03/11/2024 09:18 PM 


~~~Trigger Warnings~~~

~Little Dove~

She remembered the way the water felt. The heat, pressure, comfort it brought as she now shivered outside her childhood home with nothing more than a bucket and a single bar of soap to wash herself off after a long day of gruelling work. After she dismissed the staff is when the truest of nightmares would begin. Her stepmother told her she was doing her a kindness, allowing her to remain under the roof which was now theirs and Ella should be thankful for the extent of care they gave her in those days.  But now she was told she would sleep alongside of the farm animals in the barn and even when the wintry months would pass, frost pouring over the mountainside in silvery steaks of gold.

She clung to the one blanket she was given, made of thin strangles of hay braided as one to keep her dainty frame warm, as she huddled close to the farm animals shivering all night long. The day she dared to escape, taking her father's strong trusted steed into the forest beyond their watchful gaze, is when she encountered Mr. Kit for the first time and embarrassment clouded upon her eyes and face. She was unsure if he noticed, the embedded dirt and muck clinging to the tips of her fingers and toes as she curled them under her paddings and smiled with a warmth she hadn't felt in so long fill inside of her heart and bones.

But as she watched his hopeful sparkling eyes and listened to his velvety baritone voice, she could feel in the distance a darker presence beyond the bushing that surrounded the two. It was later that night she would find out to whom the presence surely was when she heard the barn doors open with a flickering light and her two-step sisters and their mother were accompanied by a stocky, short man with lustful eyes.

Panic surged upon her flesh and she found her legs, toes curling scampering about as she shivered and kicked up the surrounding hay, the look of wild fearful abandon held in her young deer does eyes. Her stepsisters dragged her dainty frame out from the pile of hay that shielded her from plain sight and laced their manly fingers around her wrist like fleshy shackles as the man drew closer to her side. She was wearing no more than a weeding of a potato sack she wore in her nights as a make - shift night gown.

The fabric was thin, and he could see though it as her stepmother raised the lantern on her other side. The fullness of her breasts creamy and white and perched tight red dotting nipples that shivered and wrinkled from her fright. Her soft wavy tummy and the golden thickness of her curvy thighs as his sick twisted gaze licked his lips as he stared at the young lass.

She was a ripe succulent fruit, ripe and untarnished, and he was enticed even more s by the wild spirit of the girl before him and groaned as he heard her scowling but with such fear he could taste sweetly upon his thin lips and dazzling in his eyes. She was more beautiful than he remembered from earlier that day, as she held the attention of the young prince's eyes.

But he needed her, felt her unbroken spirit and wanted to claim her as his as to why he made the deal with her stepmother that night. He would set up two dowries, one for each of her girls, containing a thousand franks each and for herself the title in which she could choose reasonable of course, given her current standing.

Ella was bound and gagged, and the edges of the braided rope tore into her precious pout, like a rosebud being forced open as scarlet dripped at the sides of her mouth. She couldn't scream or even yelp as the braiding cut deeply in, and they tied her wrists and ankles together one over the other and led her to the carriage they would hoist her in. Her eyes shimmered and quaked as tears poured hopelessly over petal cheeks, which only seemed to please the man sitting opposite of her as the carriage rocked and squeaked.

His eyes glinted across the carriage at the young innocent flower, corn silk hair tousled, tangled and pieces of heath, cinder held between each strand as if trying to cling to a past life she so wanted to feel again as Ella whimpered, squirmed and tried to break out of the braided rope that bound her wrist. It cut, slithered like tiny vines of a rosebush and she could feel the tearing droplets of blood dripping over the tips of her small hands, and her lips, torn, swollen and bruised felt so defeated, broken and already like an old used doll under the Dukes thirsty lust and demands.

Ella looked outside the carriage, hardly a star could be seen through the caroling of tree's, but the moon in its eerily glow multiplied as her eyes shimmered in a thousand tears that clung to the fringing of her dark lashes as she squeezed them tight trying to escape, be anywhere else but where she was. She felt his long slimy finger drag up the curl of her neck and brush away his messy hair as he curled it under her chin and she flinched, yelped as he ordered her to open her eyes to him. Ella didn't want to meet his gaze and let him see the terror, helplessness in her eyes because she knew no matter what she said or how she tried to fight she would have to succumb and surrender her virtue if it appeased his ways.

