02/27/2023 01:36 PM 



Nov 22nd 2021 - 1:50 AM
I'm not locked in here with you.
You're locked in here with me!!!

In the darkest corner of the max facility prison known as Blackgate Penitentiary, where people like Bane, Victor Zsasz, The Cluemaster, Tony Zucco and many others were kept at bay, a Demon was being housed for many a crime he had committed.
Charged with Manslaughter with 27 confirmed kills, arson, 33 armed robberies, and a list longer than the christmas list of a spoiled 4 year old. Payne had been sentenced for 57 years.

His reputation was known to be extremely dangerous. A fighter since birth and a killer when the need called for it. A weapon in every sense of the word, smart, strategic and refined due to training by the Batman himself. Turned rogue, and spotted quite often alongside the infamous Red Hood, the Demon had made quite the name for himself as The Nightstalker.
An Anti-Hero, cast out by the Bat-family but still one determined to protect his side of Gotham City. The Bowery was his turf, and one that he protected with every means necesarry. Payne did not take the lives of innocents, those were the ones who he tried to protect the most, but his behaviour out on the streets was far more brutal than the Bat would ever allow by anyone on his team.

During a blood-lust filled rage, he was finally taken in and kept prisoner within the walls of Blackgate. Being placed into solitary confinment from the very beginning due to eraditic behaviour upon arrival, the Demon was isolated, and had been for many a year already. While outside he had a name that could tremble fear into many a man, here on the inside he was stripped from everything that he held dear.
The Demon who raged the streets of Gotham at night was now simply known as INMATE 4587.

"Inmate 4587, it is time for your transport. Get up and get to the door with your arms extended in front of you." The voice of an officer spoke loud with authority as a small hatch in the middle of the door got opened while a loud bang was given to the door itself.
Payne was already awake, working on his body by doing push-ups. Stripped from his glamor charm, the Demon was shown in his original form, for everyone to see what he truly is.
Pale caucasian skin, crimson red eyes, and of course his Demonic right arm were all out for public display. Stretching his muscles as he stood up, he got dressed in his orange jumpsuit that had his 'name' imprinted in a large font on his back, along with the 'company logo.'

Approaching the door as instructed, the Demon rested his arms onto the steel plate that could function as a small table within the door. Waiting for that familiar click of shackles being placed around his wrists.
The familiar burn was immediately felt as he pulled his arms back, showing the magically enhanced, teal coloured and glowing markings carved onto the cast iron that prevented Payne from casting any sort of spell that he might have up his sleeve.
A guard walked in once the door opened and placed an inhibitor collar around the Demon's neck to prevent him from teleporting.
Shackled and collared like a dog, Payne was pushed outside of his former home to be placed on route to his new one.
Met by 20 heavily armed guards, 15 carrying heavy assault rifles aimed towards the Demon, 5 more which were carrying high voltage cattle prod sticks to push the Demon forward, accompanied by a Priest chanting to the man above the moment he laid eyes on Payne.

"You've got to be kidding me." Payne muttered, but was immediately hit with electricity after his words barely escaped his mouth. A hiss of pain escaped the Demon's lips and he stepped forward some more.
Every preventative measure was taken to provide the people with safety when it came to moving the Demon to a different cell.
Many who had been killed when they came even close to touching the Demon, and 45 attempts to escape prison would take away every inch of humanity that guards had left. They viewed the Demon as an inhuman object, a monster, and Payne had made sure that the image that everyone had of him most definitely fit the bill.
Rolling his eyes at the Priest, Payne slowly but surely got shackled up around his ankles with the same sort of markings, glowing in the same teal shade the moment the cast iron made contact with the Demon. And with a push, he was forced to walk forwards. Step by step, chains rattled as the Demon was guided towards his new cell.

Many voices were heard during the walk, screams and death threats, many often personalized, but all meant for the Demon. He was safe in solitary confinement, or so many thought. That the Demon was going to meet his end by any of these other prisoners very quickly, as if it was as easy as stealing candy from a child.
"Keep walking..... Inmate." The words of the guard fell upon deaf ears, Payne was already walking, and the only reason he slowed down ever so slightly was because of the burning sensation caused by his chains.
His skin was searing and he could feel it. Another push was given and Payne continued to walk further, the faster he could arrive his new cell, the sooner those shackles were removed from his body.
The sooner that burning feeling would end, and he'd get the chance to heal up again. "Demon Scum." The guard muttered while they all guided the monster towards his new living quarters.

