03/14/2022 06:38 PM 

Meeting The Peaky Blinders


An Angel in Hell

Waverly Earp - /Purgatory_Bookworm
Waverly Earp, the youngest of three Earp sisters, daughter to Ward Earp, or at least that's what she was always lead to believe. That she was able to some day, break the Earp Curse. To free the town of Purgatory that she had called her home, to set them all free, and yet... It wasn't meant to be. She had learned that her mother was the only parent she shared with the now dead Willa Earp, and the Earp Heir, Wynonna. Not that she missed Willa to begin with. She was always so cruel to her, knowing that she wasn't Ward's, no doubt, always treating her like she wasn't good enough, and because of her, she was always trying to prove herself.

Gus had tried to convince Wynonna that it was her shadow she was trying to get out from under, but it wasn't, not really. She was attempting to get away from the memory of the golden Earp child... Willa. Despite being dead, she still had that memory. She was beloved by all, while Wynonna... Wynonna was a drunkard, she saw demons, and talked nonsense. Hell she'd even been locked away in a mental hospital for it. It was the primary reason she and Xavier Dolls had so many issues to start with, well that and Wynonna didn't do well with authority, but that was a different story entirely, well for the most part.

Waverly had spent her entire life, learning new languages, learning how to desipher, studying all the revenants that existed. How they came to be, why they were so angry, even what stages of their deaths they were in. It was all pretty intense, but she did it, because before she learned the truth about herself, she was determined to break the curse when she hit that magical age of twenty-three. Now however, she had a new calling. She was meant to protect the Garden of Eden, which forget the folk lore now, because that place is a baren wasteland, instead of a beautiful garden of light and beauty.

It was her calling, as it was her father's calling before her, but he had died, while fighting to protect her and her half sister Wynonna. Yep... Angels, demons, Black Badge Agents, gun slingers from olden days, reapers, cannibals.... Waverly had seen it all, or at least she thought she had. One of her trips through the gate, into the Garden of Eden, she managed to get herself turned around. It was a path she'd walked hundreds of times before, which told her truly that if she was lost.... Or so it felt, there was a reason behind it.

Trusting the call, or rather having no other choice she found herself in quite the altered world. She had been to London before, been to many places in Europe in fact, but this was not how she remembered it, not at all. Somewhere here however, she was needed, and now it was her task to find out just where that somewhere was. She had walked for several moments, studying the streets, the buildings, the people who walked by that gave her rather curious looks. At first she had figured it was her attire, as last she knew she was certainly not dressed for this place, but when she glanced down at herself she wore just what everyone else had.

This left the question then, of why the looks. Glancing back to her path she moved from the near middle of the street, that would explain the strange looks. Despite the street being rather empty of moving traffic, it wasn't the norm, and she made her way into a pub. Pubs, she knew. She was a bar wench back home, back when Shorty was still alive, when Gus owned his bar after his passing. She honestly missed it, but the idea of working for Bobo, the man who had lied to her, convincing her that he was her imaginary friend, and inevitably leading her to be responsible for the death of her fath.. Ward Earp and her sister, well it didn't sit well with her.

As she made her way inside, silence seemed to be the unexpected response she had found. Not because the strange looks that came to pass when a new person entered a pub, but more from the lack of bodies that were actually in it. That was when she had caught sight of Tommy and Devlin. It was in that moment that she felt a tugging at her heart strings, as if this, this was the place she was meant to me. "Are you sure, they seem perfectly capable to me..." Waverly spoke in a soft tone to herself as she nervously bit the corner of her bottom lip.

That same tug returning once more as she drew in a deep breath. "Sure hope you know what you're getting me into." She spoke once more, in that same soft whisper to herself before she put her usual smile back on her face as started more into the pub, making her way closer to the two but not outright approaching them as she rather last minute offered a rather casual turn that took her to the bar. "Could I get... Something mind, would be preferred, I'm afraid I can't really hold my alcohol." She offered truthfully, as she breathed out a bit of a laugh at the same time, her usual, chipper little giggle that showed quite outright, that this was not even close to the sort of place she should be.

Created by Patriot

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