01/01/2021 04:03 PM 

1x1 with Christina Nickson.
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Christina Nickson

World to Explore: Not specified

Normal? That was just a setting on a dryer. Harley had never known normal, unless normal was having a favourite child, or having a parent in and out of prison like a yo-yo. She’d move from Brooklyn to Gotham City to study in the hopes that his ‘normal’ would come rushing her way but in Gotham City, normal was the last word on everyone’s lips. It had the ‘normal’ hustle and bustle of a city but it was always overshadowed by the obscene crime rates and tales of costumed crowds taken on my men in tights, wearing capes and masks for fun.  

Screaming down the road was also a part of daily life in Gotham, especially on the east side, towards Crime Alley and then Arkham Asylum. Most of the time Harley buried her head into a hot dog or a burrito and simply carried on her day, she tackled crime at night, or at least the petty crimes that were trying to upstage her. There was no place for them, but in broad daylight it was different. Hoping someone else would help was however, resting heavily on her conscience so slowly she headed towards the screaming, keeping her plastic cup on her in the hope that the potential of throwing lemonade all over herself would stop her losing all her street credit by going into full hero-mode.

As she turned the corner, however, it was clear to her that at least part of the problem had been dealt with, but Harley recognised exactly who ‘Mr. Problem’ was, or at least who he was working for. Whether she wanted to or not she had to intervene. Placing her cup carefully down on the ground, she took a few steps closer to the scene, pulling out her baseball bat from its holster on her back. “Ya ain’t from ‘round ‘ere are yas?” From the blonde hair with the pink and blue dip dye, to the red and black converse Harley stood out and grabbed attention when she wanted to. “ I mean, I’m presumin’ ya don’t know but here, in this place, clown masks ain’t just fer concealin’ identities. He’s one of the Joker’s guys an’ messin’ with the Joker’s landing yaself a world a pain if ya don’t know what yas dealin’ with. Ya better off takin’ him out, maybe not permanently but enough to strike fear that there’s someone else on these streets. Another Batfam rumour would keep ‘im on his toes, and I’d know a thing or two about his obsessions with Bats. Name’s Harley, Harley Quinn. Now, what d’ya wanna do?” She raised her eyebrow at the blonde, waiting for a response which would tell her her next move.

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