10/19/2023 08:39 PM 

JJ Winchester-Kiss My eyes to Sleep Drabbles

JJ Winchester-Kiss My Eyes To Sleep Drabbles

So the beginning of my tale all started with the birth of me and my twin brother Dean to our parents Mary and John Winchester. It wasn’t a mystery to anyone that they were deeply and madly in love with each other even to this day as we stand solid the winchester legacy. Some may say this be a journal entry similar to how our father writes in one but I am not sure as it could be many things. It’s interesting as I look at this now that this experience has made me stronger in ways that I am able to help my family. But in truth some of these experiences that I never wish on anyone especially a child. You must realize that nothing is ever simple or just child’s play. When we the winchester twins were born that both archangels and demons saw our birth. Time travel or alternate dimensions can happen so the heavens and hells from any world or dimension knew of us even if we were just a twinkle in our mother’s eye. It all started with us and our parents as it wasn’t just simple as archangels and higher level demons who work for Lucifer took interest to see about our family. *Breathes out like smoke as he keeps writing* Some may think oh everything started with Azareal taking interest in Mom and sammy. I remember because after mama was killed that papa told me and dean what we needed to know about azreal encounters with our parents and deals having been made but not only him but also with archangels michael and lucifer before we were born. Visions in my head that I have always had since before the experimentation on me started as I was always considered gifted. Both me and dean were gifted in ways too that we may just not understand as we both are highly skilled too. It’s not really pain knowing that they would choose to burden this on a child but sometimes the way someone who is rogue and from another dimension thinks can be surprising as their alias including how they can still have a heart as they run their child captive through the grinder in a sense. The first thing that they did was hooked up an IV of blood mixture. I would have asked questions but how can a child do that when their vocal cords have been severed. it wasn’t just a mattered of the possibility not being able to talk or have a voice at all. As I close my eyes I can still see and hear all my surroundings as I adapted in order to survive. If I got rescued and returned to my family but it maybe awhile as they kinda hid me in the depths of hell. Mama was running the other way with me that night as she wanted to make sure I was safe and secure. Safety in a sense didn’t happen as I remember Mama being on the ceiling as Dean took Sammy to safety as the fire was gonna break out. I knew it wasn’t that my brothers were more important than me because papa tried to reach for me after he tried to rescue mama from axareal’s deadly fire. I had watched as for that moment my family was lost but truth be know sometimes what is most important stays in your heart. The first thing I recall after the deadly fire not to mention that I was forced to watch with tears blotching my young face was my first experience with death and not saying just because i lost the experience that i had never felt before now. as the day it started with witnesses Mama being tortured before my eyes. I still can see her expression including her tears as she loved us all and was a lost we didn’t expect. After the fire incident that I remember sitting on what looked like a gurney in a hospital. My young little heart felt like it was gonna drop a mile as I witnessed the appearance of both archangels Michael and Lucifer. This could also possibly get into biblical porptations never seen before. Michael had dad’s youthful appearance at times but he also showed the looks of dean and I in future appearance. The blood from the IV started trickle in my young veins as I was a mere child. The effects from the blood were not the only thing that occurred as I am not sure if it was another time period or if it was in the depths of purgatory or hell but I was literally ripped in pieces by hellhounds and vampires as part of this experience experiment that they wanted to know if a child could live through a period of torture with hellhounds and vampires. They started to call it the Peter Pan experience because each time I was killed and then resurrected that I retained my eternal child including the youthful ness inside my soul. *Blinks eyes as he waits a moment thinking if he should tell details* It’s a matter as we still on the beginning of realizing that watching mine and my brother’s mother die before my young eyes that it would always stick with me. A fight that I would realize at times wasn’t just a fight on my own. Though there are moments it was just my fight as I was alone but not just by choice. See this could be considered twisted and warp as people always have to bring up the facts which are true in vampire experiences that if they drain you then you are dead no heartbeat or soul. It brings some scary laughter because the experience is different and unique as I had some gypsies tell me about a vampire who is cursed with his soul and fights for the power of be. Some heroes and warriors are built when they are just children as they are a silent predator and deadly. Time is an essence that is slow down as you can see it when tramua occurs and I know that I still have to tell you the first experiment on subject Johnnthan James Eric Winchester as his age is almost we are figuring around almost 5-6 years old. It’s funny as the thoughts of when Mary always told the boys that angels were watching over them. Two archangels were watching as vampires tore into his young flesh as they figure oh it’s an easy kill but no that wan’t the case as even the hellhounds couldn’t kill the young winchester who was holding on for life by a thread. The Archangel Michael was from a world where both angels and demons worked together as Heaven and hell weren’t separated in the tasks they performed. It was a world where the archangel michael gave his own breathe of life he gave as he made his own special children as he always believed in a huge army of special beings…See this may possibly be where Azareal caught the idea of special children in this world. It goes beyond imagination or dreams as what occurred was never expected as let the secret be know that I was believed to be dead after being a vampire and hellhound chewtoy. Life was there when it was unexpected as both the vampires and hellhounds thought I was gone but my heartbeat and breathe which are shown are signs of life…..to be continued….

