07/18/2021 04:24 PM 

WLHYL EP 2 - Miri & Izzy

Hey, hi, hello, and welcome to this week’s episode of ‘When Life Hands You Lennons’, the podcast where we talk about anything and everything. Truth be told, I have no idea what I’m doing with these things, but thanks for tuning in if you do. -laughs; Anyway, today I wanna talk about every girl’s, gay’s, and they’s favorite thing besides puppies. And tequila…..

I myself like to think I’m fashionable, but I gotta tell you, there are times where I look at past photos of myself and think “Lennon, what the hell were you thinking?” Case in point…. 

That one legged pant/short combo I’m wearing is not it, folks. Who let me outside??? -laughs;

I really wanted to feature some of the stylish babes that are in my inner circle, because I find it easy to pull inspiration from your friends.

Can we talk about Miri’s wedding dress though???? I woulda married her too! Hubba Hubba! And Dev looks SO GOOD in that all black number. Did we expect anything else from the spooky queen herself?

Speaking of Miri, I’m honored to have her as one of today’s featured guests! Welcome to the show, babe!

Hey thanks for having me and the dress. Got that in a garment bag in my closet. No way I could just give away that master piece! -light laughter; I might renew the dress at a later date and make it more casual but who knows.

That would be awesome! When you were dress shopping, did you have a particular style in mind? Or did you go in with no expectations and let your heart choose for you?

-tilts head thinking back to that day; I sort of had an idea in mind. I wanted something that was very much me. I mean could you see me in some huge Princess Diana or Grace Kelly gown with the long train? No ma’am! No ham! I needed something with movement that didn’t make me feel restricted. Something that showed some skin and was still elegant. The mid drift belly peak-a-boo top seemed perfect and the tulle skirt gave it that wedding dress look.

Definitely not -laughs; I think it was perfect, to be honest. Just the right touch of elegance, while still staying true to what makes you comfortable. And honestly, wedding dress shopping is hard! There's so many styles, and options, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it after trying on three dresses for my own wedding. -laughs; Would you say that comfort is a big part of your day-to-day style?

Awe well thank you. -perks brow at the next question; well I had mine in mind so I only tried on what was remotely close to my vision plus it was such an impromptu wedding that I just wanted to make sure I was walking down the isle on time. motions to her current outfit For y’all that can’t see me I’m wearing a romper shorts set with some flip flops. Comfort is def in my wheelhouse of fashion. I mean I like things I can dress up or dress down. Like right now I have my wedding ring and a bracelet but if I were to go clubbing I’d just add someone bangles a necklace and up the Smokey eye. But umm big fluffy pull over sweaters, daisy dukes, lounge joggers are my jam. I’m a huge tank top person also. I just like versatility.

I think versatility is important when it comes to fashion. I like dressing up t-shirts and dressing down dresses. I think it's all about how you wear the pieces. You look hot, by the way.
-notions to Miri's current outfit; Do you have any trouble putting outfits together sometimes?

So do you babes ! -yells that compliment with much enthusiasm; umm well to be honest when you’re someone like me it becomes easier to know your style. I as you know have DID. So I essentially have 3 other women with 3 separate styles. We all know what we like and dress accordingly. No one messes with anyone else’s clothes so it’s a very organized locker room of female fashion to be honest. You can’t possibly imagine how many shoes we own -laughter to keep the mood light;

You can never go wrong with shoes!! -laughs with her, offering a smile; thank you for being open about your DID, I don’t think you know how helpful that is to people with mental illness. Do you have a favorite style out of your four identities?

Oh no worries. I’ve been trying to be more open and honest about my own struggles which I talk about on my podcast so the mood there is a little more heavy and serious but I try to keep it… upbeat also.* thinks it over* I have a psychologist personality that’s all about vintage 60s prints and styles. The pencil skirts and just very Jackie O. I dig her style.

Your podcast is one of my favorites to listen to, if I’m being honest. It’s so raw and honest, and I think the community needs that every now and then. Anyone listening that hasn’t checked out the latest episode Yeah No, I’m Not Okay with Casey Caverly please do so! We’re gonna jump right into a speed round of questions, ready?

