The Joining of Two Hearts

Welcome to the Wedding of Erik Destler and Katherine Pierce

We swear by peace and love to stand
Heart to heart and hand to hand
Mark, O Spirit, and hear us now
Confirming this our Sacred Vow

Meet the Bride and Groom

07/11/2022 11:06 PM 

~: Wedding Ceremoney :~

We are Gathered here on the 12th day of July to witness the Joining of Two Hearts in a Sacred Ceremony to bound these two for all time in the Magical Mists of the Last Realm of Magic.

The magic realm is where all enchanted things may retreat before their very extend. It is here in the Magic realm where their Love will flourish. Take flight and bring to us all distant stars and wonders of the sea. It is through this joining that all friendships will be renewed and new life will begin. Cast your eyes to Erik Destler and Katherine Pierce. Cast your blessings and hopes. Cast all your wishes and dreams and Believe. Believe in Magic. Magic cannot die.

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Kαт loveѕ Le Fαɴтoмe™️


Jul 12th 2022 - 12:56 PM

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-whispers to Bilbo- "It was just my cousin, she meant no harm. It was her way of welcoming?? -shaking her head and giggling-  

~*Carlotta!!! *~ aka Rosie


Jul 12th 2022 - 12:44 PM

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"Bilbo! Do you think my hair is too high?" Touches it up, ignoring everything else but her hair. 

~*Carlotta!!! *~ aka Rosie


Jul 12th 2022 - 11:32 AM

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~Gets all done up, in her finest attire and wig and sneaks into the pew on her tippy toes and snuggles in next to Bilbo, nodding to him. "Lovely wedding is it not?" Tossing a winkadoodle~

Kαт loveѕ Le Fαɴтoмe™️


Jul 12th 2022 - 9:56 AM

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As she walked down the isle, she noted all the attendee's one being that of Mary. She radiated in her golden gown as stardust swept swiflty across her every feature as Katherine smiled warmly and noded to the Queen.

Kαт loveѕ Le Fαɴтoмe™️


Jul 12th 2022 - 9:54 AM

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A soft whimper escapes her silken rose petals as she tries her best to swallow back the wave of emotions coursing her veins in this very moment. But as Thorin gazes to her, his eyes warm and wise her pulse steadies. She smiled and nodded as his the mapping of his palm placed gingerly upon her tiny hand, and as he spoke her heart melted. This was a grand day for her. Not only was she marrying the love of her life, but also, gaining a family she had never known. Slowly they walked up the isle and as always the world around faded away as she met her lovers dark inkwell's of wonder that stilled played upon her pallett and painted a world around she had never known.She turned to Thorin before he could release her, and gingerly pressed her lips to his cheek- "Thank you, so very much." . With that she then closed the distance between her and her love as she spoke in a whisper as to only him, "I am so in love with you.My moon, stars and the world in its entirety. You make me the happiest any maiden could ever wish to be."

~* Mary Queen of Scots *~


Jul 12th 2022 - 9:53 AM

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Everyone rose at the strong and clear direction of the organ…
Mary turned to get her first glimpse of Katherine as a bride.
She reached into her purse, for a tissue, and could feel the tears well up.
‘She’ was a bride all aglow!...radiating emotion and confidence!
 Her eyes were only for Erik. 


Balin Khrysaor


Jul 12th 2022 - 9:23 AM

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Seeing as how we have a good crowd amonst us. Motions for the minstrel to play here comes the bride as Thorin escorts the young lady down to our good lad Erik here who is the fearless groom. Balin holds his holy book of matrimony and gives everyone a grin and awaits. "Ah youth. A time of vigor and hope. All things possible."

Yelena Belova 🌹


Jul 12th 2022 - 8:50 AM

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WOW very Fancy. (Feels like a million dollars) 
Takes a seat and watches along with everyone.
The beautiful music! Reminds me of Russia.

~* Mary Queen of Scots *~


Jul 12th 2022 - 8:15 AM

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*blushing....she waves and winks at Frodo, feeling so happy that she came.*

~* Mary Queen of Scots *~


Jul 12th 2022 - 8:00 AM

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Mary was honored to receive invitation to the joining of her dear friends Katherine and Erik.
Having been to many amazing venues all over the world; France, Ireland, England, and Scotland,
 none could compare to the magic of this place, this morn.  Sparkling crystal and glorious rays of heaven
 rained over the love which emitted from these souls.  The smiles and joy radiating from all the guests was a witness to their union.
Quietly she slipped into a seat not too far from the back, hoping to be the first to gaze on Katherine's
face before she started down the long aisle.  The music calmed the room~anticipation was mounting.


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