02/13/2024 08:32 PM 

Belle's information
Category: Character Info

NAME: Princess Belle French/Gold
AGE: early or mid 20s
BUILD:Very skinny 
MOTHER:Queen Colette
FATHER:King Muraice 
FRIENDS: Ruby, Emma, Snow, David, Snow, Regina, Zelena Mr. Gold


sepending time with Mr.Gold
spending time with her friends
traveling the world
fighting for what's right
tea iced or hot
helping others
being indapendant 
writing poetry 

Being lied to
being tricked
people who harm others
being hurt
being mistreated
being gullible
being away from her friends
being weak
being told she can't do something
being dependant on others
small dark places
her health problems

Book knowledge
problem solving
knows other languages
knows some ancient langues
map knowledge 
a little bit of sword fighting
knows a little bit of magic from being tought from Rumple 
she can see good in others even when they can't see it in themselfs. 
she has the manners of a princess
she is good with childern and animals

her heath conditions that sometimes prevent her from doing things
has little to no physical strenghth 
resistance to magic

Belle does not have any magical powers, however she knows a little bit of magic from taking lessions from Rumple every now and then, Belle always carries a small knife on her and has some pepper spray and a tazier in her purse for protection when Mr.Gold is not around. 

Belle has some health issues she deals with but mostly has them under control, She has a low blood pressure disorder, a weak heart, her immuine system is shot, She has back problems from being hurt in the past and sometimes suffers from cronic pain. Ontop of her physical problems, Belle has PTSD, suffers from anixty, she is bipolar and suffers from depression every now and then. Belle is also claustrophobic and has ADHD. Due to her past, Belle has issues when it comes to trusting people because she is afraid that she is going to be hurt again. Belle also has some scars on her body from past abuse but she tries to keep them hidden because she does not want other people to know. Belle does not like dealing with doctors and despises it when she has to go to the hosptial due to how she was treated when she was locked away for 28 years. Even though she does not mind the rain, she is deathly afraid of thunder storms because it reminds her of the night her mother was killed by the ogars. 

Belle French/Gold was born three months early which caused her to suffer from health conditions since she was a child, From the time since she was a small child Belle had a very close relationship with her mother, From the time she spent with her, Belle learned a lot of things from her mother which included her love for books and helping others. Belle's father on the other hand, she was not close to, mostly because he never wanted a daughter in the first place and was very upset when Belle was born.  As Belle got older, she started to become a lot like her mother, when she was able to Belle would help the villagers and sometimes she would help random strangers she met on the roads when she was allowed to leave the palace which wasn't very often. Not long after Belle became a adult, trouble started to happen in her village, they were getting ready to go to war with the ogars that had returned due to their people being abused by her people. Even though she did not want to, Belle was forced into getting married to a man who she did not love so their kingdom would stand a chance of winning the war. Belle did not love Gaston not only was he cruel to her but she also treated others like they were beneath him. However, Belle agreed to marry him for the good of the kingdom. 

Not long before the wedding was supposed to take place, The ogars came into her kingdom and started to kill a lot of people she knew and cared about, When she and her mother were getting ready flee the kingdom, the ogars found their way into the libarary and killed her mother infront of her, At some point during the attack, Belle lost fell unconcious when she awoke she did not remember what happened but she was told that her mother had been killed while trying to protect her. Not long after the attack, Belle left The Enchanted Forest and travled to a far away land so she could regain her memories about what happened that night. While she was gone, she learned about a very poweful wizard from her land that would be able to help them win the war. Desprete to make sure her people were going to be alright, Belle called on Rumplestiltskin aka THE DARK ONE for help, little did the young princess know that his help always came with a price due to almost always involving magic, she also had no idea that her life was about to change forever.

