10/04/2022 02:32 PM 

Murder On the Mind

Being in her own apartment now scared her. Now that she was living alone often at night she'd wake up and re-check the doors and windows making sure nothing can get in. She'd double arm her security system in case it wants to f*** up. Sam used to stay over with her the first week she stayed there to comfort her. But tonight, Sam wasn't even in Woodsboro. She was in Vegas with a friend trying to enjoy herself. Tara did wish that Sam invited her along but she probably just wanted time away from her too. 

Loud thunder sounded outside as rain hit the windows and the wind picked up. There was suppose to be a bad storm today. Tara was in black jeans & boots with a white tank top for the day. Not even bothering to go to school because she got too high in the morning. Been showing a more rebellious attitude for school and just for everything. ​ In the kitchen she had just put a bag of popcorn into the microwave. Then she heard a noise upstairs and her heart started to race. Now she knew, that she wasn't alone in this house. There was somebody else here, and she didn't have Sam or her parents to protect her. She was all alone.

Opening up her bottom cupboard she removed a towel which revealed a gun. Closing the cupboard she loaded it with ammunition switching off the safety as she went near the staircase looking upstairs. Grabbing the television remote, she wanted something to cover her footsteps going up the stairs and turned up the movie playing, Halloween Kills. It was at the part where Allyson and Cameron was discovering Big John and Little John's bodies.

Step by step Tara slowly started walking up the stairs with her barrel pointed in front of her. Making it up the stairs she slowly opened up the guest room switching on the light. Stepping into the room she went to look behind the door then watched as the figure appeared. Ghostface drove the knife into her ribcage and Tara screamed in pain holding into her new wound. Another stab into her right shoulder then Ghostface grabbed her carrying her out of the room. 

"Get the f*** off of me" kicking and screaming feeling helpless. Elbowing their head in which they released and Tara lifted her gun up pointing it at them and pulled the trigger three times as three bullets hit their torso. But they kept coming at her then pushed her right down the stairs and her body went tumbling her head hitting hte bottom railing hard and laid there motionless. 

Through the darkness she could hear the footsteps of ghostface slowly walking down the stairs. Being kicked onto her back Ghostface lifted the knife up and went to drive it into her chest but she brought her hands up onto their wrist screaming and prevented the strike from happening. "F*** You" headbutting the killer forcing them onto their back getting ontop of them with the knife in hand and hurting all over,"just f***ing DIE" going to work as she drove the knife into his body a total of 5 times and the man under the mask screamed in pain and went to lift his hand up to stop her. Tara drove the knife through his hand. It reminded her of when that happened to her last year. The movie playing now at the part where Michael was killing the mob at the end. 

Taking the gun she pointed it at their head and unloaded 4 more shots into his torso then his head and he stopped screaming and stopped moving. More thunder rumbled outside grabbing the mask taking it off and underneath, was Rick Splade. He was a stalker of Sam's recently. One big reason why her sister went on vacation. With the mask in hand and knife leaving her gun at the scene she walked out into the rain. Her wounds on her body hurting even more as the rain from the storm dripped down her body and through her clothes. ​ 

Her mind was walking to the nearest place for help. Her clothes were getting soaked in minutes as she made her way towards the High School. The mask with the bullet hole in the head in her hand and the knife in her other hand. Tara had no idea what she was thinking but she wasn't. She was traumatized by what she just went through and Sam wasn't there to save her, again. There was only one person she passed and all they could do was stare at her and stood still. They were probably frightened by the sight of a young kid carrying the town's legendary mask and a knife in her hands. 

Walking up the steps of the High School she walked through the double doors. "I need help" she shouted, half of her brain not even thinking walking down the hallways. But she stared at one of the teachers who was at the front counter putting together some paperwork she presumed. In fact, Tara probably looked half dead with what she walked away from. The sudden thought that Rick may not be the only killer went through her mind. It being two killers hadn't crossed her mind all night until now.

"I killed him, I killed him" Tara stood there letting the rainwater drip off her. Most of Rick's blood on the knife had washed off and the mask was completely soaked. 

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