02/29/2024 07:14 PM 

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Heart  Failure
The new heart that Regina and her son had been trying to create for Graham had failed. To create a new heart was simply beyond both of their abilities and without a new heart Graham was at the mercy of fate. While he had returned to the land of the living his current heart was weak, since it had been the cause of his death previously. While he had the best medical care that modern medicine could offer it wasn't enough. At any time his heart could fail and there would be nothing to save him from having a massive heart attack and dying again.

He and Regina had received this news only a few hours ago. While it was discouraging for Graham he didn't seem to be outwardly upset about it, not like Regina. At home together they sat in the living room on the sofa. Graham was reading while Regina sat silently or at least she attempted to. Occasionally she couldn't help a soft sniffle and a quick wipe beneath her eyes. It didn't take Graham long to notice.

Turning his head to look at her he did just that, staring at her for a few moments before he finally spoke. "What's wrong?" He asked. Regina turned her head to look at him for a moment before scoffing softly and turning her head away, again wiping a few tears. "You're going to die.. and I can't stop it." She said quietly.

"Regina.." he began. "We're all gonna die one day.." he began before Regina cut him off quickly. "Right. Except your heart is going to fail you sooner or later and again you are going to.." tearing up more she frowned. "And it's my fault. It's all my fault." She said shaking her head.

"Regina I was given a chance to return. To make amends with you.. find my son... reunited with Henry and meet Adrian." He said moving to take her hands. "I was here to see the birth of our children. To know we finally had not one but two children. I've gotten to name them and know them. Even if I die tomorrow.. again... I have more than I could ever ask for. Shouldn't we make the most of whatever time we have?" He asked.

Regina knew he was right, they shouldn't be worrying and she certainly shouldn't be grieving something that hadn't happened yet however, she couldn't help but worry, she couldn't help but feel guilty. Giving her hands a gentle squeeze Graham smiled, Regina returned his smile with a weak somewhat sad smile of her own. She knew they should make the most of whatever time they had. She just couldn't stand the idea of losing him again.

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