11/13/2019 12:38 PM 

1x1 with Faux-Flash
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Faux-Flash


It looked like World War III, was that a possibility on one earth? Whoever they were they were destructive and the blonde was quickly learning on the job. There was explosions and debris everywhere, but it was in this chaos a girl like Harley Quinn thrived. Even when she was on what she thought was the right side.  ❝ I think so? ❞  She had no idea where, or what safe was here but she was trying her best, something she rarely got credit for either way. Then she realised he wasn’t talking to her, okay had to get better at that. Apparently she wasn’t the only one with imaginary friends, or maybe he was hearing voices. Or he has a comms unit. That would make more sense, not everyone was crazy Harley. It did mean, however, he was completely leaving her in the dark. 

Was there a reason he wouldn’t explain more? Was she meant to know what was going on, did she even fight here? He recognised her at least...was she still pottering around fantasy land with a deck of cards in her hand and the Joker in the heart. Got she’d have to punch herself in the face if she saw that and then maybe a touch of therapy to sweeten the deal. But now wasn’t the time to talk therapy as one of the kids shouted in her direction. By the time she turned around the assailant had vanished and the Flash was simply stood there with an arm in his arm. Talk about armed combat. She would have laughed but it wasn’t really the time.  ❝ A Harley, yeah. ❞ She muttered, the ‘A’ almost silent, realising that maybe suggesting dimension hopping wasn’t the greatest conversation starter, but she was Harley. As close to Harley as you could get without being from this Earth at least.  She looked around trying to find inspiration for her answer. ❝.I was in the area. Looks like ya need all the help ya can get. ❞ Part of her just hoped she hadn’t gotten herself into a place where and Speedykins was a thing. She didn’t want to have to fake that one. 

But that was also, apparently not the case as the Flash informed her of her ally in this world. Harvey Quinn? She had no idea who he was babbling on about but a male with a name not unlike her own allowed her to speculate. She knew she wasn’t in Gotham anymore, and now it was clear she wasn’t even on her earth anymore and the Flash had thrown the differences in her face.  ❝ I dressed myself thank you very much. Ain’t no one stealing credit fer this. ❞  Was that worth sharing? She didn’t want to scare him with theories of earth-hopping especially when they were amidst a war, especially when Harley herself could have been seen as the enemy in that circumstance. But he was the same Flash she knew, probably different in his own ways though, and she knew there was a chance the time travelling, dimension hopping lightning bolt had in fact not actually done any of those things. But there was also a chance he had and he understood. He thrown her in a position where she had to deal those cards and tell him, whatever the consequences.  So now she had to explain, but first she had to get the obvious out of the way.

❝ Who the f*** is Harvey? ❞  Her face pretty much said it all. Harley had no idea what was going on, especially with some guy called Harvey. Who would go with a guy called Harvey? Where had this Earth’s version of her gone terribly terribly wrong? There was no way she could keep up being this Earth’s Harley but separating her from the other her and the enemy was hopefully something that could be done quickly.  ❝ I’m not Harley, your Harley anyway, an’ you’re not my Flash but your this Flash... But ma name is Harley Quinn. It’d be nice t’meetcha in different circumstances ❞ 

 No time for a handshake, but Harley wanted to comment on the words he’d spoken to the voice in his head, he’d sounded serious. How long had this been going on for?Just because she lost her credentials in one earth doesn’t mean her skills couldn’t be put to good use here, right? ❝ I dunno what ya Harls does but I used to be a psychologist, still trained enough to be one. I want ya to talk to me after this too, okay? Seeing all this around can’t be healthy fer anyone - this is a bigger mess than Arkham usually is. ❞  If Arkham was the same here. She wasn’t sure how different an insane asylum holding Gotham’s criminals could be, but if she could end up with a Harvey here, anything was possible

There shouting again snapped her out of it. They weren’t kids. What was that supposed to mean. They looked like kids - this wasn’t another alien hot dog incident was it? Then she saw what Harley could only describe as laser beams coming out of the child’s eyes. She followed Flash’s orders taking a couple of steps back, whatever this Kaznian meta could do, well she didn’t particularly want to find out. Seemed the meta wanted to give the two of them a show anyway.  In the nicest possible way this enemy screamed dangerous and had proved it by sending the flash ❝ No sh*t, Sherlock.❞ flying. Leaving her mallet in the debris she reached straight her pistols, with the Flash occupied she had to take down the troops as best she could. With him darting around trying to catch the bullets, Harley had to be careful not to shoot the male she was helping. Without hesitation she emptied her clips into the troops, before taking into a cartwheel doing her best the dodge the bullets all on her own so Flash didn’t have to concentrate on her and could focus on other, far more important, people in the area.

 β Ya wanna play, well take this! ❞ Pulling a pin on a smoke grenade didn’t seem all that productive but it wasn’t just smoke, it was Joker’s own toxin. Harley had no idea how effective it would be in this circumstance, would they fall over laughing, would it even affect them because of the different Earth. Well, she had to try something and this was her effort. It was the only useful thing she’d been able to steal from that man. Harley just hoped that meant something here. Calling out the Flash she thought to warn him, even if it wasn’t obvious. ❝ Stay away from the vapours Flash. They need you. ❞

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