality, Regina was terrified. Terrified that if she didn't do everything correctly her mother would take her father from her, he was all she had left now. She had to do this. She had to be good and do everything she was told by her mother and the King. This marriage couldn't fail.

The wedding ceremony went off perfectly. Princess Regina became Queen Regina, wife of King Leopold, and mother to Snow White. Everyone thought that Regina would surely have a fairytale life with her new husband and daughter, surely a whole new happy chapter of her life was about to begin. Little did they know this was only the beginning of a very painful and unhappy chapter in the many of Regina's life.

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