07/18/2022 08:41 PM 

1x1 with Brandon Breyer/Brightburn
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Brandon Breyer/Brightburn

World to Explore: Not specified

He didn’t have to care, but he did have to be aware of the situation he was landing himself him. She didn’t know the extent of his capabilities, but she did know Gotham, and underestimating the city kept her alive. She wasn’t from here initially but after the Joker tossed her out the blonde had to keep her wits about her. “Care or not ya planted yaself right in the middle of it an’ what happens is about how you play it. To most of ‘em ya a threat to be eliminated. Gotham don’t like new game pieces. You don’t gotta team up with anyone if you wanna try and make your way but they will find a way t’ destroy yas. People have a way of breaking down here and ending up in Arkham Asylum.”

His comment about humans took her aback, she was threatened by the comments but he was making it very clear that human was something the male was not. “Word gets ‘round fast here, hard to miss something that flies through the sky though, something that’s not the Bat anyways. But if you’re after the big guy, ya gotta hop over the bridge to Metropolis. He shows up there a lot, people say he lives there but the thing is people don’t know who it is out that suit. Wearing that much lycra every day can not be comfortable.” Wait, that wasn’t important. This guy wanted to attack Superman, how crazy was he ?? Harley was drawn to that level of chaos, almost admirably. As he laid out his plans, she nodded, despite her distinct lack of super abilities.

“You know if you fail that’s a one-way trip to the Phantom Zone. But I might tag along for fun !! I kinda need a vacay from this city. But I wouldn’t wait around here if that’s your plan.”

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