He was the Duke dressed in the most fashionable regal of clothes with a sharp coy look and twinkle in his eyes. But all the villagers heard of the tales of his animistic thirsts and ways as he feed on many daughters taking their innocence then tossing them aside, like used cattle soured milk, names tarnished as no nobleman wanted a torn girl no matter how it happened or entailed. There was no use, no way to stop him, and the more she struggled seemed to appease his thirsty soul.

She could hear his uneven heavy breaths heaving from the hollow of his throat as his plump rounded body spilled to the floor of the carriage as she tried to close her legs, braid them together at her knee's, releasing a solemn, broken cry, raspy, shredded for all the saliva in her mouth had ran dessert achingly dry. "Pleaseeeeeee!" she leaned over just enough to try to plead, reason with the man who only gazed back at her with the devil dancing in his eyes and just like so she felt the pinch of its forks piercing dragging like hot coal over her flesh and young innocent soul.

Ella's sobs, the way the muck drizzled down her cheeks and over the swollen bruising of her lips, much like a rosebud held under water for far too long, puffy, ripe and so very red caused a gleam, flicker in the Dukes eyes as he flicked his coiled snake like tongue over the thin of his lips and she could feel his fingers in the shadows of the carriage try to force her thighs, the creamy silk of her legs open wide, straining the braided rope that held her crossed over ankles below.

The feeling burned over her flesh, rippling and she tried to buckle further back into the velvet of the chair. her back arching upwards like a wild doe trying to break free, escape and perspiration cascaded down the dark vee between her full jutting breast. Unbeknownst to her in that very given moment and because of all her squirming, fretting and tossing in the seat, her two rounded full breast, petrified taunt pointy nipples glistened shined as the moon poured in. This caught the attention of the Duke as he cupped harshly upon each of her breast, toying pinching her nipples so painfully she cried out, screamed and couldnt catch her breath.

Her body flinched over and over again as tears stained her already flushed cheeks and lips and her sun drenched hair even lost its glimmer like a fading wild flower with each flick and taunting of the Dukes hands. She begged him to stop! Screamed out to him and wished out loud she rather choose death through her meek wiltering breaths and cries. This stop him momentarily as he snickered coyly and looked up between the butter of her thighs and told her, "my little dove that too can be arranged. But you are going to give me that untouched flower willingly or not it makes no difference to me at all. Your fight, struggle will only sweeten and tenderize your skin making it more supple and delicious for me in the end. So fret all you want golden lass, flare your wings your making it much easier for me seeing your lack of clothes spilling over the seat and your skin. That innocence, your earthly bound cries shattering I will taste it all and the honey between your kept legs."

His words, each one, each letter he spoke felt like a hot whip slicing upon her heart and she felt suddenly broken defeated by the many months since her father's death, nightmare bleeding into the very next one. She held her light for as long as she felt she could and her mind thought of the man with oceans in his eyes, glaciers sharp blue and pristine but then somehow melted and coated her with a warmth from inside. She thought of Kit in that moment, and in their short moment together he truly saw Ella and not the name given to her by her step family meant to mock and diminish her spirit. Just Ella, the girl who would dance in the rain and the smokey mist that would cloak around her childhood home in a time that felt now so swept away.

She vaguely recognized the castle in the shadow of the inkwell sky as the men snaked their long fingers around her waist and rough fully lead her inside. 

She tried her best to fight, wiggling, withering and throwing her dainty frame into their own, but it was of no use as they ended up groping her flesh and the other raised his hand and smacked her two folds. It stung like a million bees stinging and her knee's nearly gave as they hoisted her up, and he took his index finger and thumb and told her to behave like the good girl he knew she was. All she could do was whimper and sob, and could feel her lips swelling at the edges of the rope as they opened the door to a bathing chamber and tore away like savages the remains of her clothes.  She stood there frightened as they unleashed the shackles upon her wrists and ankles too and untied the rope from around her lips as she laced her tiny fingers over her curvy frame.

They then circled around her like two thirsty wolves reading their prey as she peered from under her corn silk strangled locks seeing their hungry gaze holding a liquid lust in their gaze. Her tiny face darted and looked from side to side as her pulse soared into the rivers of her chest, but there was no escaping, nothing she could do and was only grateful for the dim lightening shielding most of her frame. 

