03/13/2022 08:32 PM 

1x1 with Rose the Hat
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Rose the Hat

World to Explore: Not specified

Harley shrugged, her fashion comment was fair enough. At first, Harley had simply grabbed what she could to form her outfits, but she did stand out and make a statement. Some people thought she did it for attention, but Harley mostly just enjoyed it for herself. The red and black statement had always been her trademark, she’d just made it her own instead of relying on the Joker’s interpretation. “Yeah ya don’t wanna stick around long. There's some people in Gotham who are very territorial and ya currently on his streets. He won’t like that.” It was more of a warning, she’d been at the wrong end of one of the Joker’s ideas before and didn’t want anyone else on the receiving end if she could help it. 
She was a little more hesitant when this Crow Daddy joined in the conversation. Not that she wasn’t curious, the blonde couldn’t help herself in that regard but being called a distraction wasn’t anything new. As Rose introduced herself, Harley nodded. She slid her bat back into its holster before holding out her hand. “Well, I’m Harley, Harley Quinn!! Nice t’meetcha Rose the Hat !! And Crow Daddy ??” Who would ever call themselves that ?? She did not want an answer to that. The blonde was accustomed to danger herself, so despite the tone, Harley didn’t act any differently. A lot of people tried to warn her but she’d make her own decisions and deal with the consequences as they came.

Asking how old she was seemed like an odd question but the blonde answered anyway. “I’m 28.  I’m just sayin’ though if ya need help in this city I know someone who can help.” By someone she meant herself.  The politics of Gotham’s underworld was something Harley had studied and been a part of and if they intended to pass through the city or find something and leave without getting thrown in Arkham - or worse - then Harley wanted to offer her services. “What’s ya plans ‘round here ??”

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