01/15/2020 12:58 PM 

1x1 with Faux-Flash


1x1 Faux-Flash

World to Explore: Earth-27 (AU timeline)

HARLEY AND HARVEY. Even as those two words still swirled around her head she couldn’t imagine herself with a man whose name was so similar to her own. It didn’t sound right, and above all he did not sound like “puddin’ material”.  She would have to have a long, very confusing conversation with her Earth’s counterpart if they crossed paths. She needed to understand this Harley from a psychologist’s perspective, how similar were they really? Were they both like really Harley or did they just look the same and aside from shells doppelgangers worked very differently? That would be a great thing to research but maybe that was for when they weren’t stood in the middle of a war-zone. If the Harley made it, or even if she made it herself. Harley knew she couldn’t keep her thoughts wandering this far if she was to stay alive. Harley had to focus on the task at hand. Keeping herself alive, and helping the Speedster zipping around the city. 

❝ Honestly, everything’s confusing. My world lives for confusing, off the bat nonsense, a dash of humour but mostly unpredictability. I kinda thrive in random environments but this...this thing…yeah this is new, very new and I can’t say I was prepared for this or else I’d have brought my bigger mallet. ❞  That was true enough, she hadn’t come prepared for a war, but was using what she had to her advantage. Her acrobatic skills, quick thinking and ability to adapt. At least she thought she could handle being thrown into a war - it didn’t exactly seem like an idea she could back out off right now anyways. ❝ Nothing like this. But that don’t mean it ain’t coming… ❞

At this point in time shooting at a meta-human did not sound like a great plan. He knew a lot more than she did about this place, and right now wasn’t the time for a petty little fight for villainy street cred. The streets weren’t going to be around long enough to allow that to happen if the Kaznian’s had anything to say about it. That was something Harley learned pretty quickly out on the field that the Flash was one of the good guys and there didn’t seem to be that many good guys left. Harley barely surpassed that mark but in front of this Army, well the line of anti-hero was all you had to meet. She wasn’t a ‘let’s take over the world in one go’ kind of person and she wasn’t going to stand for anything believing they could hold another person, city or however big this got to ransom. This was bigger than her and although she didn’t know much about this place could feel it was worth fighting for. She’d deal with the implications afterwards, just had to make somewhere safe enough so she could really catch up on what had been happening. 

❝ The only thing ya names gonna hit is the dirt. ❞  Harley spoke honestly, as she saw the damage the Flash was delivering to the army. If her Flash was anything to go by this wasn’t going to be easy on him, and he’d need a lot of support. She wasn’t sure how he’d take therapy with her but it was worth offering to at least talk things through when they weren’t on the battleground. 

Watching the blur fighting against the lasers Harley couldn’t call how things were meant to go. Green and red flickers of light were her only indication things were even happening.There were blocks, and as the action kept going Harley could only assume the Flash wasn’t yet fatally injured. She squinted as the green light shattered. It was almost too bright to look had but Harley just had to make sure The Flash himself was okay. Then she saw the meta’s leg almost split into two. Harley winced, barely looking at the injury despite being strangely intrigued. It wasn’t an injury she saw often but now wasn’t the time to get all curious. It was a war, people got hurt. That was the norm here, unlike her usual self it wasn’t all fun and games. The blonde had to think seriously for a moment, which was more than difficult for her, but she had to make it happen - that’s why the Joker gas came out. 

❝ Look it’s all I had on me. I didn’t expect to land myself into a war. I’d have come more prepared for that. Thought it was better than nothing. ❞  A distraction was really all it was Harley just hoped it played some role in the fight. She wasn’t sure how it could but still hoped it achieved something. The blonde didn’t have a lot with her, but had enough to hopefully keep her and Flash alive, then maybe he’d help her replenish some of her gear in case she needed to help again. Not having powers meant almost solely relying on her weapons and her environment, as she wasn’t familiar with the environment. She wasn’t exactly fully kitted out for war with her weapons either, so worked with what she had. As long as he had an opening, as long as she gave him some form of a chance then maybe they could get through this. 

Harley didn’t have a chance to see her plan worked as a few green lasers were fired in her direction. One, two, three flips backwards and now they were getting dangerously close. She tried to shoot was she can but it didn’t help. She didn’t have a lot going for her, and against this big guy, flight was probably smarter than fight, especially when the only thing ‘meta’ about her was her way of thinking and that was stretching the definition. As the Joker gas filled the room she hoped it’d work on the metas but it was just a stretch involving lots of guesswork and a leap of faith. That’s when she heard a few faint giggles. Enough to distract the meta to give her a chance to make the gap between them large enough to fire a few shots.

That’s when the red streak stopped whizzing past. She couldn’t see any blurs anymore that represented the Flash, at least from what she knew. Looking around as best she could whilst picking up the pace just to get some wiggle room on them, rushing over the Flash at the chance she managed to grasp. That was the most important. They had to take it one step at a time. You can lose battles but win wars and right now was a fight for survival, not a battle to win. She wasn’t ready, and Flash didn’t have his head in the right mindset. As her bullets started flying in retaliation again Harley watched the Flash slow and then collapse to the ground. It panicked her, her heart was pounding, it wasn’t going to end that way. As her jacket found its way to the ground, she removed her shirt. It was thin enough to be ripped into strips as she wrapped them around his side, acting like a tourniquet to put pressure on the bleeding. She wasn’t thinking about herself. But this world needed him far more than they needed her, but acting quickly was key. With the knots in the fabric in place, Harley threw her jacket back on, zipping it up completely. It wasn’t armour, but it sure beat running around in just her bra. Her voice was calmer, a lot less shaky than she thought it would be as she tried to calm him, and calm herself down in turn. 

❝ Sh*t. Take some deep breaths, ya ain’t going nowhere Speedykins. Please, do ya have anywhere around here that’s a safe space? Anywhere at all. I need to get ya outta here. F***ing anywhere is better than here right now. I don’t wanna have to move yas, but ya ain’t gotta choice. ❞

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