It was then she heard the barking call of their leader, the Duke, scolding them, telling them to leave at once. She was his untarnished angel to pluck, and she needed to cleanse herself of all the farm's filth and muck. The men grunted like wounded pups with their tails tucked between their legs, and the Duke grinned at the poor lass and finally left her alone as the steam rose from the shower he had just made. She was finally alone with a thousand thoughts, not one making sense to the next, and surrendered to the piddling, kneading water upon her flesh as she huddled in the corner, steam caressing her every breath. Even in this desolate time, Ella still held a sun-drenched glow.

Just as her mother once told her, galaxies spun and caressed her little soul. Her long wavy strands hugged around her curvy frame and her hips echoed in the sides of her full breasts as she whimpered and slightly swayed. She kept her eyes closed and tight and just listened to nature's white noise of the pellets of water all around her as her mind fell into happier days, wild flowers clipping upon her ankles as she ran free and wild.

~Mr Kit- Sea Voyager~

 After a particularly cruel and hurtful incident Ella had with her stepfamily, she rides her horse into the nearby woods to calm herself down. She encounters a stag, fleeing from an approaching hunting party, and her horse takes off in fright while Ella clings on for dear life. Her plight is noticed by a young prince who had just returned from Portugal, he was out hunting with his men, who manages to stop her horse and introduces himself… As Kit, an "apprentice" from the palace. While Ella is charmed by the handsome stranger, whom she does not recognize as the king's son, she scolds him for hunting a helpless animal and requests that he refrain from harming the stag. While taken aback at Ella's odd request, Kit is smitten with her compassionate spirit, but is called back by his hunting party before he can learn her name.

At this time, Kit had not been too far off adventures yet, not as far as he would have liked to go… his mind was often on the next destination and what beauties that may reside beyond the sea which made his composure icy and distant. His silence terrified the people he would encounter at court, even his own men, because he was slightly unpredictable in a sense. However, it would be in this chance encounter he had with the beautiful Ella that would make him crack a smile for the first time in front of his company.

When he seized her horse, and he finally trotted them to a halt, he had examined that the tears from her eyes had seared the dirt from her tender skin, scorching away any possibility that she was not crying because she was afraid that her horse road off suddenly but that she had experienced pain elsewhere… for this reason alone, Kit was intrigued and tangled his fist around the reigns of her horse to keep her there with him just a little longer. It was also obviously clear that she had no idea who he was to have given him such a scolding.

It was refreshing and my how beautiful she was, in her pent-up frustrated state… too many of his subjects cater and now, to his every whim, he just wanted to leave to a foreign land… but here a beautiful subject on his land was completely clueless, lovely, naive, and the fairest he had ever seen. He simply could not take his eyes off her… and apparently neither could someone else.

Reluctantly, the Prince parted from the beauty as his men urged him that his father was waiting for him… since his travels he had not visited him once, nor did he really care to… but it would be this behavior of Kit’s that would give the Duke free choice to all the ladies in the land… for the eligible Kit had no true interest in any maiden or lass in his land until Ella… and this alone would cause a visit from the Duke to Ella’s stepmother. The duke was greedy… yet he was already bound by marriage to a duchess.…but that never stopped him from retrieving play things.

The prince was aware of this, but he held no interest in any of the Duke’s personal affairs. The pretty maidens came and gone like day and night. Kit was indifferent and plagued by the monarch’s need for him to marry. He definitely wanted his kingdom to be stable and had already came to terms of marriage and that it would be an empty one… one he would leave behind when he went to travel and he wanted to set sail now!!

In the carriage poor Ella was being grabbed, examined and violated by the Duke’s hands. He would tell her how filthy she was yet proceeded to lick his fingers and touch her, only to do it again, his hands grabbing her bottom and opening her flesh to see her untouched treasures. His hands groped and kneaded her young breasts until her nipples were painfully protruding, yet he never put his lips on her

All this must have been torture for the beauty and had Kit known, he would have had him killed… for even now as the day turned into night, he couldn’t take his mind off the beautiful girl that magically appeared in the forest. He wondered who she was, her lineage, her family history…

It was twilight’s hour… poor Ella arrived at the palace, her voice hoarse from crying and her pleas muffled and her body felt broken from being bound so tight and trying to struggle from the Duke’s abusive prying fingers.. which made her thankful of her bondage… but as she was untied and released into the showers she feared for her safety more so than ever and she was deeply wounded by being called such wicked demeaning names…

Kit had finished on his ship, setting it up for sail at dawn, to the greenway coast of Iceland… but first he had to shower… he reeked of seaweed and gun powder, fish funk and old leather (lol) and he too arrived at the showers, not caring which he had happened upon, he just needed one!

