06/20/2022 11:23 PM 

Can’t fix me.

Father’s Day hit different this year. Damien Waltz knew he couldn’t pretend sh*t was okay. He couldn’t keep pretending life was normal without his children. But he did the right thing, right? He did the honorable thing? Right? He did what any person in their right mind, do? Right? Right. He assured himself on the daily that his decision to give up his children back to their mother was for the best. Even if it meant solitude. And pain. Yeah, he was in pain every single day since their departure. There wasn’t a single day they didn’t cross his mind. Even a walk around the neighborhood broke his heart. They were part of his life and letting go wasnt as easy. But, he accepted his fate. They needed their mother, too and even if he only got to see them occasionally, Damien knew he couldn’t raise them the same way she could. Plus, he still praise her grace. One day, he hoped they could be civil. Until then, all he had left was a family picture and some stuff animals to fill the void.

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