03/16/2024 02:26 AM 

My Rules
Category: Guidelines

******I take these rules VERY seriously!******

I will NOT be adding anyone who just has "One-Liner" in Length because I HATE One Liners. That includes no text talk and using " - " and " * " for actions or speaking. Must be a Paragraph at LEAST. Multi-Para is accepted whole-heartedly with me.


Unless English isn't your native tongue. Then I will let you slide as long as your responses are understandable and grammar is a minimum.

If you hassle me (whether it's through Comments or PMs), I will delete you. However, if I had seen what you had written and I forgot, then I will not delete you. I am a human being that can forget things.

If you already started to roleplay with me and find me annoying, I'm deleting you. If you had discussed a romance roleplay with me, but go and get a girlfriend/boyfriend before we actually start roleplaying. Then I will delete and block you. I don't care. I'm not dealing with people like that. Nothing else to it.

If I send you a request or if you send me one and I accept, don't treat me as a number. I will delete you and never add you again. I came here to roleplay and, maybe, make friends. I didn't come here to become somebody's friend number like Facebook. Either we roleplay/talk or I won't see you on my friend's list again.

If you add, then YOU talk to me. I will talk to you if I sent the request to you.

You have 24 hours to message me. If I see that you haven't, then you're being removed. I won't delete you if I've seen that you haven't been online on your account for more than a day, BUT I will delete you if you've been offline for more than a month.

If there isn't ANYTHING about your character in your info (I'm NOT looking into blogs or pictures) and you had sent me a friend request, its an AUTOMATIC deny. I want to know what your character is like before I click "Accept." And I won't accept people who have private profiles.

Do not EVER send me messages in character. It's annoying and just outright disrespectful for those who always talk out of character. If you do, then you're being removed. There will be some exceptions because that person is specifically an in-character account.

This INCLUDES sending a starter without discussing roleplay plots with me. Mostly because I had a friend who got into drama without discussing. And the other girl said sh!t while lying about it. So, discussion BEFORE roleplaying.

I just want to have fun and no real life drama. I also have a life that requires me to work, eat, sleep, read, do arts and crafts and spend time with family on holidays.

If you don't like something about my starter or roleplay, please tell me. I want to make the roleplay as fun as possible for the both of us.

I will not roleplay as any canon character from any verse. I started out roleplaying as a canon character, but didn't stop hearing complaint after complaint of my portrayal of the characters. The only exception being Amy Rose.

Any romantic relationships that I do are ROLEPLAY ONLY. To me, each relationship that I create with people, then it's their own separate universe from the one you have. If I say that I like you out of character, then that means that I'm interested in trying a real relationship with you.

No god-modding, please? God-modding is "taking control of another player's character during roleplay." It upsets me and very much annoys me. I created these characters for me to roleplay as (minus Amy). It takes the fun out of roleplaying in general.

I only roleplay 3rd person point of view. If you roleplay in first person, I'm okay with that. However, I won't roleplay in first person for you.

If you can't handle some words that comes out of a roleplay with me, then don't add me. Because you should learn the difference between ROLEPLAY and REALITY.

I will NOT accept anybody that is a wrestler. Just because I’m not interested in doing those dumb roleplays.

Secret word: Gunther Hessenheffer

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Jughead Jones (Serpent King)


Apr 26th 2024 - 5:29 PM

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I got it baby. 

Apr 27th 2024 - 1:10 AM

Comment | Message | Block

Sweetheart, you are fine. I am really chill with you and I like what we are doing. It's understandable so I'm not too bothered too much by my rules right now.

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