Signs of life can be evidence of many things including these tales of my beginnings or should we say re-beginnings. I am gonna say this that there are versions of the Archangel Michael are the same because the one thing he has done is helped me with my training and make sure that I am able to regenerate myself when I die or am hurt. Though I am gonna let the truth be known that it hurts to regrow a limb when it’s severed in a fight. I am able to take certain risks in battle that others have to be cautious about to stay alive and survive. I remember like it was just occurring to me when I was laying on that table and the IV’s going through my veins as they knew I could not move as I had so many broken limbs that they could have healed by the angel grace but they chose in this experiment to do it in a slower fashion of healing. No I will make a note that Lucifer is more cruel in his mannerisms as that can be said about Azareal too as the work done on me that when Michael did experiments that his were more magical in the archangel code book as there was no doubt there. He was trying to do right including the experiments as he was stepping into os’s shoes to help make a better world. Though Michael was making an army not only for himself but for god and his brothers that is one thing true that Lucifer was more selfish than Michael. A lot of factors went into how the experiments especially on Johnny-James were planned. If I was able to holler and scream than that would mean that someone could hear my voice so the plan was discovered that it was better to temporarily silence my voice. A slienced voice can only be healed in two fashions with one using angel grace or using vampire blood as a healing tool. The one sense that was most used besides the use of the eyes was your voice. If you can’t be heard then it will be silence. Slience is golden if you are a vampire or hellhound tearing into a pound of young flesh that could not escape. These vampires only had two fangs not a whole mouthful of fangs as that is like a leviathan when you think of those type vampires. See I will say again so that it’s clear because I know I have fangs and eternal youth and beauty along with the bloodlust but I am not a vampire as experimentation can do things to a person’s genetic makeup. Genes are more than one cell so why not let the archangels play as one child won’t be a loss but in reality what occurred with all their experiments is a launch of a new type of child. I call it the Peter Pan experiment…… See the archangels and the demons even as young as I was didn’t doubt as they knew The Winchester bloodline is born from a fighter race as we are connected to both the Archangel Michael and Cain. Michael chose me because he knew our bloodline even before me and Dean were born. This was way before Sammy as it started with our parents. A bloodline of warriors and see that is one thing both Michael and Lucifer wanted was an army of warriors. All of this is important to realize I hope that Azareal wasn’t the first one to make a special child army…..So much to be told but will leave it here for now……

