05/14/2023 07:15 PM 

howard sternpt2

96as4wid o

Well, if you’re not willing to talk about that, Of course Abel wasn't willing. It wasn't just the NDAs keeping his mouth shut. It's called respect. Something Howard had never learned the definition of. "It seems like you're prying for information that isn't there, Howard." Clearly irritated, Abel let out a sigh. "We both stated in our podcast that Caroline was present for the entirety of the intimate scenes with Lily. You're trying to twist our words and I don't like that sh*t."

Caroline could swear she could almost hear the ticking time bomb that was her husband. She was usually very level headed, she'd even been caught herself making excuses previously for the reasons her stalker had came after her for all these years, but even Caroline was getting ready to lose her sh*t, if Abel was the match? Caroline could be the fuse.

"I guess we should've done a little more homework before this interview, but I'm tellin' you man, I wasn't expecting you to be here, so excuse my questions that are a little off the wall, eh?" He said and Caroline squinted her eyes at him, wondering if this man really was going to continue testing them. She tucked a piece of hair that had fallen back out of her face as she tried to remember if there was a time limit on that contract before they could both bounce on this awful interview.

"As Abel said, and as we said just recently on the podcast that you didn't listen to, but aside from the fact that I was on set, and the fact that it's not real, it's just acting, I have nothing but trust for Abel." she commented, that little accent that she'd been trained to hide sneaking through as her blood pressure rose along with her anger.

H:"Okay, okay, clearly you're the picture of a perfect couple. I'm just not sure I'd be cool with my partner getting down like that....

"Getting down like what? Like having a career?" Caroline countered quickly, surprising even herself with her quick retaliation.

Raising a brow, Abel was debating how to handle this situation silently. Every muscle was aching to jump over the table, pull all of the mics down, push all of the papers off of the table, grab it coffee, and pour it over his head. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, amused at the visuals. With a half smirk, Abel glanced from Howard, to Caroline, to Jordan, and then back to Howard.

"If my wife doesn't have a problem with my acting career, then no one else needs to comment on it. She's allowed to film the same sort of scenes. She has to be a bit more hush hush about her project, but I can share whatever I want, considering I co-wrote it with Sam."

"Can we move on now? I didn't think you'd be concerned with who I co-star with. Aren't you supposed to be interviewing Caroline?"

Caroline’s eyebrow raised at her husband as she noticed him holding back a chuckle. She knew that whatever he was thinking, certainly wouldn’t end well from the frizzy haired manchild that sat in front of her. Her thumb brushing over his thigh, though even Caroline wouldn’t be able to control her husband if the line of questioning didn’t take a turn towards slightly less disrespectful.

“There’s are Caroline’s questions, man, you just happened to storm in and join in. So, we’re giving you the opportunity to speak,” he said, bringing a coffee cup to his lips before sitting back down, Caroline noticing how it spilled over the edges and stained the papers below it.

“But you have to admit, you’re living a lot of women’s wet dreams, you know? The groupie turned wife. It’s right out of those romance novels….I think I saw that you, Abel, slid into Caroline’s DM’s? How did that happen?” He asked,

Caroline staring daggers at him before she tried to respond. “I wouldn’t know, I’m not a groupie.” She said simply, her tone stark and arms now crossed at her chest and leaning back into the terribly uncomfortable seats.

"Do not call Caroline a groupie." Abel wasn't in the mood for any of his slick comments or assumptions about their relationship and how it started off. Abel and Caroline had been very up front and honest about how they met, even sharing screenshots from when Abel had asked her to join him at his Bel Air mansion and the texts from the day after. They had shared how they spent every day together since then and had only been apart for a night.

"But how else do you slide into someone's DMs? I followed her on Instagram, sent her a message, told her I liked her Tiktok dance to Blinding Lights, and we spoke from there." He decided to answer, though he was positive he'd regret it. "We've told the story on our podcast and to several other media outlets. Is no one on your team doing research? Or is this all your own?"

"I'm actually curious if you have any questions planned that aren't about my marriage?" Caroline shot back, fully understanding why Harry had walked out on this man not long ago, the guy had truly lost every filter that any normal human would have. It had been the worst interview of her life, she wasn't sure who would be the first to break his nose, Abel, Jordan or even Caroline.

"We just wanted to know if it was a secret only fans thing that got his attention, because I'm sure you've seen plenty of girls dancing to your music on Tik Tok. If it is an only fans thing, is that why you took that picture that was recently leaked on your account by your....uh, stalker? To post on the only fans that made you Mrs. The Weeknd?" Howard asked, causing Caroline to cough on the terrible cup of coffee that she'd regrettably brought to lips.
Bms02ogt o
"Wait..what?" was all that fell from Caroline's lips after she finished coughing. This was a theory she'd never heard, and it took her by surprise. Only Fans? Caroline didn't have an Only Fans, not that she couldn't, but she had no interest in it. 

"Not that there's anything wrong with women who choose to make OnlyFans videos but what in the actual f*** is wrong with you?" So much for Abel's filter. That had officially gone out the window, along with most of f***s he gave about his public image. "No, the photo was not for f***ing OnlyFans. Excuse the f*** out of us for having a private, intimate moment, and wanting to take pictures. Are you kink shaming now, Howard?" Abel asked, raising his voice word by word. "Or are you just a pathetic, piece of sh*t excuse for a human being that gets off on putting your guests in uncomfortable situations?" He asked, barely a breath between his words.

