08/29/2019 12:05 PM 

Writing Sample
Category: Drabbles


1x1 Faux-Flash

World to Explore: Earth-27 (AU timeline)

Harley I don’t think we’re in Gotham anymore. The blonde thought to herself as looked around into what was basically, chaos .Wherever here was, Harley felt herself wanting to thrive. Explore. There were building crashing down, up in flames, and better but it was a lot to take in and part of her wanted it build up around her, the other half stop. This was far more dangerous than she was used to. It wasn’t that she wouldn’t adapt, but if her world had a Big Bad Batman, she dreaded to think what would she would be at the receiving end of here. 

Pushing through the debris and what few people were left on the street she noted a few targets, potential strike out places but then the blonde saw a group of children she knew she had to help. Racing over, pulling out her baseball bat from it’s holster she pulled two young children down, trying to direct them to somewhere less exposed as it became clear they didn’t have a place to go as . This wasn’t their fight, and technically it wasn’t even hers either but since she was here - well, no one like them were gonna die on her watch. There was clearly more and the first two kids she’d come to were barely a dent in this issue. It was at times like these she hoped that some form of superhero did exist in this area to give her a hand. 

An unfamiliar yet recognizable red streak seemingly flew passed her, taking a couple of the children. She just hoped that it was the good kind as she didn’t have the time, energy or speed to see for now. Instead, with bullets raining over head, Harley’s bat went straight for one of the walls, clearly already cracked, ready to come down, Harley tried her best to control it the fall so it landed on it’s side, serving somewhat as a shield for the kids she tried to protect. 

 Look just stay behind that, hopefully some form of Speedykins is good enough to get ya outta here. I gotta deal with some bigger men with badder guns. 

One, badder wasn’t exactly a word. Two, surely it was ‘badder men with bigger guns’ but hey, the Jester wasn’t really thinking straight, who could when they became a target for assault. She was in the firing line, dropping her bat she went straight for a handheld pistol, not quite the perfect headshot but sending her attacker down. Guess she’d picked a side, she just hoped it was the right one.


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