02/10/2022 12:50 PM 

Guidelines | Rules

Preference Of Writting Out Rp Replies: Paragraph to Multi Paragraph, One Liner and Semi Para is fine to Status Rp and Rp Banter, and Regular Ooc Banter, though if you're going to send me constant rp on liners through comments or messages you're ass is gone off my friends list. 

Discussed Storylines: This is fine by me though I ask that you don't leave all the thinking of idea's up to me and you just go along with it. If you're curious about Zack's character you're more then welcome to look up the info on you're own time instead of asking and expecting me to give you a brief bio of him. AU bits will be revealed through actual storyline rp responses, If I'm feeling nice enough I will reveal a few idea's here and there of how I'm writting as Zack. 

Me Responding to Premade Greetings:  The only way that I will be responding to Premade Greetings is if how their written catches my interest or their character is of interest and I can see a long term connection with that other Character and writter. No where on the site guidelines says that I have to write with those who have not gained my trust and interest, Also please check over you're premade greeting Please and Thank You,  and make sure that it has a suggestive idea included into it otherwise I will give you a boring response then remove that none trusted person off my friends list when I seek fit.

Starters: I'm fine with sending a few starters though I will not be sending one to everyone so don't waste my time of asking for a starter just to see how i write then delete me, If i find out that someone did that their asses are blocked without second thought. If I send you a starter and you have no interest of responding to it please just delete me without blocking like a childish brat.

Replies: Please Don't Hound me for half effort quick replies, I do have more then one page and Zack isn't my only page, and there are times that I will slide off the laptop to play a PS4 game, I will respond though just times it will be within that day or night or when I can, If you have very little to no patience then piss off my friends list.

Rp LI: Zack is single within Rp, I'll only ship him with someone in Rp if the writer doesn't get upset or feel left out whenever i talk about another friend of mine who i ooc wise voice chat with. Someone who isn't going to be a annoying bitch if i talk to someone else who is a friend more then I do them. SELECTIVE FOR A REASON

Haters: They annoy the sh*t outta me of blocking me of assuming that I'm going to re-add them again, It's absolutely not my problem if they can't handle the bluntless of a honest opinion or pointing out something they lacked of including in premade copy and paste greetings without suggestive idea's included. If i was curious about the character i would have asked, don't include something in the greeting that I didn't ask for, Simple as that. Ooc friendships I take to heart always have been, if someone leaves the friendship and starts backstabbing and a two faced liar then yeah i will block them. Sh*t happened between Bat Royalty, Queen Cobra, Lady Faustian, Now Brenda so yeah their loss that they showed their true colors of being toxic fake friends for those time periods I was friends with them. It's called don't get pissy with me when I talk to you when I feel like talking. 


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