12/31/2022 02:24 PM 

Welcome To New York!

Tara opened her cell phone up. A new text from Mindy telling her to get her ass to back to the dorm. She smiled at the text as the subway came to a stop. The next stop would be her's. A young couple got on with a couple people in clown costume's. Then behind them, someone wearing a Ghostface costume came on board and her anxiety came back with chills going down her arms. 

Chad offered to ride with her, but she told him that she could handle herself. Now she was beginning to regret her decision. Reaching inside her pocket for her inhaler, she took a hit of it. The two clowns were talking to each other as the Ghostface costume looked right to her. Seeing the mask again reminded her of that night she was stabbed. All she wanted to do was get off the subway and go back to her dorm room. 

Putting her inhaler back into her leather jacket she stood up right in front of the door waiting for the next stop. Feeling the cold eyes of the Ghostface still on her, she got this weird feeling. 


The Subway slowed it's pace. In a moments notice it stopped and the doors opened up letting everyone out. Tara adjusted the strap over her shoulder exiting the Subway as something fell out of her hand, coming into the terminal finding her way to the stairs reading the sign for Blackmore University.

The moment she reached the top of the stairs, she turned around. Through the crowd of people, she saw Ghostface at the bottom staring right at her. If this was a prank, it was being taken too far. Sam warned her to never wander by herself. That was when she realized that she dropped her phone on the subway. Oh my god. 

Running off into the New York crowd of people just getting off work towards the University. Stopping at a red light in a crowd, looking behind her. No Ghostface from what she could tell. That didn't mean they weren't still stalking her. She could feel someone still watching her.

Green light, she ran across the street then looked behind her. Ghostface was there showing her something in their hand. It was a shiny knife. There was no way this was a prank. Out of fear, Tara ran into the nearest coffee shop moving past the door. There wasn't too many people in there. But everyone looked at her as soon as she entered. Running up to the front counter.

"Please! You need to call 911. A man in a mask is chasing me". 

The older woman on the other side just stared at her with not even a worry in her eye,"welcome to New York". 

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