05/15/2023 12:11 PM 

Guidelines | Rules

Preference Length of Writing: Para, Multi Paragraph, Novella at times, I will write less then a para through status play though rp responses will be asked to be either Para or Multi Paragraph or Novella.

Playby Useage: Face Claim usage being Olivia Culpo, Kate Beckinsale, Emilia Clarke, Juliet Simms | Lilith Czar. Not a Multi Character Page as please don't mistaken me as one, Character writting as is AU verison of Gretchen it's a single character not multiple character with multiple backstories.

Discussed Storylines: I prefer storylines to be discussed, There will be times when i feel like it that i will just wing it though that will only will be those I've been friends with longer then a month, the whole knowing eachothers bounderies, know what to do and what not to do around the other person, stuff like that. I will also ask if you have a suggestive idea in mind for a storyline upon of sent a friend request, If you say that you have no idea's though you do everything and anything, you're ass is gone off my friends list. I'm not going to be the one coming up with all the idea's and you just cluelessly following along with no research of that verse. 

Starters: I will send a few out though that doesn't mean that i will send one each and every damn time, if you have a workable starter that would fit and make sense then you're more then welcome to send the starter after the storyline discussion.

Verses and Crossovers: American Satan, Paradise City, Queen Of The Damned, UnderWorld, Teen Wolf, Teen Wolf The Movie,  Shadow Hunters, Supernatural ( The Show ), Lucifer, Resident Evil Movies Live Action and CGI | Animated Movies, The Last Of Us 1st game and Season 1 of the Show, Dracula Untold, Bits and pieces of OUAT, Maleficent 1 & 2, Tiny hints of The Vampire Diaries, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 1, Final Fantasy 8, 9, 1o, 10-2, 12, & 15, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Devil May Cry 5, Slowly Working on Replaying KH3, Resident Evil Games, RE4, 5, 6, bits of 7, and RE8 and RE4 Remake ( Seen Complete walkthrough of the game. )

Replies: Please Don't Hound Me for Half Effort to no effort replies,  I have more then one page, If you have very little to no patience then piss the f*** off. I will not be told when to be expected to respond to someone. If you don't like waiting a long time then f*** off.

Heart Belongs to Voice Of Sanity | Johnny Faust in both rp & in real life. Single Ship so Gretchen will NOT be doing that whole thing with Multi Love Interest, She's Loyal to Johnny and only him. So if smuts request or view because they have intentions of trying to get Gretchen to have an affair it's not f***ing happening EVER!! Gretchen is Rp Married She's never going to cheat on him so sicko 24/7 troll smut idiots can get that thought out of their minds that they have a chance of getting Gretchen because they don't! NO F***ing Smut whores!!!

I have the complete right to be selective of who i accept or add onto friends list and who i keep around on friends list as well. I do have trust issues though that isn't going to chase me off the site or anything like that, I do write and do roleplay, there are times where i will just want to rp, other times i will do ooc banter if in the mood to do so.


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