12/08/2022 09:01 PM 

1x1 with Robert Miller
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Robert Miller

World to Explore: Not specified

“Ya know ya in’t the first person t’say that right ?? Not every town gotta Batman.” She wasn’t explaining it again, if he wanted to be so obvious and make those mistakes, Harley wasn’t going to correct him. That wasn’t her place. She’d just watch his world fall apart with popcorn at a later point, because he’d be taken down at some point – somehow – that was always part of the game here.

“If yas enjoy the game, the GCPD ain’t all that smart. There’s one or two ya gotta watch out for. The rest of the pigs would lose their tails if they had ‘em. But don’t judge ‘em too harshly ya still gotta keep an eye out.” She glanced at the bag in his hand after her comment and stifled a giggle. “Pun not intended but we’ll go with it.”

His egotistical words were lost on her, he could think what he wanted about himself, the city would test him and would come to it’s own conclusion, which usually ended with the key to his Arkham cell being thrown away. “As long as I’m not on your radar right now.” She mused with a small smile.

“I’m just sayin’ between Pengy, Falconey, Mista’ J and me, I’m ya best bet…Scarey owes me a few favours anyways if you wanna keep outta the way. Though I’m sure puddin’ could hook yas up with a few people if you need the release, if ya know what I mean.” She laughed, the innuendo hdn’t been intentional, as Harley had meant to imply she’d given him some targets but either way it didn’t really matter. “Are yas an eat after business guy or did yas eat before ??”

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