10/16/2023 03:49 PM 

Luthien & Thingol

A daughter Promise- Luthien & King Thingol

A marriage that was almost to be.

Before Beren


"Tinuviel always had a wild, spirited heart and a vanguard soul that dreamed much bigger than the land she was born and the fire she would hold. " Thingol of his daughter

It was an early misty morn as the spirits from the night before still clung to the silver of the moon. The horizon was barely light as crimson, tangerines speckled in the lower parts of the sky but still laid blanketed under a velvety ebony loom. It was the night before that her father, King Thingol would enter the little elvens room with her mother drifting in the shadows, hands clasped in front of the hemming of her dress. She was always happy to see him and kneeled up all at once, a warm spill perching her red berry lips and a look of love gleaming in her almond violet eyes that you could never erase.

He had informed her of a boy in the nearby village that would soon take his father's throne, his Papa was gravely ill, and their lands were not as protected or well known. Normally, he would never impose or ask his daughter for such a sacrifice. But he knew the family rather well and grew up with the boy's father in his younger days when sword play and riding horses were just a means for fun. Not such as now, when you raised a sword it was with a warrior's heart that strummed. Tinuviel began to fret as she swayed nervously over the bed and her eyes became the equivalent of drowning violets sinking in the rich dark sand.

She knew what he would say as her heart and pulse quickened upon her ample breast, and her mother fell to her side at once, seeing her young daughter growing fear and fret. "But Papa, you promised me! When I was just a young child, that I would choose who I wed! Your only want and desire is that he be an elven from our village instead! I do not know this boy, nor heard of his name before you entered my room! How do I explain to my on heart and make sense to what I see as my impending doom! " Tears spilled over at once upon the bridge of her puffy reddening lips, and she poured into her mother's breast, sobbing as her small fingers tried to swipe them away between her squeaking, whimpered sorrowful fits- Thingol slowly approached his young daughter her raven locks covering her cheeks as cool and luminescence as snow and placed his large hand upon her shoulders, curling his fingers in her lush strands. "I know what I said my dear Luthien and you know I always hold to my words. I would never impose such an act upon you unless I thought happiness would one day fill your soul. Sometimes, as King, we must not just look at the path that is right ahead. We must be able to see across the miles and miles of lands beyond the stretch. I came to this news many days ago and was keeping it in counsel and my thoughts, "-nodding to her mother- "And it is not only my wish that you carry this burden but your mother's burning heart. " His words haunted her mind even though they were just now leaving his lips, and she looked at her mother between her thatchel of long dark strands, that covered and curtained the little elven where she was seeking solace from her father's gentle demand. "Mama, please, "-her lips began to quiver, and she had to swallow back her tears- "Tell me it is not true that you are in agreement with such a harsh deed for me to carry for the rest of my years?"

"I never wanted this, this title or crown or the bearings it would simply bring. I just want to live in happiness, peace Mama, and go to the forest and sing." Luthien then fell to her knee's slipping gently off the bed, her long flowing hushed blue chemise winged around her like an angel's delicate feathery breath and tugged upon her father's hem of his fitted elven pants- "Father, I never disobeyed or challenged a word you have ever held or said. You have trusted me more than some of your own counsel even at my tender age of seventeen, and had me listening in the shadows in state affairs on many occasions and seeking more so my words, thoughts instead." She gazed at the floor, tears spilling like ran and puddled in an almost half heart, and she could see her reflection looking back into her violet eyes and fleeting heart. All the dreams of travel, adventure's and a love that would consume her soul, she could see scattering away with parts of herself and rippling off her soul. "Please reconsider, do not make me do this, I beg you on this fated night. Even the stars outside have dimmed, hearing your words on this dreadful night. " Her own words weakened her as she slumped like a fading rose into the ground and her father knelt eye to eye with his daughter, placing the tip of his finger under her chin, so she would look into his dark eyes knowing the love he had- "I do not wish to ask you such a favor to see your sorrowful such as this, "-sighing shaking her head- "I only ask you consider my charge and at least met the boy instead? This I am willing to compromise as I remember the promise I had made, and I never fully go back on my words as I plan to take them all to my very grave." A tiny light, glimmer emerged in Luthien's gentle soul, and a smile placed upon her rosebud lips and eyes, and she held him deep in her arms. "Le hanna, Papa, thank you for this, I will follow you tomorrow to these lands, and meet the elven in question and see if I can look to him with a loving hand."

