10/16/2023 03:39 PM 

Lord Beren-WildOfHisEyes
Current mood:  amorous

Twilight blanketed over the lands as the starry eyed children began to awaken and gleam. Their radiance sparkled like rising treasure over the lake outside their cottage, reflecting the vastness of the sky. Guppies rose their heads up and took in their final breaths before slumber time and frogs who had been leaping and gathering food for their young nestled in their lily pads tucking in their slippery ones for the night.

Tinuviel just sat upon a wooden stool that Beren had hand carved just for the princess and gathered an assortment of flowers, so she could make the paints she needed and colour the blank canvas before her in whichever direction her heart would lead

Tonight, her heart longed to paint him. The wildness of his eyes as she recalled a moment from her youth and the only time in her life that she disobeyed her father. King Thingol wanted Luthien to marry a elven boy from a neighboring town near Doriath. He did not demand it, nor push, but she still felt the guilt for not wanting to follow this path. Confusion, shame peppered along her heart and she sought the guidance of Yavanna under the grand moon as speckles of crystallized beams shimmered over the lake's pristine surface, revealing what she would later know to be Beren's dark braided spools.

When they finally met, on a late summer afternoon as the morning star yawned in the distance horizon, she knew at once as her heart beat an unfamiliar path and her pulse followed the verses of his song in a silent knowing or cry. 

His was playful, unruly and somewhat of a brat, and she knew he was not used to being challenged by a woman, let alone an elven. But fear, intrigue and curiosity kept her resisting his charms until they finally settled in the other's arms gazing at constellations as Beren told her tales of his travels and misty long-lost roads.

Yes, tonight she would draw his eyes. Just as they were first revealed to her, and maybe he would see all that she did within his heart, soul and understand her love.


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