03/29/2022 11:01 PM 

trouble in paradise.

* thnk you to mama vic for letting me feat. cash in some work!!! also - for those reading and going "who tf is stone" (there's a lot of new ppl here hi), he's an NPC - was lennon's first husband. now dead. thanks bye lmfalksdjakl 


“You made me look like a f***ing idiot,”
Stone’s voice booms through the small apartment we shared, his presence consuming every open inch of floorspace that it could find. Even if I wanted to run and hide, I couldn’t.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say softly, pushing the vegetables around in the pot with the end of a spatula. It wasn’t a complete lie, I didn’t know what set him off this time – it seemed like everything I did made him angry in some aspect.

“Don’t play f***ing dumb, Lennon.” I could feel him now, his chest pressing against my back, his hand gripping on my arm. He spins me around before I can shake him off. “What the f*** do you think you’re doin’ lookin’ at Cash like that?”

Oh. That.

I didn’t realize it was so noticeable. Or that I was being watched as I watched someone else. Cash had been hard to ignore most of the time, his presence just as consuming as Stone’s. I wasn’t usually this ballsy, f***ing around with two men in one club — but I couldn’t beat the rush that it gave me. Cash was who I went to when I wanted to be disrespected — he didn’t give a sh*t about anything more than a quick f***, and I was fine with that. We had a mutual understanding that that’s all it would be. And Stone . . . Stone was who I went to when I needed to be loved. When I needed to feel something more than disappointment. I didn’t expect to fall for him, but dammit, he made it f***in’ hard not to. And when we started hanging out more frequently, I stopped talking to Cash. At least, I tried to. He knew how to sweet talk me just enough to get me right under his spell one more time.

But one more time became two more times, and that became three more . . . and then I was sleeping with him any time Stone pissed me off. I knew it wasn’t healthy, that it wasn’t going to help me solve my problems with Stone, but if he wanted to be an a**hole then so could I.

I wanted to have my cake and eat it too.

My shoulders shrug in response to his question, but words fail to escape my mouth. “You think its f***in’ funny to embarrass me in front of the club?” A thick hand grips my face, squeezing my cheeks between his thumb and forefinger, forcing my vision upwards to look at him. “Because I didn’t think it was very f***in’ funny. I don’t give a sh*t what you did with Cash in the past, or what you wish you did with him, but if I ever find you lookin’ at him like that again, I’ll kill both of you, you hear me?”

“I wasn’t –” I start to protest, but he only squeezed harder, making it hard to form words.

“Lennon. I ain’t f***in’ around,” his brown eyes stare into me like daggers, the anger on his face hard to ignore. “You’re my ol’ lady. I don’t f***in’ share.”

His ol’ lady.

As if he f***ing owned me. As if I was his property. “If that’s your way of askin me, I’m sayin’ no.” I mumble, trying to lighten the mood. By the look on his face, I can tell it didn’t work. With an agitated sigh, Stone releases my face, pushing it slightly away from him as he steps away. I ignore the sting in my cheeks. “I’m sorry . . . I won’t look at Cash anymore.” I wasn’t sure how truthful that was, but . . . I really did like Stone. And if he wanted me to be his ol’ lady, then I’d respect his wishes and leave Cash alone.

“I don’t want you hangin’ out at the clubhouse without me,” he says, his voice much softer now, though the anger is still apparent on his face. “And I swear to god Lennon, if I hear you’re there by yourself, you’ll regret it.”

“I won’t go by myself, jeeze..” I exhale a small sigh, walking over to where he stood at the fridge, slipping my arms around his waist. “So… you want me to be your ol’ lady, huh?” A small grin tugs at my lips, small kisses peppering his tattooed shoulder blade.

He doesn’t say anything, just rolls his eyes with a smile, looking at me over his shoulder. “You’re burning my onions and peppers.”

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