H M C P B ©

05/08/2022 11:22 PM 


A small yawn escaped her lips as she stretched out in her bed. Another long night followed by the morning early sun. Her arms reached out, allowing her body to stretch. She finally rolled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. “What the f***…” she said to herself as she passed by the mirror. She paused for a moment looking in the mirror. She closed her eyes for a moment then opened them backed up. She couldn’t believe the site. What was going on? She thought to herself. She was freaked out seeing such a young version of herself in the mirror. ‘This can’t be right.’ She walked past the mirror one more time before looking back with no luck. 


She shuddered looking back at her teenage self in the mirror. It immediately brought back all the fears, insecurities, and secrets she had spent years working on and getting over. She shook her head trying to figure out what to do. She still couldn’t believe what was going on. She wondered if it was just herself or if everything had aged back several years. As much as she wanted to know, she thought about all the abuse and trauma she went through and didn’t want to put here through that again. She let out a deep breath before making her way back to her bedroom. ‘I guess I don’t have to go to work today.’ She said to herself. She sat for a moment trying to think about all the other things she had to do. 


She immediately ran to her purse looking to see if her license still said she was 26. Atleast if she still had her license she could go to the bar. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case. She wasn’t sure exactly how she should spend her day but was determined to have a good day. She thought to herself for the moment and thought what better way to spend a day than shopping with her parents money. She got herself together and made her way to the mall to shop til she dropped. Once she was done shopping she treated herself to lunch and found time to see her brother. She took him to the park where they could just hangout and talk for awhile. Before the night ended she wrote in her journal about the crazy but nice and relaxing day she had and how happy she was with how her day ended even though it started out strange. She wasn’t sure what had happened or why she had been transformed to her younger self but it was nice to live a day stress and responsibility free. 

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