I close my eyes but I could still see that destiny was there but my visions were and are very vivid to the core of my soul as I have always had them as they started after mama was killed and taken from us by Azareal but I don’t think he alone was responsible for her death. As I lay here on this hospital gurney that I realize how uniquie my visions are as I can see both forwards and backwards. I remember that night as I had walked in with dean as were gonna say night to Sammy as mama was putting him to bed in his little crib. Dean was running to Papa after he had given Sammy kiss goodnight with Mama’s help. Nothing can be done by a small child without help from a loving and caring parent. Thoughts racing through my six year old mind and it wasn’t just fear or because I was a small child. It was far more than you average child ever would experience or known. Things that a child would not know or should especially an observant child. High Intelligence that runs through the Winchester bloodline as both Papa and Mama told both me and Dean that so that we would know. The fear of being alone was present because I knew that I had been taken from my family but I also knew how Papa was that I would be rescued. I was young but I was strong and a fighter as it was in my bloodline and bloodstream from our parents directly. I know that I am going backwards some as I talk but memories are either forwards or backwards especially in a photographic memory. I know that I am gonna remember all of this including how they damaged me including my voice. The figure standing over me trying to pin me to the gurney so that I can not escape this torture. The thing is I think they underestimate our family not talking about the archangels as they are heavenly beings after all including both Lucifer and Azareal even though they fell out of heaven and down to earth. You have got to understand as everyone has motives to their actions and so did this Archangel Michael from another universe as he believed that he was doing the right decision to help God make an army of special children. His intentions aren’t the same as Lucifer and Azareal as Archangel Michael has always been about protecting his father’s works…. As I lay here on this gurney as they had managed to get me tied down but I did give some black eyes and blood lost for being only six year old. My parents would be proud of me including this fear I have it’s not normal fear as I am not sure how to explain it in words. The IV is dripping and there is more than one Iv going into my bloodstream. Being as young as I was that didn’t understand drugs but knew that they were putting them in my system too through the IV. Thoughts flooded my mind as I laid there though my vision wasn’t clear but I could see three to four bags of blood connected to the ins that were in both my arms….I could also see both archangel michael & archangel lucifer watching through a two way mirror as they were monitoring me. My breathing was shallow and for a time I could see my limbs bloody and torn but I was alive which I didn’t understand how it was possible. The Hellhounds were still sitting there watching as I bled out but I was deeply in shock too as I watched as my limbs started to regrow on their own ability as I laid their on the gurney. It surprised me as for I remember as the hellhounds just moments earlier had torn my arm limbs and also my leg limbs pulling and tearing them away from my body. I had the tears down my face that were bloody to as it had all occurred that my thoughts were “Oh no I am never gonna walk again….or ever speak using my voice again…” I didn’t understand at the time as I knew that they didn’t want me to calling for help. but there is a way to bring back my voice a cure of such as you can either use vampire blood or the grace an angel to restore the vocal cords for a time….No cure it seems is a permeant cure but the cures help that is truth to be known…..to be continued….. .  

The saying is that things happen for a reason but it still doesn’t explain getting bit by vampires and hellhounds for a child. Lots of people are probably wondering how does a child survive such trauma as the same can be said for a child losing it’s family and how search for that long lost family of theirs.Amusement you can say that my captors have that as they didn’t stop the vampires or the hellhounds from biting and tearing me apart. I’m not sure how to explain but lying on this hospital gurney that I know factors are more then just being bitten by a vampire as I was also injected with vampire blood. The moments I laid there on the hospital gurney as the hounds sat there watching me as I bled out from the numerous bites. The blood flowed out as my arms and legs regrew after the hellhounds had torn the flesh from my child bones. I the conflicted chosen winchester was a chew toy for these hounds for how long I didn’t know but I knew death was there watching but I wasn’t dead either. I wasn’t exactly sure as I knew my heart was beating as I could hear it but I knew too my captors were doing something to me….My thoughts as I laid there were about our father and my brothers as we were all still grieving over the lost of our mother Mary Winchester who was also our father’s beloved wife. Family that I always knew was an important trait to have as well as loyalty because that is how our parents brought us up to have family values and morals. The real me as there are times when I am laying here quietly after being tortured that I wonder who I am but in my mind’s eye that I am always reminded that I am forever a Winchester no matter what is done to me. I knew the voice I was hearing was our mother Mary Winchester as I remember her voice and how she sounded. The words that I kept repeating in my head were our father John Winchester though Mama too use to tell us when we were younger to always remember we are part of the Winchester legacy. The IV that was running through my veins contains not just my blood type but also vampire/demon and angel blood. It was quite a given mixture as usually vampire blood would make you undead but no for me the circumstances were much differently. As a child they had to explain this to me as I would not just understand it on my own. As I was alive with a faint heartbeat that I had always had as that is how I described my own heartbeat because I could not pronounce the big words to describe what was a matter with my heart. Yes I was alive but these different bloods were becoming part of my genetic dna as I knew who was behind it mostly as they told me with their own mouths. So no it true that knowledge has to be learned and I would definiatly say that being experimented on is a learning experience. This blood in my veins was both new and old but also mine and not mine. Eternal youth like Peter Pan came to my mind as I laid there on the hospital Gurney with the hounds of hell watching my every move. This place where I was as I could tell with my mind’s eye that it wasn’t your normal, average hospital because normal hospitals didn’t have hellhounds, archangels,demons or vampires watching you……..

