01/22/2022 12:05 PM 

vulnerability. | cs.

there was a softness in the touch of my fingers as they roamed over rough skin, as if i had known you had been hurt before. the tops of my digits caressed every scar, every bruise. it always made me sad to think that someone before me couldn't see the value that you hold. how someone could look at you and not think you're the reason there's stars in the sky or the reason for oxygen filling their lungs. perhaps they just didn't see you the way i had. you, a man that shielded himself from ever getting too close, though we both knew you wanted to. how could someone so easily take advantage of those soft eyes and warm smile? it didn't make sense to me then, and to be honest, it still doesn't now. but you continued to let me explore your surface, your eyes never leaving my face, and i could feel the vulnerability between us. it shifted with every inhale of breath, every secret shared in the night. it lingered over us, begging for one of us to make the next move. and then you kissed me. and you didn't know it then, but i vowed to love you for the rest of my goddamn life.

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