
02/18/2022 07:09 PM 

Join me or DIE.

Akasha hadn't been used to this new world she had woken up in. Feeling as though she'd woken up in the wrong time and no longer being in Uruk where she was born and raised. Not even Uruk was the same, with it now being called Egypt. Akasha had also no longer been in the care of any of her children, In fact the raven haired woman had been cared for by a witch, a mere human at that. Who knew? At least she didn't have to worry about the human growing tired of her duty and placing her in the sun, just as the caregiver before her had done. Which caused the deaths of many of her children all over the world, only confirming that the vampire species entire lifeline had been in the hands of the King and Queen, but mainly the Queen. Her death meant the deaths of many; And she had to be protected. During her first awakening, Akasha had killed her King, growing tired of being tethered to a man who couldn't protect her and made her feel weak. His jealously towards their children caused Akasha to distance herself from him, silently judging his intentions. The day she met the newborn vampire Lestat had only cemented her choice on what to do with King Enkil. Kill him the first chance she got; and that chance came the moment she heard the music of Lestat De Lioncourt. Akasha first laid eyes on Lestat when he wandered into her tomb, she and Enkil had been in their stoned state, though she could hear and see; to those on the outside could only see her through visions, when she wanted to be seen. Marius had tried to keep Lestat away from her, due to her stature in the vampire world, Marius knew that a newborn Lestat wouldn't steer clear of the Queen. Unaware that she was the mother of his race.

Lestat disobeyed and fed from the Queen, something she herself had allowed him to do, just to give him a taste of what was to come and to see bits and pieces of her life through her eyes, how things had been in the past, before Marius, before Lestat, before any of her children except the twins Maharet and Mekare; whom where two of the only ones who knew how and who Akasha truly was. Before Akasha was immortal, she and her King wanted their subjects to turn away from eating flesh, and turn to eating grains from farming, her people loved her for he ways and her attitude as a Queen; she was a Queen who wanted peace and not violence. All of that changed when Akasha became obsessed with the other side, the dark side, all things supernatural. When she becomes unsatisfied with the answers she recieved to her questions, she herself turned violent, with Akasha and her King ending up being killed by a group of of nobles; or at least they thought they killed them.

Akasha was fierce, scary, dangerous, uncaring, and heartless, among other things; but she was beautiful; she could tame anyone she wanted by just a look, though it wasn't easy for her attention to be kept, she had made an exception. With Akasha being  reborn as a vampire with the help of that very same angry and demonic spirit that had stalked about in the chambers of their home when the Queen wouldn't cease in her mission to question the abilities of the supernatural world; she had been different, different from what she had been before. As the years passed, Akasha and her King ruled, feeding and killing whomever they wanted, living wherever they wanted as well as turning most of their followers; the downfall of humans being turned to vampires, the King and Queen's thirst began to slow and instantly turn them to stone, which led to the two having been cared for by those who still followed Akasha's will. 

At the end of it all, her last living children had bonded together to attempt to talk Akasha down, once they relized she had taken Lestat as her new King, Some of them died, because they hadn't been as strong as her; though they had drank most of her blood, Akasha still had one over them. Marius, the twins, and another had succeeded in weakening the Queen. But the final betray came from Lestat himself when he fed from her, attempting to drain her, Maharet stopped him and 'Killed' Akasha herself.. or so she thought. She wouldn't be silenced, not by anyone; and she vowed to return and take her revenge, she would no longer offer for them to join her, they had to die. 

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