09/17/2022 08:53 PM 

1x1 with Rose the Hat
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Rose the Hat

World to Explore: Not specified

She was underestimating the Joker, not a smart move. “Look Lady, I don’t know ya schtick or what exactly what ya got going on but he always find a way to bring ya down. He’ll watch yas then send ‘is people after yas. I been there, okay?? A lotta people think he’s more than just a man an’ well that’s really up fer debate but he’s trouble. Worse than that, really. Yas ain’t met no one quite like ‘im. He ain’t stupid and that’s the problem !!” Clearly they weren’t gonna take her warnings seriously but Harley didn’t fancy playing rescue. If she wanted to get caught by them, then Rose could face the consequences all on her own.

But she could also keep her own nicknames for her crew, Harley would come up with her own far more flashy and suitable for the companion. “Okay fine, I’ll work on an alternative. Darl doesn’t exactly suit Birdie anyways.” Harley wasn’t intentionally out to push buttons but Crow had lead to an easy conclusion in her mind.

“I mean I’ll take a compliment.” She shrugged, although late twenties were never particularly seen as young. Harley began to wonder if there was a lot more to this Rose than she was letting on, maybe there was a lot more thorns beneath the hat. “Yas handles ya business then I’ll fill yas in on the social etiquette on Gotham’s streets !!” It sounded like a deal as Rose instructed the blonde to meet her at the beach. Although she didn’t think it was a trip that required her bikini.

Harley had opted to wait by the beach so she could learn more about the mysterious pair and get in on the action. She was curious about them, and there was no point in missing out on anything they had to say because anything they did could be important. Hiding behind one of the boulders on the shoreline she spotted a dup in the darkness dragging along another unknown figure. The blonde assumed this to be Flower, Birdie and someone else. Harley had to piece together a lot of what she saw as the darkness hid a lot and she had been trying to keep herself out of sight, but it was in a word horrific. As soon as the horror seemingly passed the blonde composed herself, trying to face them without the knowledge she had.

Opting for a cheery entrance, the blonde ran along the beach before completing a tumble and layout, presenting towards Rose and Crow once she’d finished. “So why dya’s wanna meet here??”

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