10/24/2021 06:54 PM 

Order of the Phoenix

When Regulus had received the letter from Dumbledore he did not know what to do with it. He could not let Hermione find it. She did not know that the cat she had seen and bought wasn’t more than just a cat. How that old bastard had figured it out when Regulus had kept himself as far away from the man as he could would be a mystery. But he had found the letter stashed away in a place that Hermione would not have found but would catch the eyes of one Regulus Black in Crookshanks’ form. There was to be a meeting…An order meeting. Oh so that annoying Order of the Phoenix that Dumbledore had created during the first war was making a comeback. But why was Regulus invited? His eyes roamed over every word on the parchment as he sat discreetly on the roof of the Granger’s home. The last sentence caught his eyes. The Horcrux. That’s why. Of course it was why. Dumbledore wanted him to give the locket to him. No. Absolutely not. It was not going to happen. “Crookshanks?” The voice of Hermione Granger called out through the open window that she had left open a crack but Regulus had opened it further to be able to slip out in cat form. He would need to get back in there. He took out his wand and whispered “Diffindo.” watching as the paper was shredded in his hand. The wind took the pieces away as Regulus jumped down onto the window sill in Crookshanks fashion. “Oh there you are!” Hermione scooped him up, rubbing under his chin. “We’re going to the Weasley’s.”

The first stop before they would be back at his childhood home. The Weasley’s home was cramped but it was better than the living room of his childhood home.  Unfortunately though it was the date that his letter had mentioned. He jumped out of Hermione’s arm, ignoring her ‘Crookshanks’ as he darted out of the room. Kreacher. He needed to find Kreacher. Dumbledore wanted him to reveal himself and explain about the Horcrux but he did not trust the older man. “Go away filthy cat.” Kreacher hissed, swatting at him when Regulus had found him. Before the old elf could move further away Regulus was staring at his old friend with human eyes. “Master Regulus!” Regulus slammed his hand over the other’s mouth, head moving in all directions to make sure that no one had overheard the exclamation. “Kreacher. The locket. You still have it?” “Yes. I do Master Regulus. I’ve kept it safe: just like you asked.” “Good. There will be a meeting in about an hour. I need you and that locket to appear in there. But do not let Dumbledore take it.” “I will not! He would have to pry it from my dead hands.” “Kreacher…Let’s not alright? I have to go. Remember. An hour.” With that he slipped back out of the room.  

Being back here brought back a lot of memories. Most of them not ones that Regulus would ever want to remember. But there were those rare memories that Regulus would cherish. The times when he and Sirius got along. When his older brother protected him from their mother’s wrath. The times that his father would invite him into his study and would teach him simple things. The family get togethers that ended up with Sirius and Regulus with their cousins: making fun of the guests even if they were related to them. Before his brother went to Hogwarts. Back when they all got along. Before the Dark Lord came into power and tore their family apart. It didn’t do well to dwell on those times. Especially not when he was about to reveal himself as alive to people who thought him dead. First he would have to deal with the children who were trying to eavesdrop on a meeting that did not pertain to them. He jumped at the ear that was dangling, hearing Hermione’s soft ‘Crookshanks’ as he shifted out of the room through another door. They didn’t need to be involved any more than they already were. Knowing the house like the back of his hand he was able to move discreetly through the home and into the room that the Order was using. Just in time it seemed.

“There is something we need to discuss. The reason that the Dark Lord is back…Why he wasn’t killed forever on that night at Godric’s Hollow.” Regulus shifted, noticing the empty chair that was pushed back next to Dumbledore. Most likely left open for himself when he showed his true form. Kreacher was not here yet but as if Dumbledore’s words had summoned him the elf had appeared. “What are you doing here!?” Sirius’ voice. A chair being shoved backwards was heard as Sirius stood from his chair. “I told you not to disturb us.” Regulus silently moved, eyes fashioned on his brother as he stood over Kreacher who was defiant. A trait that he never showed Regulus or his mother when she was alive. “Sirius. There is a reason he is here. He was asked to be here.” “Asked? By who?” Dumbledore shifted in his seat, gaze finding Regulus. “You might as well show yourself. You cannot keep hidden any longer. A reunion is in order I imagine.” “Granger’s cat? Is this supposed to be some sort of joke?” Sirius scoffed. It was now or never. Regulus had not felt this nervous since the night he had gone to the cave and was thought to have died. Oh but the look on Sirius’ face would be priceless he was sure. Kreacher moved a step towards Regulus. “I brought the locket, Master.” The Elf’s body jolted, eyes widening as he moved towards the closest surface. Ready to punish himself for going against Regulus’ orders: to keep hidden of who he really was. Without thinking Regulus was lunging forward, cat form gone as he wrapped human fingers around Kreacher’s wrist, the word ‘No’ on his tongue. Stopping the elf from doing whatever he had planned.