After roping the lines and securing the starboard sails, Kit stared into the twilight, watching the sun sink into the sea. He was out on his own voyage for a week. It was during this time that he remembered the girl in the woods, her sea blue dress, dancing in the breeze like the body of the waves, and her golden blonde hair rippled like the sea-capped turrets kissed by the sun’s last rays. There was an effervescence about the mysterious girl he had encountered. She gave Kit the same feeling he had when he was washed up on shore one early morning after having plummeted into the sea during a storm the night before. It was in those same moments that he felt he had come back to life....

And now he was here, starting into the darkness; only the sounds of the crashing waves remained.

The sound of the crashing waves was replaced by the sound of the showers, the many lines of spraying waters hitting the marble floor of the palace showers. Kit disrobed and found it refreshing to peel each sea salted plastered garment off his body and submerge himself into the mist of steam that plumed into a cloud from extreme condensation. As the world of the wild washed away his sore muscles, he could hear a faint crying.

He had heard many things in these marble showers, from arguments, heated lovemaking, forced lovemaking, and even lonely lads making love to their hands (lol), but he had never heard crying. Kit maneuvered his way through the mist, as if looking for the saddened spirit that had haunted these showers. It was soon that he happened upon the corner. The source of the crying… it was a girl; she sounded like an injured dove. She looked to be one, too, with her angelic golden hair folded over her back like the cupped wings of an angel. She was small. Why was she here? He wondered. A young girl like her doesn’t belong in the palace showers shared by all the men of this wing. If there was a girl here, she was often occupied by other ladies or even her lover.

Kit did jump to conclusions. Perhaps she was in love with one of the nobles, and their flights of fancy became disarrayed, and now the poor creature was dying of heartbreak. Kit approached her hesitantly, and laid a gentle hand on her delicate shoulder, only to flinch when she did tend to hiss and bite back. (Lol) Her yelp was ear-piercing, and she seemed to tremble all over. “You’re right!! You’re right!! I smell BAD!!” It was in that hilarious moment in time that Kit made haste and attempted to soap up every part of his brawny stature, especially the cravass of eternal stench. As he was doing so, he could see the maiden peek at him, her arms folded cross over her lovely legs, and the curtain of her hair shielded the fullness of her face. It was hard to tell which was water from the shower or which was her tears, but he was sure he saw her blink-back tears, and the slight corner of her eye smiled just a little, very little.

It was then, in the sudsy mess he was in, with soap foam covering all the right places (temporarily), that he crouched before her, attempting to peel the soft fingers of one of her hands from her body. "Please, you don’t belong in this corner. Let’s get you off the floor. Com'on… Come with me." He was sure this was one of the nobles' doings. He didn’t care who the Duke fxked or played with, but not on his time. Not during this hour, and especially not alone with someone so young.

Kit guessed this girl was just of age, with clearly no experience. He wouldn’t know this was his long-lost woodland maiden until all the dirt, soot, mud and filth washed away from her body. He lifted the weakened, shivering maiden up off her feet and carried her to the warming springs, so that perhaps upon submerging her wings, she would feel them again and come alive. The hot spring bathing pool was very warm, and it seemed almost instantly her limbs unfolded as he let her sink into the water. He wasn’t planning on staying with her until the slow reveal made his heart aware that this was, in fact, the woman from the woods.

Concern riddled his brow. Everything about her seemed to be stuck or locked into stone. What in the hell happened? He was slowly building rage, especially after seeing the many little scars on her back. His hand cupped her face, as his voice pleaded and called for her to come back. Surely she would recognize him.It's Kit. Don't you remember me? Please miss!?" And he couldn’t help himself, his lips were drawn to her. It took everything he had to not kiss her. She was so distraught, affected by memories and dazed.

