04/04/2024 06:11 PM 


"What's your name?" The other girl asked. Slowly sitting up more in her bed the younger smiled. "Regina." She said before looking toward her mother Cora as she spoke. "I am going to go tell your father and brother the good news. Would you mind looking after her Zelena?" Asked Cora. Of course, Zelena, the older of the two girls nodded. "Yes ma'am." She said before looking back to Regina.

"Are you alright now?" She asked. Regina nodded "yes. Thank you.. so much." She said before heaving a soft sigh. "I should have known better than to touch mother's things." She said looking to Zelena. "She must have warned me a billion times." She said dramatically causing both girls to laugh.

It didn't take long for the two girls to continue chatting, occasionally giggling over the conversations as most young girls would. For over an hour, the two were left alone to talk. Both lay on the bed now, Regina's head resting on Zelena's stomach. The two girls already had become incredibly close.

"What's it like being a princess?" Asked Zelena. Regina only shrugged her shoulders. "It's lovely.. I suppose." She said glancing up to the other girl. "I'm not much of a princess deep down. But.. mother insists on the finest gowns.. toys... everything." Regina said with a sigh. Zelena only rolled her eyes and smiled. "What about your father? Does he spoil you too?" She asked playfully.

Smiling Regina now nodded "yes but.. when he does... it's different. Mother always has an agenda. Daddy just likes to be kind. He's the best father." Regina said before continuing. "What is your family like? Your father?" 

Zelena's smile soon faded as she looked down. "... My father doesn't like me much. I'm nothing but trouble to him. And my mother.. she died over a year ago. She sick and I wanted to help with my magic. I was sure I could. But my father wouldn't let me near her at the end and she died."

Now sitting up Regina took Zelena's hands. "I'm so sorry." She said almost instantly. Zelena looked up as Regina expressed her condolences. No one had before done that. "What was she like?" Regina asked. Through a few tears Zelena smiled. "Kind and funny. She could always make me laugh." Zelena said before sighing. "She was the only person to love me."

Nodding a little Regina smiled. "Well perhaps mother will let you stay. And you can find love here. Bet my Daddy would adopt you. I suppose I could share him." She said playfully, Zelena only rolled her eyes and grabbed a nearby pillow smacking Regina with it. For a few moments, the girls playfully batted at each other with pillows before now lying side by side.

"We could be like real sisters." Regina said glancing to Zelena. "That is if you wouldn't mind having a brother as well. Reagan is.. a boy." Regina said, Zelena only laughed. "I'd like having a sister... siblings. Even one that's a boy." She said before smiling. "It would be nice to have a family that loves." Zelena said. Smiling Regina took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. She was sure that even if her parents didn't actually adopt Zelena they'd let her stay. After all, why couldn't she?

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