08/05/2023 12:05 PM 

The Returned - Entry


Manicured fingertips carefully shifted the glass bottles of alcohol. Chocolate hues observing which ones were lower before leaning against the bar top. It was that time of the night when Veronica was going through her inventory. Ensuring that those behind the bar were not overpouring and essentially giving away free alcohol, and also preparing her order list for La Bon Nuit. Though the raven-haired beauty was able to hand off the task to any of her other staff members; she preferred to do it herself. It seemed to help with long restless nights.

This night was one of them. There was something that just wasn't sitting well with the Lodge princess. Something felt off. Yet, nothing came to mind. Everyone in Riverdale was currently getting along. As best as they knew how anyway. The only person who had a habit of causing trouble, just when things were becoming peaceful was her father— Hiram Lodge. But he had been eliminated some time ago. Planned by his own daughter. Veronica didn't want to continue living her life by looking over her shoulder for the dark shadow that was her father. He'd find a way to taint whatever project or plan of hers. And she couldn't have that.

Chocolate hues so focused on the task at hand, that when her phone rang, it startled Veronica. Reaching into her bag that set on the bartop, her brows furrowed. Unknown Caller Normally she'd let it go to voicemail. But a knot formed in her stomach. Carefully swiping on the green button, she brought the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" An ominous silence followed for a few seconds. "Hello, Mija." The voice of her father responded. A chill ran down her frame as she froze in her place. How? There was no way this was happening. The raven-haired vixen had ensured that there was no pulse. It was a confirmed kill. A soft chuckle brought her out of her thoughts.

"Back to playing our game are we?" He questioned. Veronica rolled her eyes. "I stopped playing those games long ago, Daddy. There was another long pause. "You will always be playing." He stated. By his tone, she could tell that he was holding back a chuckle. "In fact. The next round should be starting soon. I wouldn't want you to miss it." Suddenly music began to play in the background. But it wasn't the typical music that Veronica knew he listened to. Her brows furrowed. One of the few places she knew that played soulful music was New Orleans. The line went dead. Setting her phone down, Veronica let out a frustrated sigh. Either he was in New Orleans or was going to be. Either way, she needed to book a flight. And inform a few new friends that she'd be visiting.

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