09/15/2021 07:27 PM 


UPDATED: 08.07
Aaron Jennings: Before leaving, Theia babysat Sage and lost her, breaking their friendship. Now that she's home, they are working on rebuilding the friendship to get it back to where it was before
Anton Pleskov: An unlikely friendship. While others see the worst in Anton, Theia attempts to see the positive. 
Atarah Sofer: The two hooked up once and Atarah tries to stay on Theia's good side since theia is close to her favorite leader, Sophia.  
Ava Donahue: Former roommates and became friends after Theia frequented where Ava worked and bonded over their love of horror movies
Charlotte Reyes: Met during a meeting and became close friends, she even babysat Tatum
Danny Kennedy: His dad worked with hers and they had quickly became friends. He proved to be someone that Theia could trust and she told him first of the things her father was doing to her and his home became a safe space.
Dollie Lovell: Theia didn't like her initially as Theia saw some questionable things that made her question the trust she had in Thatcher. Theia also witnessed what happened in Thatcher's office and was later informed after her own departure to travel for the Organization the story that Thatcher twisted to explain Dollie's absence. 
Dreya Stone: -discussing-
Eloise Sloan: Met in a support group outside of Sanctum.
Holly Parker: Theia was tasked with keeping an eye on Holly by the blonde's brother.
Jakob Shaw: They had a fling in the past, Theia developed feelings and told him but he left. When they were first reunited in Sanctum, they attempted to try again until Theia left him without a word, she sees it as payback. 
Jordyn Irizarry: The two were really close friends in New York, until one of Theia's sister's ratted out Jordan's boyfriend to their dad and had him arrested. Jordyn takes her anger out on Theia.
Lenny Morales: Shared the fact that they both murdered someone in a chatroom and being in Sanctum, they've formed a friendship
Lily Bower: Acquaintacnes, although Theia really isn't her biggest fan
Lucy Gallant: Given the task by Sophia to make sure she stayed loyal to the Organization, especially after Phoebe.
Rhett Dalle: Theia realized he spies for Sophia and they became friends, both of them trading and comparing information to feed Sophia. He's one of the few people Theia trusts and considers him one of her closest friends.
Vincent Stark: Did drugs together in New York

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