10/28/2023 01:52 PM 


Luthien's Love For Her Father- Unwavering

Her father often spoke to her when she was a mere child, long before Beren. Of the stars, constellations and their deeper guiding meanings. He said they were not just sugary breaths, glinting in the onyx canvas above, but the eyes of the Valar all watching the inhabitants below. Often guiding a broken warrior, or wander home who strayed too far. Other times they would serve as a place to speak of our secrets and wisp filled hopes when we needed the lithe spirit to fill our own. In these moments, he would gaze down upon his lovely daughter, love emulating in his soft gentle eyes, A visage of a life well lived, seeing many chapters, souls, but this look was only for his daughter and lovely wife.

He knew from the time his daughter was born she would soar along Manwe's eagles to other lands and shores. Her vanguard heart stemmed from his own and her mother's bravery in her bones. She was a braiding of the two. A perfect kaleidoscope of the best of all they were. He taught her the mapping of the stars with this sole purpose, so she could compass her way back to him if she ever traveled too far. Luthien loved her Papa very much and cherished these quiet moments with him and often fell asleep in his arms. There was not another man, elven or otherwise, until Lord Beren that would claim her heart, or she would hold to the equivalency of her father's guiding soul.

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