03/09/2024 06:44 PM 

Siobhan (Bio)

Name: Siobhan McDougal

Gender: Cisfemale (She/Her)

Birthday: Sometime in 1512

Age: 16 y/o


Mental Health: Depression, Post-trauma and Anxiety


Birthplace: A small village located in Glasgow, Scotland


Current Place: Somewhere in the United States


Diet: Eats both meat and vegetables. 


Languages: Scottish Gaelic (Fluent), English (Fluent), Irish Gaelic (Basic)


Religion: Ex-Satanist / Atheist

Sexual Orientation: Biromantic


Species: Witch


Ethnicity: Irish/Scottish


Occupation: Works at a smoothie bar


Family: Unnamed Father (Deceased), Unnamed Mother (Deceased), Aileen (Sister, Alive), Finlay (Brother, Alive), Blaise (Brother, Alive), Hughanna (Sister, Alive), Unnamed Sister (Deceased)


Face Claim: Amybeth Mcnutly


Siobhan was the youngest of five siblings, and with being the youngest - all attention was laid on her, was a bit spoiled and loved being the centre of attention. But behind that snarky attitude, Siobhan is a kind-hearted girl who would always be there for her friends.


She did struggle making friends. From when she was four up until she was ten years old, she was mute. Her family never questioned it, but the villagers thought she was strange for not saying a word, and the children often spread rumours that she was a witch - leaving her to have hardly any friends around. With that, she was left to bond with her siblings, growing quite clingy towards them.


When her older siblings were turned into witches, Siobhan wanted to join in - mainly because she did not want to be the only one out of them that was not gifted. When she met the grey-faced man who claimed to be a demon, she was given the witch-like abilities. With her being a witch, Siobhan grew a bit cocky and thought she was better than the other villagers.


Siobhan had no intention of using her powers for evil. She wanted to use it for good, and discovered that she had nature-like abilities; plant manipulation, plant growth, and cast plant spells to those that threaten her.


The redhead was only ten years old when her and her siblings were arrested. She was placed in a prison by herself in England, and was publicly hanged on August 4th, 1527. 


Five hundred years later, Siobhan and her siblings were brought back to life into the modern era and while her siblings struggled to adjust - Siobhan loved every minute of it. She made sure she was up to date on the latest social media, taking selfies and just enjoying her second life as a witch.




Main Verse: Siobhan is enjoying the modern world, while learning to take better control of her powers. Siobhan is trying to do well in school, while helping out with her siblings by taking a part-time job as a smoothie maker at a local smoothie booth at a mall.

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