~Little Dove~

Ella sat upon the marble tile, the colour of ivory snow, and welcomed the twilight that shone overhead.  The sky was murky and dotted with gray clouds gathering, telling of a storm that would soon make it descend upon the lands below. As the moon illuminated the darkening azure colours filtering along the shower walls, Ella watched the streams of water escape into the drain along the tiled floor. In her mind, she wished she was small just as the field mice in her childhood home, so she could crawl and slip down the drain and leave the castle, her lands once and for all. Since her father's passing, she felt she was slowly dimming, losing all hope, and tonight was no exception.

As the Duke laid his slimy, large hands upon her, tearing away her already tarnished clothes, she felt like a primrose from her Mama's gardens being stripped away of her petals and parts of her soul. Even in her wildest nightmares, she never thought her stepmother would go to such lengths of horrors to secure her place, her name and wealth. She couldn't stop her fluctuating, uneven breaths parting between her lips or the tears that seemed endless streaming down her porcelain cashmere skin. Ella had been brave and held courage, goodness for so long she felt she was shattering, breaking like a beautiful stained-glass mural her mother always compared her too. 

She barely registered the sounds of footsteps or the squeaking of the handle as someone entered the showers a few feet away. Or even feeling the steam misting all around her, the heat sprinkling of droplets drizzling over someone's flesh.  All she could see was the smokey mountains that surrounded her home, the earthy scents, clouds that poured over the tips and into the valleys below as the shower slowly mystified around young Ella becoming entranced, dazed in this memory as if her mind was shutting down protecting her from the horrors she knew would soon come.

Ella refused to wash earlier, feeling the dirt, gravel and blood from their lashing would serve as a reminder and perhaps keep them away, feeling she was tarnished and not worthy of their aristocratic hands. She flinched once again as Kit closed the distance between them, and she could feel her heart peppering louder than even the damning showers around her. But she would not turn away, cast her vision downwards as she braved the shrouded face of Mr. Kit, barely able to make out the reflection of tenderness deepening pools of turquoise she would have recognized at once. It was far too dark, and her mind was riddled in fear as his body, so much larger than her own, even kneeled before her seemed too over bearing, intimidating and when he attempted to curl his long rough fingers under her dainty ones she almost held away, but something about his voice and the lines she could feel upon his padding reminded her of  her father. 

The way the rope from the ships would cut along your flesh, tatter in such lengths it was almost recognizable to any seaman. A marking, veining bearing the sea's heart filled grasp as her winds would often furl, and unfurl around their clipped hands trying to mane and tighten the sails in her ravaging breaths. It was then, as she became lost in her thoughts, mind that she allowed him to raise her to her tiny feet and although fear, trembled upon her naked flesh, she curled into she sides of her masculine frame as he led her outside and she could finally see the stars, the moon glistening upon her. 

The storm had only moments before cleared and the smell of grass wafted in the air as tiny droplets captured upon the surrounding vegetation, and although she had full vantage to gazing upon this seemingly kind man at her side, she didn't dare to look afraid he may still try to claim her and this was no more than a trick. A game set upon her by the duke. Gingerly he led her deeper into the gardens in a plush enclosed field surrounded by oil lanterns pouring over the emerald strands like tears still cascading down her puffy cheeks in dusky strained black lines that curled into her swan like neck. A longing sigh released from her parting pink lips as he allowed, encouraged her tiny foot to slip into the warm bathing spring as rose petals of all colours danced, pirouetted upon the surface.

He gently uncurled his large hand fingers from her dainty one as she suddenly became aware of her nakedness and sunk instantly into the pristine steamy waters, feeling sheltered enclosed by the mist forming around her. Ella closed her eyes as she heard his footsteps slowly melt into the distance as she swam to the far end of the springs where honeysuckles, lion heads and the gently brushing of branches kissed and sheltered all around her. She knew she must leave, still escape, but the water felt so warm, soothing, and she hadn't taken a proper bath since her Papa passed away, being forced to use a bucket and bath in the outside no matter what the elements may have been.

For just a moment, she felt like the tiny princess she once was in full bloom in her mother's gardens again and barely felt the rippling of water, Kit sank into the springs besides her as her mind thoughts set her in an almost catatonic state as Kit placed his long finger beneath her chin trying to summons her to the here, now in front of her. Her eyes blinked rapidly as if in pages of a novel, her mother's fairy tales rippled in tears down her cheeks and for the first time in the entire night she was met by the boy, a man with oceanic eyes gazing upon her. Recognition, confusion peppered across her face as his eyes, fringed dark lashes fluttered as wildly as her own like two winged tips emerged in a storm, and she could feel his heated breath bathing upon her skin, as her voice, dry, frail from tears, sobbing whispered his name, "Kit?'