The next morning she arose early, much earlier than her father had requested, and wearing nothing more than her chemise, gathered some herbs, spice and dotted her tiny fingers into the rich lush sand. She was wiling to at least try to have an open heart for her father's harsh request. But during the night as she slept, and dreamed it was the eyes, she would later come to know as Beren's she saw instead. They haunted her, the water oak tree depth and rich undertones of the earth. His skin would read like braille upon hers and his lips as plump as two shells. She even heard his heart pumping upon her sleepy sugar breathe and woke up gasping, panting and clutched her small hands over her heart knowing it was more than a dream, but her future love instead. Somewhere deep in the heart of Beren even though he did not know her or her lands. He must have felt a tugging, a tear across his fated seal. Luthien was so upset, moved, and didn't know what to make of such a vision. For she did not see elvish ears upon him or clear, pristine elven skin. So she took outside the palace in the barely light morning sky and swashed her tiny legs, and toes into the deepening streams in the back by the rose vines.


It was a place she often came to in her deepening thoughts or hymns. When she felt she herself needed guidance in her young elven ways and whims. A lily pad shone like a speckled star along the diamond crusted waving stream, and she placed her offerings to Kementari, mother of the earth upon the cool waters of the stream. She almost lost concentration as a peculiar frog croaked and gazed his head to the side and being the young playful lass she was, she stuck out her tongue and gave him a fright. Gasping, placing the small of her hands, her tiny fingers splayed across her puffy lips- "Oh my, forgive me, I need not cause you a fright. It was you who interrupted me, you see, instead. I need to concentrate, my gurgling friend now go! Flicker! Hop away from my sight! I am in desperate need of guidance, you see, and I need not a soul in my sight. " -giggling, whispering- "Even a cute one like your Kermit!" -winks- Closing her eyes, the cool water hugged and kissed mistily over her thighs as she spoke gently to Kementari from her heart's flow with all she felt in her own- "I seek you Kementari, mother goddess in the visions I feel you brought. I have always been an obedient daughter and a faithful servant in my lands of Doriath. But my heart is heavy, my visions clouded, and it's a mortal that I see. Could I be wrong, mother goddess? Is this just my feverish soul curious of other kin and lands I wish to know and see?" When she finished, she took her finger and placed it on the tiny candle wick and, with all of her heart and pouring of soul, it was lite in almost a single breath. She pushed the lily pad away and into the deeper parts of the stream, in hopes her heart, her guidance would come before she made the trip with her father on his trusted steed.

Her father was already up by the time she appeared back home and had a inquisitive, questionable look, gazing at his young daughter splashing in the doorway, her toes covered in sot and gook. "Luthien, "-her sighed and shook his head as his long fingers dragged across his face- "In all the years of being your father I learned never to ask about your state, "-chuckling- "Especially when you come through the doors when the morning star has not graced her petal glow and covers in dirt, soil rich deep in your toes!" -flares his hands in an almost gasping look- "I will not pretend to know what you're up to, but as I can see the gold ribbon below the horizon, if we do not leave in a few more minutes we will be late. I shall not lie! So go change my daughter and hurry, no fret! You future betrothed, he awaits!" Luthien nearly fell, stumbled forth as his words caused her heart to merely ache. But she did what she asked and changed right and quick, and they started their journey to the next village of kin, but as they drew closer, and she could see the peering purple sway of their elven crest from their ancestor's descent, her tiny legs began to shake, and she felt a quivering in her soul and the steed in which she was perched upon began to hiss in his horses grumbling tone. Suddenly and without much of a morning, the trusted mare turned away from the elven King and rode like fire, darting across the fields into valleys away from the sight of her father's screaming ring. Tinuviel laced her tiny fingers around the nape of the horsed lush mane and neck as she bounced hard up and down upon him. She nearly screeched from the pain it brought and began to weep and weep.