The silence in the room was deafening in Regulus’ ears. All eyes were on him. People he did not know. And people he did. Regulus braved looking in Sirius’ direction noticing how pale he had become as he gripped the edge of his seat from where he had stumbled back as if he was seeing a ghost: Remus at his side but not surprised to see Regulus alive and well. After all he had seen him on the Marauder’s map when he had taken it from Harry and Snape. Speaking of Snape he stood at Dumbledore’s side a look of surprise on his own face before it was schooled away as he noticed Regulus’ looking. Regulus straightened up, turning to face everyone a sheepish “Hello” loud in the room. That simple word was all that it took before Sirius was lunging forward, fingers sharp in Regulus’ shoulder as he stared. “It’s really you. I thought….I thought you were dead.” Soft. Something Regulus could not remember being directed at him since Sirius’ first year at Hogwarts. Then the anger hit. He could see it in Sirius’ eyes, hear it in his voice as he exclaimed, “I thought you were dead!” Regulus slapped Sirius’ hands off of him, taking a step back and fixing his robe. “Yes but I didn’t. Glad we’ve established that little detail.” “Little!?” Sirius wrapped his fingers into Regulus’ robe, jerking him close again as he hissed, “It is far from little, Regulus!” He had expected the anger but not the tears that welled in Sirius’ eyes that he refused to let fall but still shone brightly for Regulus to see.

“I mourned you.” “No one asked.” “Shut up Regulus! Let me finish. I mourned you. Thought you were a foolish idiot. I kept mourning you for all these years and you just waltz back in here and pull this stunt. And with a f***ing ‘Hello’ as if you hadn’t been dead for 15 years and that’s the only damn thing you can say!” “Are you upset I never said anything or that hello was the only thing I said?” Sirius’ glare darkened, “Shut up. I’m angry. Angry that you have been hiding this whole damn time. Angry that you never once said ANYTHING while I was trying to find that backstabbing rat in Hogwarts. Angry that you cannot even for a split second realize just how damn shocking this is. Angry that you are just so f***ing nonchalant about all of this. Angry that you NEVER said a thing before James and Lily’s death: you could have prevented it!” Regulus waited until he was sure Sirius was finished with his little rant, “Sirius….I betrayed Lord Voldemort.” He noticed the flinch of quite a few in the room as he spoke the Dark Lord’s name. Once he had been like that but years of hiding as Crookshanks he did not care anymore. “If I were to pop up and warn you about Pettigrew or that I was still alive it would have put you in danger. Be angry at me all you want. Blame me for James and Lily’s death if you have to. But I did not care about them. Nor for your damn Lupin. I cared about you and putting you in danger was not my goal at the time. I needed to disappear: plan what I was going to do. I was going to come to you in time…but Lord Voldemort had already killed them before I could. Now let go of my robe.” He pried Sirius’ fingers from him, taking a step back.

“We will continue this in private. This is not a show for others to enjoy. I am here for a reason.” He turned towards Kreacher, hand outstretched “Kreacher. The locket please.” “Of course Master Regulus.” The smooth cold surface of Salazar Slytherin’s locket against his hand had Regulus shivering: he knew what resided in it compared to the others. Could feel the muted power of Voldemort. Could hear the beginning of whispers that would grow stronger and louder if the locket was worn for too long. Regulus had found that the hard way. “A piece of jewelry?” Sirius eyebrow raised. “A Horcrux not an ordinary locket. Ironic it would be the infamous locket of Slytherin’s founder.” Regulus moved, taking the seat that had been left open for him: keeping the locket close to his chest as if to protect it. “It hosts a piece of Lord Voldemort’s soul.” And with that he explained everything. From how he learned about the Horcruxes. How Lord Voldemort came to him one night asking (demanding) for Kreacher to accompany him. How Kreacher was left for dead and came back to tell him what had happened. How Regulus followed the same path. How he had almost been dragged down to became an Inferi for the rest of eternity. How he nearly died of thirst as he laid in his family’s cabin: delirious with memories that had haunted his nightmares. How he spent the years since his ‘death’ until the night of the Potter’s death, becoming an Animagnus and learning more about how many Horcruxes Voldemort could have made. How he had come upon the home of James and Lily Potter in the aftermath of Voldemort’s attack after gaining the courage to finally let the others know what was going on: how he watched in hiding as Sirius arrived and mourned his friends.

He did not mention the parts where he had sat beside the cold body of James Potter as he watched Severus Snape completely ignore the dead man and ran up the stairs. To his beloved Lily. How he had closed his eyes so he wasn’t staring blankly at the ceiling: life gone from once active eyes. How he had stood up and left: vowing to hunt down Pettigrew no matter where he hid. By the end of it, he was leaning back in his seat. Watching Severus. Watching Sirius. Not caring about anyone else in the room. "And that is why Lord Voldemort was not killed for good in Godric's Hollow."

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