12/31/2021 10:05 PM 

A true friend. Happy New Years!
Category: Blogging
Current mood:  imaginative

A true friend is the person who can hurt you the most because they know absolutely everything about you. When they do hurt you, they come up with some kind of plan to make you feel better. Usually, it might be something only you two understand, like a bucket of cookies with a note inside that says, "Sorry I've been such a dork" or something like that. 

A true friend is the type of person you cannot see or hang out with for months on end, but when you finally do meet again, it's like that time apart never happened. A true friend does not always have to be by your side for you to feel as if you guys get each other.

A true friend can call you the worst names in the book of worst names, but you'll always push it off, saying "Pssh, whatever. You know you love me" with a joking manner but in reality, you do know they love you so those names will never do anything to your feelings.

A true friend will call you an idiot when you enter a bad relationship and call you a genius when you leave the relationship. They won't sugarcoat important stuff like that because they do care about your well-being, though the manner in which they say it might be far from conventional.

A true friend will watch you act like a maniac in public, but join in because they don't want you to look like a dumb ass alone. While you two are doing the robot on a busy sidewalk and people watch you and "tsk" about crazy people living in this world, you'll only smile at each other and count this as another day in the life of you and your best friend.

A true friend will love you, and say it at unpredictable times. You could be having the worst day of your life and they'll know this so they'll send you some quirky message online that goes like "Well, at least you're not pregnant" and send a picture of a dude preggers to add a little more humor to the mix.

So..if I don't tell you all enough, and the ones I refer to know who they are without me even saying, Thank you guys. You’re the reason I still check in here. Love ya'll!

Happy New Years!!

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