09/20/2022 04:12 PM 

Christine becoming human starter
Category: Stories


The day started out normal for Christine. She woke up in her coral bed after dreaming mermaid dreams and headed out of the mercastle. She wondered where everyone had gone but still stayed there hoping someone would return.


She was joined soon by her seal pup Lily and they both went down to the seafloor to dig for seashells. Christine wanted to look for sunken ships to find shinies, but knew Lily was still skittish around that. Suddenly Lily squealed and swam off frightened by something.  “Lily!” Christine cried out forgetting everything else for the moment and swam off in the direction she thought Liy had gone, sending out her thoughts but getting no response.


Then Christine paused. Something was very wrong here. She could feel it. There was some presence in the water that Lily had sensed before she did. However, it was too late as Christine felt a sharp pain. It felt like her tail had been ripped apart.


Suddenly she could no longer breathe. She writhed trying to get to the surface, but it seemed as she could no longer swim. What was happening to her?


Luckily she hadn’t realized that the swirling currents had washed her up on a beach although even with the water running over where her tail used to be were her human legs. Christine had no time to wonder what had happened.She had passed out.


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