04/03/2022 11:45 PM 

Category: Guidelines


No one likes rules but they are needed to make rp easier with no drama or any kind of trouble. Which seems hard to avoid no matter how much some of us try. I hoped not to need rules but it doesn't seem to work. So had no choice in the matter but add those. I hope you would read and follow those. I would know whether you have read those or not. So I suggest you read those and follow. It is easy or should be and it is also the right thing to do. It is annoying and frustrating when people cause drama to those who don't want or need it. So am hoping with those rules to avoid that as much as possible. I really hope that those rules would help avoid it as much as possible, as I hope that people would read those and follow them, without causing any trouble due to them, or in general. Those rules are serious rules and super important. So please do everyone a favor and yourselves do by reading and following those. Those are not hard and it helps a lot or at least they should help anyway. So no need to argue about it or get angry that those exist. As there is really no point to that, at all. Anyway, here are the rules.

1.I am not the person or people in the pictures and the gifs. I am just an rper who rps a character I like. No more nor less. So no assuming that is a real life or someone who is crazy or such and is here for out of character chat pretending to be an rper to mock rp and such as it isn't true and never will be true. No matter what. So don't even go there. I am not crazy and not mocking anyone. I am an rper. No more nor less. Whether you like it or not is still the case. The actress is too busy so she can't be here and the character is fictional. If you don't get it then go get a professional help before you start or continue rping on here. No judging or assuming or attacking over that rule.

2.My main verses are Westworld tv show, crime, Law Enforcement, Scifi, Supernatural and open. I am open to others just not smut. No sex or erotica either. Given that I am not a fan of it and never will be. Not even open for debate. It won't change and will never admit to anything else. Not ever. Don't judge or assume, as you will be block once I find out that you judge me or assume things or both and I will find out. That isn't what the character is about and never will be. Maeve is more complicated than that. Another thing you need to undetstand is that no sex or erotica would happen. So no smut. Due to her being taken by Hector Escaton and that would never change. You can even find that on the headline on my profile. Whether you like it or not. Maeve won't cheat on him and that is how I rp her and will rp her. Case closed. I am not interested in that. Believe it or not won't change that. So no accusing me of it or assuming that or such. Don't judge me or attack me for wanting sex or you will be blocked. No questions asked. Also no real life genres as they don't work. No mattwr what. Nothing against real life but it can't work here no matter what.

3.Maeve is taken by Hector Escaton and it won't change, no matter what you say or want to believe. She will only be with him and it will never change. With that in mind understand that I am not requesting any of you for sex or such, as am not into it as I said before. Also am not requesting people to break couples up as it's not true. It never would be true.  I don't even request you get with your character and break mine with her guy. As it isn't true either and will never be true. I also don't accept friend request for that but I request people and accept friend requests to rp and only that. Also don't ask people to add me and tell them that I am here for sex as am not and never will be. Those requesting me for sex would be blocked in definitely. I am a nice person but if you piss me off then you are gone. Hurt and attack ne or those I care for, and you will piss me off.

4.I rather multi para and up but will rp with anyone. Just let me know what is easier for you before hand. With that in mind so, I am not a one liner, semi or para rper, I just don't judge people unless they judge me. So keep that in mind and we will get along well. I am judgmental so please don't judge me. I rather multi and up but if it is easier for other rpers then less it is. So confuse that with not knowing to multi para or novella. This is another important rule to keep in mind.

5.Take as long as you need to send an introduction or a starter or a reply and will do the same. Just send it when you can is all I ask as I will do the same too. That doesn't mean rushing in case you are wondering just being nice. However, don't talk to others and ignore me, then ask for more storylines/rp as it isn't nice. I won't do it to you so don't do it to me. I might take time and mean while discuss with others and all but am not ignoring you or such. So keep that in mind and respect that. As long as you don't treat me as nothing, as a number that is all that matters as I am not nothing or a number but a person, an rper.

6.Please respect me and my character, and will do the same. Yes, my charactchais different and from the future but no, she isn't fake or mockery but from a tv show Westworld. Maeve Millay is an actual character and she is literally a host/a robot. Whether you like it or not it is the way it is and am not apologizing for it like you won't apologize for your character being the way they are. So please keep that in mind and enough judging, assuming things about me and my character as it js just wrong. She isn't made up but a canon. Maeve is canon but she has an au part to her too. Yet, it doesn't mean she is human or such but a host/a robot. It is how it is. I will only rp her the way she is and not the way you think she is.

7.I need Mains and connection. Except no Dolores, Teddy and Caleb as they are taken but others includinh love interest, boyfriend Hevtor Ecator is needed. I hope we will get those filled as me and my mains need those taken. As they are important and all mains are canons so no making them made up and asking to be mains as the answer is a no. So if you take those get familiar with the show first. As for connections. It would be either friends or enemies. No more nor less. No ex's or such as she has none. Maeve has a daughter and would be cool if someone rps her but she is canon and main, yet not blood related s both were created but still are close as mother and daughter, as the kid was originally created to be Maeve's daughter and she still is. So the daughter and the love interest are both canon but they have au to them too. They are also super important. Now back to connections, no ex's or other kids, especially not biological as that isn't possible. Also no love interest as Maeve is only with Hector Escaton

This is all. Would add more if needed. Please read and follow those. As long as you read it and follow we will get a long great. I am a good person but  piss me off and you are off my friends list. And no rp. While I am here to rp, I don't rp with people who attack me and change my character. Not negotiable. So as said before only friends snd enemies for connections. So keep that in mind and don't assume things or judge me for it but accept it. The mains and connections always come first, no matter what.


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