05/14/2023 06:32 PM 

howard stern.

“You know, it’s crazy how all these kids have started getting famous on Tik Tok. It’s, like, a one minute video of shaking your ass and now people are like, “here! Have a movie deal! Have this and have that, it’s just the way the industry works these days. But today we’re sitting down with the girl who is sort of the blueprint for these tik tokers. Being one of the most followed on the app with over 80 million followers, Caroline Tesfaye.”
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Caroline sat with a perfectly practiced smile, but the slight wrinkle of her nose that no one would notice (except Abel) would show that she was a little uncomfortable. She’d agreed to the interview before this bastard was incredibly rude to her best friend’s husband, one of her best friends, in a recent interview causing him to walk out. She’d been advised to back out, but Caroline wasn’t a “no show” type of girl.

“Oh wow, Hi, Howard. It’s surely something to be here today.”

“Let’s jump right in since we were just talking about Tik Tok. There’s all that controversy with the app right now, mostly right leaning people, are you worried about your career if the app actually gets shut down? Is that something you and your team are worried about?”

“No, not at all actually. I love Tik Tok, don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a fantastic platform giving voices to such a wide range of people. It brought so much fun and entertainment to the world during quarantine, but my career isn’t based on Tik Tok. My Tik Tok blew up because I had a following on my other social media with my clothing line, so they just followed me over there because they liked seeing more of my day to day adventures. I also don’t think anything is going to happen to Tik Tok. I think people are scared of information, and Tik Tok is giving the hushed a voice.”Caroline replied smoothly, the first question already feeling like a dig at her career that she’d worked so hard for.

“You’ve gained a lot of younger fans from Tik Tok, but that hasn’t stopped you from voicing your opinions, even in political matters, especially recently with the drag bans in Nashville…What do you say to the parents of these kids? Do you think it’s your place to be speaking about these things? Do you really think that cross dressers need access to children?” Caroline’s eyebrow raised and she shifted in her seat, she didn’t break a gaze from Howard Stern, she wasn’t scared of this man but she was getting mad and it’d only been a few minutes into this god awful interview. Her eyes darted to the side where her husband and Jordan were waiting, then back to the man sitting in front of her.

“First off, not that there’s anything wrong with cross dressing, that is such a dated and honestly, immature term that should have never been used. And second, Drag is art. Period. Children should be exposed to art. Drag Queens aren’t any more harmful to children than the pistol carrying redneck father who’s too drunk to walk a straight line let alone carry a gun. I am the daughter of a Drag Queen. Every good in me came from him. To deprive children, especially children in LGBTQ+ community, of any art that they’re interested in is sad and selfish. Drag is for everyone, it accepts everyone, it loves everyone. It has more love in its community than most churches.”

“You can’t be serious with comparing Drag Queens to God.”

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H: “Dressing up is a good segway into the next thing on our list. The Met Gala. With being a somewhat household name in the fashion industry, you weren’t there. Your husband wasn’t there. Your best friend and her husband, previous guest on the show, Birdie and Harry Styles were in attendance. Was that weird for them to be invited and you and Abel not getting the same invitation to what some people call fashion’s biggest night?”

Caroline almost laughed at the question, that mad little laugh that escaped her lips when she couldn’t believe the audacity of someone.“My husband and I were invited, we simply declined the invitation.”

H: “So, you were busy? Just said, “ah we’d rather stay home and stare at each other than go to fashion’s largest event?”

A little sarcastic chuckle escaped her lips and she shook her head, uncrossed her legs and recrossed them, “We decided not to attend and glorify Karl.” she said, refusing to speak ill of the dead and hoping that her short statement would move the conversation along. Howard looked almost amused, as he continued along with his line of questioning. “I’m guessing you won’t be elaborating on that….you just have a swimwear brand launch with Birdie Styles. It’s called, uh, Heavenly Swimwear. You’ve gotten rid completely of standard sizing, can you explain your mindset on that? Doesn’t that make it more confusing adding this little gimmick?”