Johnny was on the side of the road as he was tracking something that was either losing blood or dragging a body down. It wasn’t like a normal hunter was tracking the blood loss because Johnny could smell the fresh blood that was tempting his senses. He shook his head as he had to maintain and control his hunger. The night’s air was crisp and clean as you could tell how the soil of the ground had been raining. His senses were keen like a wolf. It was hard to explain what he was exactly but he was excellent at tracking like a blood hound. He had to keep control of his senses because if he didn’t then things could get dangerous. He slowly raised from the ground wondering who had lost blood because it was a good amount of blood loose for anyone. It took him back to the first days when he realized what was going on as he didn’t just have a heavenly audience as well as hell watching the whole experimentation with him that human population. This made his trauma worse as he didn’t want to be a social show for his onlookers from heaven, hell & humankind. He shook his head as he laid there on the gurney it was the facts that struck him like bricks as he was having visions of himself a bit of when he was a teen and tracking something along the road.It was intensified as he knew he was just a mere boy at the moment that didn’t have anyone with him true family. Family he was missing at the moment as he felt like he was dying numerous times over and over. Repeative was not bad but he needed an explanation to of what was happening to him and to where he was as he knew it was like a hospital but then other that he didn’t know. It seemed as though every moment that he may get to stay alive that he was being used to test another possible death serum that his onlookers could dream to think of. Meanwhile in a hotel room you could see a young father with a young boy and a baby. The young boy was watching his father change his younger brother but the father could see in the young boy’s eyes the longing for his missing twin and for the boy’s mother.The young father had maps on the table ever since his twin son had been taken the night his wife had been taken away from his family. The young father had vowed to track down the yellow eyed fiend who had disrupted his young family lives……


T he young father watched as his baby son sleeted that he watched his other son as he sat in front of the television drawing a picture. The picture brought tears to the young father’s eyes as he saw all his son had drew. It contained their entire family including his wife Mary who also was the mother of his boys and his missing son who was named after him exclusively. They were all together and a happy family which was still true even though he lost Mary if he recovered Johnny-James then they be all together again a family.


Family was extremely important as it had always been set that way before the family had children as it had been set through years and centuries the Winchester Saga Vaules & Morals. Now the young father had to figure out how to locate his missing son and gain as you can call it redemption or vengeance what he needed to justify against the monster who had burned and slaughtered his wife in front of his and his sons eyes. The young father would have to research the monster’s moves and where his missing was located at.

As the scene with the young family changes you see a young boy who appears to be in an arena stadium. You could also see in the distance the hospital where the boy had been but the onlookers were not visible to the boy’s sight this time. He wasn’t not sure how much time had passed but he thinks it might have been months since he had been taken from his family. He was able to stand and he was thinking of escaping but he could hear noises and growls in the shadows. He wasn’t completely clear as he felt like if his vision was blurry. His thoughts were too as what was gonna occur next. Visions of red kept coming to him as to what was gonna happen to him this time.

His breathing and pulse was like nothing he had experience before in his body as it felt like his heart was jumping out of his body. He hadn’t really slept in days as he had sleep disorders but it didn’t appear that his onlookers were concerned about his sleep disorders. He shook his head and no he wasn’t older from when he was taken as when everything happened that he knew that their birthday was coming . He and Dean were looking forward to it as they were gonna have a Batman birthday party. But as the young boy’s heart sank in his chest he knew things in their lives were changing and he couldn’t say if it was for the bad or for the good of their lives. An option that he knew in his heart was the fact that he needed his family.

Some could do without family but for this family it didn’t end there as they were stronger together as a family. There was a lot on the young boy’s mind and it wasn’t like he could just walk up to a police officer and be taken back to his family. He could still hear the knawing and growling noises which were distance for he didn’t know how long it would be before they were closer to him. He watched as various weapons appeared before his eyes. Choices and chances like poker seemed to be appearing and reappearing in his life. His next moments he wasn’t sure if truth death was coming when then they resurrected you back to life. He himself could make things appear but his strength at the moment was weak so he knew that the Archangel Michael was helping him by giving him weapons to fight the monsters and hellhounds that would be coming for him once again…..

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