Tears streamed quicker upon her porcelain flesh like an old stained mirror as her dark eyes pleaded with his own, and she whispered his name once more, feeling the scratchiness upon her throat as she curled her tiny trembled finger around his single one upon her chin. Her heart sinking and rising once more as she spilled into his furry broad chest and even after his lather, all his scrubbing and fret she could still smell the secrets of the sea upon his flesh as she curled her tiny wet nose into the curl of his neck. He could feel the vibration of her quivering lips, the gentle fawn-like cries as she pulled away from his neck, her eyes shimmering brighter than even the northern lights as she peered into his deep blue sea and placed the small of her hands upon his dark dusky chest.

~Mr.Kit Sea Voyager~

Kit could hardly believe the maiden from the forest was here with him now… did she even recognize him? Why was she so full of fright and petrified to speak or move? He hardly had the nerve to ask too many questions in fear that this was perhaps all just a dream. Just like Ella, his mind played tricks on him, to keep him from reality. He was becoming of age to be wed and take up his rightful place on his throne, but he couldn’t without taking a bride first..: with his father’s growing illness, he was pressured more and more as the days passed by and to escape, Kit would go off on some meaningless voyage in hopes the earth was flat and he could simply just sail off of it.

Kit exercised his movements with the young girl with caution. Gently moving the curtain of her golden hair away from her slender shoulder as they both seemed to dance into deeper water. It was warm, calming. The springs snaked into his garden and the scent of heartsease and lavender flooded the hazy evening. The sculpted bushes and random bushes of some rare flowers dotted and framed the lazy river as they both became lost to the world. The beauty before him embodied the unfulfilled desires of every man born into the world since Adam.

She was here now with him, with such a glorious display of her body since Eve, Kit realizes in this moment that any other female would have paled like the moon in comparison to this woman, paled like the moon because she was as radiant as the sun. Kit’s pulse quickened in anticipation even as his gut knotted with dread for she has yet to open her eyes. She looked to be sleeping… and he was unable to help himself from touching her, his broad hand slowly and very softly ran downward from the delicate curve of her nape, along the length of her spine, downward to the softness of her hip where his palm rested as comfortably as his eyes rested upon her fair face… “will you not look at me?” Kit requested softly, wonderingly … his features slowly growing more saffron coloured as they were both in their birthday attire.

The waters were pristine, glimmering with the reflection of the stars and their own turquoise hue, just as pristine as the woman before him, no matter her scars, and how much he was captivated by her and her mysterious ways. His smile emerged, replacing his concern. He realized just now that this was her way. Mysterious and cryptic. She was a riddle, a riddle he hoped he could spend the rest of his life solving.

Suddenly a squat man emerged from the bath-house side door, he was ranting, raving “where is she?! Find her and bring her to my quarters!” The Duke demanded, called to his men-at-arms and looked frantically in the dirty towel hampers and waste baskets. “GRAND DOOK!? Do you mind?” Kit grunted, keeping Ella behind him. “Can I have no peace?” Grand Duke indeed, in Kit’s opinion, the man looked better suited to frolicking beneath a toadstool. “Yo yo…your Majesty!”

The Duke stammered, bowed and walked backwards, bumping into a statue, fumble in preventing it from falling and apologized profusely, knowing he had better leave and find his concubine before the prince realized he was bringing peasants into his side of the palace, which kit had scolded him for before as well as the king scolding him… “ I swear he is an imbecile ..” kit shook his head and stared at the Duke adamantly until he was out of sight, in the background he could be heard, frantically looking for his lost play thing and he was getting irate in losing her.

Kit could hear the grand Duke stomping upon the dais inside the bath house, the shadow of the bath house glass showed him raising his stubby arms in rage, his voice cracking, choking and squeaking. “An inspiration that one..” kit chuckled, turning around, the water rippling all around Ella, kit would endure her game and begin guessing.

“ we are playing Marco Polo!!” Kit acknowledged in excitement. “A Portuguese water game…” though he had never played it naked… “ you say Marco and keep your pretty as shut and I’ll chant Polo.. you try to grab me but mind you I’m without ummm… umm anything but I’m not hold it against you what you grab.. hahah..

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