C:“It’s not a gimmick, it’s not a tactic. As women, and men, we are constantly being reminded of how we look, numbers on tags can be really hurtful, and we think all bodies are beautiful, and we wanted people who wore our swimwear to look at that tag and be reminded that they’re lovely, beautiful and goddesses, instead of seeing a number.”

H:“Do you think that promotes healthy self love or do you think you’re just glorifying unhealthy body types?”

“I think it promotes healthy self love. Health isn’t one size fits all, you know? There isn’t an unhealthy body type, and there isn’t a body type on the planet that doesn’t deserve to feel beautiful and that’s why we created Heavenly Swimwear. It’s a love letter to everyone.”Caroline replied, heat rising to her cheeks as she started to get more and more angry, feeling attacked for every thing about her, the questions certainly not the approved one’s from her team. She was quiet for half a second as he shuffled his papers.

“You had a wide range of models for the brand, most of them your friends, including your dad. But we didn’t see Bella –” he started and stopped as things started to change and shift around her, the door swinging up to the studio and the chair next to her sliding and being filled by her husband. Howard looked half mad and half amused, “We weren’t expecting you, The Weeknd, you declined to be in an interview a few times, and yet, here you are…”
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As the questions became more invasive and ignorant, Abel finally had enough. He wasn't going to allow his wife to get berated by Howard f***ing Stern, of all men, especially after the interview with Harry, that Harry had cut short, and walked out in the middle of. It hadn't happened too long ago and Abel was iffy going into the situation, unsure if it was smart of Caroline to take the interview, but Abel had hoped that Howard had learned from his interview with Harry. Apparently not.

Abel was visibly unhappy with the direction of the questions, locking eyes with Howard, and taking a seat directly next to Caroline in an oversized and uncomfortable black chair. It didn't take long for Abel to reach over and move the oversized mic that was able to be adjusted, careful not to break anything just yet. "I'd advise you to not finish that question," In reference to Bella Hadid, his on and off ex-girlfriend, and a fan favorite, considering Abel only had two 'famous' girlfriends before marrying Caroline. "But, yes, unfortunately for you, I'm here. I've just become your problem, Howard."

Caroline wasn’t exactly surprised that Abel had found his way to the seat next to her, moving things around like he owned the place. Abel wasn’t the type of man to take disrespect, especially not to his wife, and certainly not in his presence. A hand instinctively found its way under the table to his thigh, hi babe.” she said, half amused, and half attempting to gather her thoughts from the questions Howard has been throwing at her.

“Oh, wow, a problem? It’s my lucky day. You don’t normally do interviews. I don’t think the line of questioning was disrespectful, people certainly want to know if Caroline struggles with dealing with famous exes. especially one who looks like that..” he said, though Caroline was certain that wasn’t the direction in which the questions were actually meant to go. Caroline was quiet for a second, catching a glimpse of Jordan, who had also stopped standing and watching and was now in the recording studio with them.

“Well, if you’re not willing to talk about that, and you’re both here…I’d love to talk about The Idol. I mean, it certainly has riled up a lot of people. I’ve heard that it was filmed in your actual house, the house you share, was that weird for you, Caroline? Seeing your husband be intimate with another woman in your house? Was that something you’re into?” Caroline raised her eyebrow, “Well, my husband wasn’t getting intimate with anyone, it’s called acting. It’s a job. And apparently this is a new concept for you but TV shows aren’t real, Howard. That’s a ridiculous question.”

It took everything inside of Abel to keep his mouth shut. Without the little thigh squeeze from Caroline, he might have lost his sh*t the moment he locked eyes with Howard - so he knew Abel was being serious. This wasn't a joke. His ex-girlfriends were not jokes. They were real people, who he had serious relationships with, and had since moved on. He wanted to lash out, to call him out on his bullsh*t. Bella had moved on. Selena had moved on. The only people who knew the ins and outs of his previous relationships was Abel. Caroline didn't even bring up his ex-girlfriends, but especially not Bella. It wasn't nice to see both women being compared, guessing who was more Abel's type, and how long it would take him to move on to the next newer, younger model. That's why he didn't bother Googling himself if he didn't need to. It was pointless. Half of the information about his relationships was wrong or misleading.
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continue to part 2 (bulletin link here to baby's post) by @theweeknd

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