After a solid 15 minute walk of terror. The Demon was finally arriving his new cell. The door opened up automatically the moment Payne was close enough. Being pushed into the cell afterwards, and released from his shackles, the Demon turned around and faced the guards with a giant smirk painted on his lips, winking at the guard who was in charge.
The Priest was starting to annoy him, enough for Payne to chant a couple of Satanic prayers in return, just to make that Priest uncomfortable in his skin. Latin words were spewed out and Payne simply answered in that same, dead language. The guards checked the perimeter on every inmate in the area. And then they left, together with that bloody Priest.
Smirking widely he looked outside, seeing various familiar faces and many unfamiliar ones as well. Screams of terror and excitement were heard, and Payne did only smile. The games were about to begin the moment those cell doors got unlocked, and The Demon was going to stand on top of all the chaos that was about to take place in this little slice of Hell on Earth.

"You're all trapped in here.... With me." The Demon muttered to himself, before leaning back against the wall across his cell door, hiding in the shadow of his poorly lit chambers.
A demonic sounding chuckle echoed through his room, which got drowned out by the sounds of madness that the prison produced.
Unaware of the fact that the fresh meat that they thought was delivered to them, was the predator that would turn this rowdy group of mindless killers back into scared little children, ready to be begging for mercy.

Sin was palpable in this place, punishments needed to be dealt. And the perfect executioner had just arrived.



Nov 23rd 2021 - 12:37 AM
past the point of no return
Arkham Asylum.


The guards cautiously approached the Demon's cell, circling him. He was in chains and yet...still terrifying. Those crimson eyes of his...his cool detachment. Born of Lucifer and Lilith, he was the son of Evil Incarnate. However, something...was off. Whereas he was usually menacing the other inmates, he was strangely quiet today. There was something off and it must be him doing it somehow. They had decided to put him back in isolation. At least in there, they could forget about him. If even Batman didn’t see any use for him, why should they? The Warden had signed the order and they had suited up. The magical chains used to restrain him were ready, the priests were on standby. He was going back to isolation.

Yet, as they looked in on him, he remained eerily quiet. He remained quiet as he stood, moving to the door and giving his wrists so they might be bound.

Outside Arkham, a dark Rolls Royce rolled up to the front. The guards looked in surprise as the door opened, but no one stepped out. As they approached the car, one was met with a stiletto heel to the face, which penetrated the eye. He screamed, but the figure twisted his neck as they exited the car. The other guard had just raised the radio to his lips but didn’t get the words out as the driver shot him. Wisely, he’d used a silencer. Now, both of the guards were dead. There was no going back now. Nodding to the driver, the woman felt a smirk pull on her lips as he pressed a button on his phone and the cameras malfunctioned. Lowering her cowl, she made a beeline for the front door, letting herself in. Chaos was ensuing already; the guards yelling because their radios were blocked. The inmates were making a ruckus as well, though the female suspected that was nothing new. Looking at her watch, seeing the visage of the other male appear, she murmured in French, “Throw the switch.”

The lights began to flicker. The inmates blinked in surprise, shaking their cell-doors. Even they knew something wasn’t right now. Payne’s brow lifted as he looked up. “Perhaps my father is coming,” he quipped drily, picking up on the unease of the guards, who pushed him back inside his cell, still chained. Leaving two to stand there, the other six went off. Screams were heard shortly after, along with grunts and begging. The occasional sound of a gun going off also joined with them. Flashbangs, smoke bombs, the scent of blood filled the air. If the Demon was disappointed that he couldn't see the show, he'd be amused to know that the female was disappointed he wasn't seeing it entirely.

"Listen. It's the Music of the Night." Payne snickered, giving his chains a rattle, enjoying the nervousness of the guards at his door. Protestations and life being begged for filled his senses and the Demon’s smirk grew wider. The guards looked at each other and back at Payne, before using the butt end of their rifle to hit him in the gut through the opening in his door. The Demon hissed in his irritation but listened. The footsteps were getting closer.

“Gentleman, that is no way to treat your guest,” came a sultry tone and the sound of heels clicking on the stone floors. Reaching to her belt, she loosed free a small canister, rolling it forward. “Step back, Inmate,” she called out, as the smoke began to empty out. The guards began to choke.

“Who’s there?!”
“Step back!”

The figure was small and used the darkness to her advantage, dipping into shadows as they shot their guns, leaving them to wonder who was there and where she was coming from. “We’ve passed the point of no return,” she continued in a sneer. “I really must insist that you step back. No backward glances. The games we've played now are at an end…” she purred in a low tone. And it was true. The game was at an end. She was within reach. She didn’t hesitate as she quickly sliced their throats with blades hidden in her sleeves, leaving them in a heap and she drew out pins from her belt to unlock the door.

“They really need to get better locks,” the female mused as she finished picking the lock. Lifting the keys from one of the guards, she moved in and unlocked his chains. “Ready?” she asked, looking at Payne and extending her hand out towards him, lifting her cowl and resting her free hand on her hip. Adorned in a catsuit, head to toe in leather, it wasn't her usual ensemble, but she wore it well. “I’ve got a plane ready. Bags packed. Pick a place. Time to get out of here…Payne Zile Queen.” she spoke, giving him his name back and granting him one of the biggest sh*t-eating grins that she'd ever worn before.

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