It was a vast open field where great ents stood curtaining over the mossy boulders and emerald strands below. Tiny animals of all kinds fluttered, hoped, all around her as if they knew. Bee's and dragon flies caught the glint of the sun as it sparkled through the ribbon of branches above, and the tussling of leaves played in chorus simmering the heart of both elven and horse. The horse took to his knee's knowing the tiny elven could not venture off of him alone as she slid down the edges of his neck lie a stairwell, and he hissed as her dainty feet touched the velvety grass. The valley was beautiful, pulled someplace from deep in her dreams as spirits in the form of ivory vapors danced between the shadows and tree's. Luthien, giggled and spun in circles and placed her crown upon the ground and in the distance she could see a glowing vine caged in front of a bark rooted in the ground. As she approached she angled her cherub face and her eyes burned curiously, violet hues swept away in a storm, swirling in her wishes and answers in the form of butterflies caged near the tree




Butterflies she was taught as a child from her mother Melian were the spirits of fairies who passed to other realms. The butterflies would carry their souls to the next as their lives here withered into the ground. Like all life, nothing truly dies that ever truly lived and upon their wings answers were engraved by the very hands of Kementari it was said. Luthien's heart fluttered faster and as bright as the colours on their silvery backs, and knelt besides the tiny cage and unhitched the little clasp. They sparkled flew and kissed along her cheeks, causing quite a stir as she giggled and watched them rise high above the branches and the tallest of the ents they held. Her eyes were wide and shone in a violet haze shimmering in a thousand stars for she knew her wishes, prays had been answered by the mother goddess to have taken such a form. Luthien then stood up and dusted off her garnet gown her father had asked her to wear, and approached Midnight, the trusted steed that brought her to this forest depth. "You knew, didn't you?" She mused in awe and feed him a sugar cube she always kept in her pockets, for it wasn't just the horses that ravished in such treats but also the sweet pallet of the elvens heart.


"We must return home Midnight." she spoke gently his very name as he bent his head to the ground once more and allowed her to climb upon her stoic frame. When she returned home, she shivered in fear, worried to seeing disappointment in her father's eyes. But as she entered their palace once more, he was standing in the center of the room with his arms opened, drizzled in such warmth. Luthien, whimpered, sprinted, ran across the room into her father's arms and his heavy hand sprinkled upon her like moon beams grazing over her lush dark woven strands. He could feel her trembled heart fluttering even through the layers of her garments, so he spoke gently to his daughter in velvety breaths to soothe her young fretting heart. " I was upset, my dear daughter, at first when I trampled like fire through these doors. But your mother came out of her shadows with such delicacy, and wisdom in her voice. She told me she saw you in the early morning hours and in the stream knee-deep, and she knew it was the counsel of goddess mother you were seeking and could see the sincerity in your depth. " He pulled her out of his arms and chest and wiped away the tears spilling from her eyes- "You see, Luthien I cannot argue with the wisdom of the heavens abide. So I will not force you into this marriage, arrangement, but I only ask you choose an elven man. This will please my heart, dear one, and it's the only thing I shall ask. " Luthien nodded and squeezed him tight before she ran off with newly tears formed, for she knew her visions were not of an elven man but a mortal who was spiriting in her heart...

It was less than a mere month later that Tinuviel had to say goodbye to her brave knighted horse, and she felt utterly responsible because it was through her destiny his veins were spoiled. His heart gave out, and he took his last breaths under a wolves ivory moon and a dusting of stars, as she could see each one glimmer in his name from mother goddesses lips like a song. If only, if only she had been strong enough and told her father a clear no. Then perhaps Kementari wouldn't of had to have to steer the poor stud into the valleys beyond her father's hand. Tinuviel had the carpenters prepare the finest boat made from the sacred whispering willow behind their palace home, and as they laid his lifeless form over the wood, another steed was born. She placed her starry flowers that bloomed when she was born eighteens years prior and kissed for one last time his silken strands and sailed him away in the gentle moonlight. The elven archers raised their bows and gave him an honorable farewell. No one in their kin or even father truly understood why Luthien insisted on all this, even still. In her long tousle locks there is a thin braiding of hair that she cleverly laced and weaved with Midnight's in her silken flowing strands. When she would at last met and wed her love, she would cut a piece from her locks and braid it to his to keep him safe and Midnight's spirit would live on.



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