When The Dark One arrived it turned out that he wanted Belle for his price, he did not care about money or Gold, he wanted to take the princess for his maid. When Belle heard what he wanted, she decided to be brave and accept his deal so that she could save the kingdom, she would also be free from her life at the place since no body knew what went on behind closed doors. Not long after her mother died, her father started to become abusive in more ways than one, on top of that Gaston would also harm her if she did not give him what he wanted. With that being said, Belle left her life as a princess behind and became The Dark One's maid. A few months after she started to work at The Dark Castle, Belle started to develop strong feelings for Rumplestiltskin and learned that he was not as bad as everyone said he was, he was just missunderstood and more than likely lonely since he lived alone and didn't have any famly that anyone knew of. Over time Belle got to know him and they started to fall in love. One day Belle went out to get him some straw, While she was out she ran into the Evil Queen/Regina who told her that she would be able to break The Dark One's curse with true loves kiss, however she could only do that if he loved her back. After her talk with the queen, Belle returned to The Dark Castle, Once she arrived she went to Rumplestiltskin and they had talk, he told her about his son, As Belle listened to him, she felt herself falling madly in love with him, before she knew it they were kissing. That was when things went wrong, after the kiss which was starting to work, Rumple lost his temper with her and screamed at her telling her that nobody would ever love him and that all Belle wanted to do was take away his power, which was not true, Belle did love him but he would not listen to her. After he yelled at her she was thrown into the dungon. Later that night, Rumplestiltskin came to her and told her that he did not want her anymore and to get out. After some strong words Belle left the castle with her heart broken. 

A few days after Belle left Rumple, she went on a adventure and ended up breaking a curse that was put on a prince, she also met a few new friends along the way. After she saved the prince, Belle decided that her home was with the man she loved, However before she could return to The Dark Castle, She ran into Regina who adubted her and locked her away in a tower so that she would not be able to return to Rumple. To make things Worse Regina had gone to Rumplestiltskin and told him that Belle had killed herself after being tortured. The torture part was true, but Belle had not killed herself, Regina was keeping her alive until she was ready to kill her, Regina wanted Belle to die a slow painful death. Regina tortured her for months trying to get information about The Dark One's weakness which Belle did not know, even if she did, she would not tell anyone because she was not going to let anyone harm the man she loved. Belle did not know how long she had been in there nor did she know about the curse, all she knew was she went to sleep in her cell one night then woke up in a place she had never been to before. She was in a town called Storybrooke. however, Belle did not know a thing about the town because she was locked away in a secret mental hosptial. 

Even though she did not remember her past life, her life was not any better in the physic ward, She was horribly misstreated, kept locked in a room which was more like a cell. The people who worked there hardly fed her, they kept her drugged up on medicine and injected her with a odd liquid, they also gave her sock treament therapy. Belle did not know anyone who was there and nobody ever came to see her besides a woman who had short black hair and looked at her like she hated Belle. Belle did not know how long she was in there or what she did to be put in a place like this. Even though she was harmed and became ill, she somehow manged to stay alive. Just when she was about to give up hope she was found by Rumplestiltskin or Mr. Gold. He had been tipped off by one of his buniness partners who knew who Belle was and more importantly alive. Sadly Belle did not know who the man who saved her was, he however rememebered Belle, before Belle knew it she was staying with the man that everyone in town feared and was under his protection. For the first few months, Belle was hidden away at Gold's home or at the shop for her protection. Just as Belle was getting to know the man who more than likely saved her life, the Curse broke and Belle suddenly remembered everything, including who Mr.Gold was. 

At first Belle was not  sure what to think when she saw Rumple because she thought that he did not want anything to do with her, Belle did not realize it until now but she loved him and when she told him how she felt he told her that he loved her as well. From that day on Belle lived with Gold and was soon known as his girfriend. Even though Belle knew the type of man that he was and what he had done in the past, Belle does not judge him, she loves and accepts him for who he is. Belle may not always approve of what he does or says sometimes but she would never leave him. Even though their relationship can be rough at times, they always seem to make it though whatever comes their way. Now that Belle was able to make a fresh start and is finally free from the one's who had harmed her, Belle now owns and runs the town library and sometimes helps Gold in the shop, she also occasionaly helps at the animal school and has recently started to baby sit some of the kids in town. Even though Belle suffers from medical conditions she does not let them stop her from living her life and doing what she wants to do, Belle has her good and bad day's but knows she is not alone, When she is not busy working, volinteering. or babysitting she is spending time with her boyfriend or hanging out with her close friends. Due to her love of Books, Belle can usually be found with her nose in a book. 


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