02/08/2024 02:51 PM 

Guidelines for RPing with me
Category: Guidelines

If wanting to rp with me or any of my characters, I ask that you please read and acknowledge. They aren't much, I'm simply getting tired of repeating myself continually. I'll respect your character/mun as long as you respect me and mine.

1. I won't accept any noncanon children unless planned ahead of time. I'm more than welcoming to OC's, I simply follow canon where offspring are concerned. 

2. Please be descriptive, literate and use punctuation the best that you can. I understand not everyone speaks english, but I ask that you do your best as it helps me to remain in character and the flow of conversation. 

3. I will only rp with those over 18 as I am over 30, myself. The only flirting, sexual content, etc is with someone I have spoken to ahead of time that may be/is a LI. 

4. I don't expect everyone to be on every day as I, myself have off days and work. But I do ask that if you'll be gone for more than a month to at least drop me a line and say you'll be back as soon as you can. I won't rush anyone to reply as long as we can communicate. COMMUNICATION IS KEY AND THE MOST IMPORTANT TO ME.
- - - If you can do this small thing for me, I'm willing to wait as long as needed and you won't get deleted.

5. I'm the most open person you'll ever meet, so again as long as you communicate with me, I'm willing to talk any issue out. Even if I've done something wrong, please tell me. I'm someone who likes to learn from their mistakes.

6. As for the subject of OC's, I'm all for them as I have a few myself that I'm rather proud of.

7. I'm open to crossovers as long as they have relevance to the verse of ouat (Merlin, GoT, any show with magic, lore, etc.) NO COMIC verses

This is all I have for now. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I'm not trying to be. I promise. I'm a pretty cool person as long as you respect me. I'll warn you though, the moment I'm disrespected I have no issue deleting you. Again, please comment that you've read.

Thank you for reading! I hope we can have tons of fun!

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