07/24/2021 09:25 PM 

happy birthday, Fergie.

I know you said you didn’t want a party, or anything fancy for your birthday. You don’t even want a gift - but I still wanted you to feel special on your big day. I know it’s not much, and that you deserve so much more than this, but I hope you know how special, how loved, and how appreciated you are not only today, but everyday as well. Below are some special birthday wishes from some of your closest friends, and one from me at the end, because I’m greedy and want to be last.

Fergie Ferg, to think we met all those years ago and always wanted to be each other’s friend but didn’t act upon it. Fast forward to today and how you’re turning the big four oh. Who woulda thought? You, sir, are one of my very best friends and you’ve been there for me through so much. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love and adore you. I can talk to you about any and everything and I know that we’ll never judge each other. You mean the world to me and I’m honored to have gotten to know you. I can’t express how truly grateful I am to have you in my life. You’ll always have a friend in me whether it’s to talk about food, more food, or our favorite topic: food. I love you, dude. Happy birthday. I hope you treat yourself to a whole cake. - Benny

Fergalicious - definition - IT'S YOUR F***ING BIRTHDAY Happy birthday, dude. We aren't terribly close, but we've shared a few good laughs. I'm glad to know ya, brotha. This is your day, daddio. Enjoy it before that lil man comes. *Edit, this was sent in before Apollo came, lol - Damien

It's your birthday my lover. I was gonna send a tape of me doing a little strip but then I thought that's not something you give to someone old so I got you diapers and a heated blanket instead. Just don't use it together - could get ugly. I hope you have the best day! Enjoy it while you can! Sooner or later I will see you again...on a silver plate. LOVE YA! - Damian.

- from Miri
Hi Fergalicious, it’s me, the French bread. We met forever ago and somehow always manage to meet up again! You’re an awesome dude and I’m so happy you’re back in my life! I know we may not chat every day, but I’m forever grateful to have you as FAMILY. This whole circle wouldn’t be complete without you. You’re such a joy to have around. With that said, happy birthday my dude. Stay awesome. Xx - Axel

To my resident ballsack eyed friend, w the cool taste in music! First and foremost thank you, kindly for ruining eyeballs and ballsacks for me for the rest of my life. I really wanted to tell you that I think you’re kind of a swell guy and truth be told I am so grateful for the chance to know you better. Thank you, tremendously for taking my bestfriend and loving her the way that she has always deserved to be loved. Thank you for giving us the moon and the stars and just for simply existing. Knowing that there is someone out there who has absolutely no obligation to me that chooses to love and support me, tirelessly. Honestly speaks volumes about the kind of person that you are and makes me even more gracious of your presence. You just kinda swoop in, leave love and ninja turtle retreat back in your shell, like my soft cancer queen ass. And so I resonate with the “here take my love.” And then peek out like tony tony chopper ( I included the gif for the tony tony reference ) to make sure it’s being accepted. You are so special and I’m so happy and grateful that I get to call you a friend of mine. Thanks for being a pal. Always willing to listen, for having tremendous taste in music to muse over and for always serving up the most decadent food. The world is a much better place with you in it and I’m happy you were born! - izzy / gigi

Dear daddy ferg, happy birthday and congratulations on becoming a dad! I know you will be the best role model. you are a great person and amazing friend! but for now enjoy your special day and don't think about your responsibilities! I'm hoping to see you next week! dino hugs
🦖❤️- dino dan

Ohhh Fergie Face, I don't even know where to start. First of all.. they still allow you to have birthday's at your age? Yikes. Haha.. oh come on, I had to. I've had a lot of friends in my lifetime but never one quite like you. I wish just for five minutes you could see yourself through my eyes because words will never do justice to just how much you mean to me. It drives me mad that you don't see how amazing you truly are. Even when you're going through your own sh*t, you make time to talk me through my sh*t and even when you think you aren't helping.. you are. I feel like I say it all the time, but still not nearly enough; I am so eternally grateful for you. Today will forever be one of my favorite days because today is the day my best friend came into the world. The guy who laughs at my stupid jokes; who has seen me at my absolute highest...and lowest and loves me anyway. The guy who teaches me new things daily [Did you know guys could sit on their balls? 'cause I didn't LMAO] and who isn't afraid to tell me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear. I love our friendship and how we can go days or weeks without talking and pick back up as if no time had passed. You're truly one of a kind, Fergie Ferg and I am so grateful that you allow me to walk through life as one of your best friends. I hope you have the most amazing birthday, ever. Filled with all the love and joy possible because YOU deserve it. I love you, bitch boy ♥ - Savannah

Babe - When we met all those years ago, I never imagined that you and I would be here; married, with three kids and a dog, living in NYC, living the Irish/Italian dream, lol. I never imagined you'd be this special to me, or that you and I would find our way back to each other after a year of silence. In a way, I think the Universe knew exactly what it was doing when we were both born, making sure to weave our paths in such intricate ways that brought us to each other more than once. There's no way that this was all just a coincidence, you know? I don’t think there are enough words in this universe to really articulate how thankful I am that you were born all those years ago, or to even articulate just how grateful I am for you as a human. Every day that I get to wake up besides you is a good day - you always take time out of your day to know that I’m loved, that you’re here, and that you want this love just as much as I do, and that means everything to me. But it’s not just our love that I love - I love the love you have for your friends, I love the love you have for Lilah and Apollo, I love the love you have for Mikey. I love the love you have for Poke and matcha green tea. I love the love you have for going to the gym, and for food in general lol. I love how selfless you are, and how you go out of your way to make sure the people you love are okay, even when you’re not okay yourself. I love your sense of humor, and how any joke you tell can make me laugh. I love your face and those gray hairs on your head, and those abs too. Hubba, hubba. The world was blessed the day you were born, and I feel so infinitely grateful to know that I get to be the one that gets to celebrate every birthday with you from here on out. I hope you know how special you are to not only me, but to everyone in this bulletin as well. That you know that despite sometimes feeling left out, you’re still insanely cared for and loved. You deserve nothing but the best, and even though I don’t always believe I can provide it for you, I hope to give you just that. You’re the greatest gift in my universe, baby. Happy birthday - I’ll wear something cute for ya later when the kids are sleeping.

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