Glancing over to his half empty water bottle and then Caroline's coffee, Abel grabbed Caroline's coffee instead of his water bottle, staring Howard Stern dead in the eye. "You know what? I think Caroline's interview is over," He said as he moved the mic away from Caroline with his free hand, pouring the warm liquid over the expensive recording equipment. "In fact, I know this interview is over with." His voice was calm but he was hot. He could feel a burning sensation in his ears.

Standing up, Abel made his way towards Howard, not shying away from getting up close and personal with him, lowering himself to eye level with the man who was too stunned to say anything. "Whatever you were going to ask Caroline; you can ask me instead. She's done being disrespected by you."

It was proving more and more clear that either this man had not done a single bit of his own research for this interview. If he'd done his job, he'd know that disrespecting Caroline would never end in anything but kick back from her husband. It was like he'd googled "Caroline Tesfaye Scandal" and just wrote down the cliff notes of anything that she'd been involved in that the media had ran with. She wondered for half a second if she was wrong, if the entire plan was to keep insulting her until Abel showed up, so that he could prove that he could get Abel "The Weeknd" Tesfaye on his show even when he'd declined multiple times.

Caroline bit her lower lip as she looked up at him and noticed that he was more than mad. Half offended that he'd assume that her relationship with her husband was something that they used for money, or worse that the only reason Abel had messaged her was some super secret OnlyFans account. She wouldn't have to say much, Abel commanded the room quickly, and soon he'd ruined all the recording equipment that was sitting on the table in front of them. There was something incredibly attractive about a man who wouldn't allow an ounce of disrespect to his wife, making her feel loved and cared for even during what she'd assume was the worst interview of both of their careers. Jordan had made his way from where he was standing, he pulled her chair out. "Come on. We gotta go. I'll pistol whip this a**hole myself." He said softly, nudging her towards Abel because even Jordan was a little timid of the anger from his boss.

 "Babe." she said softly, tugging on his sleeve to slip her hand in his. "This is what he wants, it's probably the whole f***ed up plan. Let's go." She said. She didn't know rather Howard Stern was scared, amused or both, "You should f***ing go, we do have security, we can call them....get the police involved if we need to." he said, another bait. Caroline spoke up first, "You'll be hearing from our lawyer." she said, because every bit of the agreed upon questions were thrown out the window. She was sure there was a breech of contract. "Oh, and from us and Harry, f*** you."

Abel stared Howard down until he felt a slight tug on his arm. Caroline's voice broke him out of the trance he seemed to be in. He glanced at her and nodded, then returned his focus to Howard. "Drop the interview. Call security. F*** it, call the cops. I don't give a f***." Abel smirked, raising his left brow. "The cops are useless anyway." He added, taking hold of Caroline's hand and leading her out of the studio. Jordan followed close behind Caroline, staying quiet, for once. He knew Abel was pissed and Caroline was probably a mix of traumatized and pissed off.

Before reaching the doors, Abel paused. "God f***ing damn it," The annoyance was clear in his voice. "Someone f***ing called TMZ." He sucked in a deep breath, visibly unhappy with how the day had gone. "Is this the only f***ing exit?"

Just as Abel was reminding Howard Stern just how much he didn't give a f***, security was already being called. It wasn't like Caroline was surprised, it seemed half way that either Howard Stern really hated Caroline and thought nothing of her other than being Abel's flavor of the week, which would've been a little less annoying if they hadn't gotten married. twice. And had one of the most healthy and happy relationships of anyone she knew. Caroline was both angry and a little sad that her hard work wasn't enough to keep this man from only wanting to talk about "tea" that wasn't really there. She was pretty quiet as they made their way towards the door to leave, her hand in Abel's, her safe place and Jordan following close behind. He let out a few lines of curse words.

"Our security is out there, they can keep them back but that don't mean y'all won't be yelled at." he said, but she knew that they were just worried about Caroline. Handsy photographers wouldn't be the cherry on this bad day sundae. "It's fine, the car is right there. We'll just walk through. I'm fine." She said, giving them a little nod. The security that wasn't hired by Abel, met them with words of that they'd been asked to leave. "Well, if one of the people here hadn't called TMZ, we would've been gone." she said softly, her tone more than annoyed. They didn't have a choice, so they made their way out of the door. She stuck close to Abel, TMZ was usually harmless, but that didn't mean that someone wouldn't try something. Caroline was scrappy but she was also small. "Abel! Caroline! What's going on? They're saying you're being escorted from a Howard Stern Interview. What happened? Do y'all wanna talk about it? Does this have to do with Harry's interview?" they all shouted at the couple as security tried to keep them back.

Abel didn't bother fighting Caroline or Jordan when it came to security provided by Howard Stern's show. It was pointless. Only the security that Abel hired on understood how terrifying this was - how terrifying it was every f***ing time they left their home. Their home is the only place that Abel felt sort of safe and that was only after the necessary upgrades to security. Normally, Abel would have ignored the reporters from TMZ, but after being pushed to his limits, why bother? He was positive he was about to be taken to court over the damages to the studio equipment. But did anyone ever consider Caroline's feelings? Or His? They were people too yet their lives were constantly put on blast. Abel was a very private person and to have his private photos - from intimacy to their wedding day - leaked all over the internet? It made him want to disappear from this f***ed up life he so desperately wanted in the past.
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"Tell Harvey to call me this evening," was all he said to the cameras before helping Caroline climb into the backseat of the black van, Jordan following close behind and pulling the door shut.

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