03/28/2024 07:03 PM 

1x1 with Natalia


1x1 Natalia

World to Explore: Not Specified

Not even Gothamites liked Gotham at the best of times. It took a special kind of person to enjoy the weather there, and the smell, and the high crime rate. Most people lived there because it was all they could afford, or relied on memories of the good old days when maniacal laughter didn't echo down the streets and there was no Bat flying through the skies or hiding in the shadows. The GCPD rarely did what they said anymore and the number of cops with integrity could likely be counted on one hand.

As for Harley, well the parole board had been trying to keep a close eye on her, but she'd given them the slip and was in the clear. She was semi-legitimate in her business at best. The owner of the bar she often frequented was entrapped with the Falcones and had offered to give them a hand for a few shifts. Not unpaid, but she'd figure out what she was worth at another point.  There wasn't any reason to laugh at the drink she had to make, it allowed her to get fancy in such a dinghy establishment. 

"Makin' drink fer the Mista' got me pretty good at these." She was often simply left to pour a pint instead of getting creative, and made herself her own Quinntessential Tipple. The deep red drink was settled next to the Black Russian. "Ya look like ya in need in some company!!" She smirked, before opting to sit on the bar, next to the drinks she'd just served. Picking up her drink of choice, the blonde was swinging her legs, taking the occasional sip as she observed her patron. Harley could tell the redhead was new around these parts. 

"So what brings ya t' Gotham. No offence but ya kinda stand out in an establishment like this. Boss won't like it if ya here t' cause trouble.  We got enough of that t' deal with 'round here. If ya lookin' fer someone or somethin' I might just be able t' help ya out though." She hopped off the counter to face her companion, a mischievous glint in her eye as she held out her hands. "Name's Harley, Harley Quinn. Nice t'meetcha!!"

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