Awe thanks so much for that and the shoutout. Truly appreciated. Uhhh okay !

3 accessories you can be found wearing at all times:

My wedding ring, a blessed Santeria beaded bracelet and a pair of sunglasses

If you were stranded on a deserted island for weeks at a time, what’s one outfit you’d make sure you’d have with you?

Ummm rompers with pockets.

What are some of your fashion ‘do’s’ and fashion ‘don’ts’?

DONTS! Socks with sandals, corduroy shorts/pants. DOS! Anything that shows your shape so curves are truly embraced.

I wholeheartedly agree with the socks and sandals! Ferg does it around the house and I wanna beat him -laughs; Thank you so, so much for joining me!

Ahh no. Tell that old man to get it together *cracking up*! I had such a wonderful time. Thanks for having me!

I think the best thing about fashion, like Miri had mentioned, is that it’s versatile. You can have so many pieces of clothing that are out of the box, but cohesively work together to create a bomb outfit. Which leads me to introducing my next guest! Ladies and germs, please give a warm welcome to my very good friend, Izobella Jonsdittor!

-Squeals in excitement, frantically waving about; Halló Friends! It’s so good to be here with Lennon & Miri. I’m in great company. Super stoked. Thanks for having me, Lennon!

Of course! I'm so happy you could join us! For those that don't know, Izzy is a design consultant for Drew House Clothing, and I knew right away that I wanted her to be included in this podcast when I was brainstorming ideas.

What helps you draw inspiration when you're designing?

I am truly humbled to be apart of this. I love everything that you do, because everything you touch turns to magic. So it makes me thrilled to be apart of this with you. For me I sort of have two different takes. When it comes to Drew house I think we draw inspiration from just wanting to be comfortable while still looking nice. We are bursting with that sunshine energy so we try and incorporate that as well in the form of bright vibrant colors. I’m definitely more a baggy pair of pants and t-shirt kind of girl for my personal style . So that’s more for the sporty boys and girls who want to be comfortable while looking fresh. When I design and style people for events it’s completely different. It’s a marriage of our visions, their style and me bringing that vision to life for them. I draw for them. So in short I would say, it’s about the crowd I’m working with or for. I love incorporating vibrant colors and am sort of stuck in the 80’s-90’s. That’s probably why I’m like yes baby, let’s pair some baggy hammer time pants with a nice form fitting, collared top.

I feel like we're all stuck in the 90's a little bit -laughs; Have you had any difficulty styling people in the past? Like your vision is there, but you're stuck on how to bring it to life? OR would you say it comes easily to you?

Oh yeah. It’s always a 90’a nostalgia filled dance party whenever we are doing fittings. -Chuckles lightly; But oh definitely, I say I primarily like to work with people whose vibes are similar to my own. Because when I pick out pieces for them they’re like “oh hell yeah, this is SO me!!’ And that? That Is the most vindicating feeling for me and all of my hard work. I study people, down to their mannerisms. So for the most part as long as I’m working with easy going people, it’s a piece of cake. I’ve only ever really had a hard time when you get those stoic, mildly high maintenance people that expect you to read their minds. Trying to guess what someone likes or absolutely hates can be such a blow to your craft when they hate it but gave you nothing to work with. I’ve dealt with one of those… that's when I decided to make my clientele a little more selective. Gotta vibe with a good tribe.

I've dealt with people like that before and it's definitely draining, and definitely can cause a drop to your self esteem. Especially when you're proud of your work, and I can see why that would be a tough change compared to the people that are hyping you up. As far as your own style goes, aside from the t-shirt and baggy pants, are there any staples to your wardrobe that you feel like are a 'must have' in your collection?

Absolutely! I think Ms. Erykah Badu said it best when she said “Keep in mind that I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my sh*t.” Girl! -snaps her fingers, erupting into a soft fit of laughter; damn , that’s exactly how it feels! But yes, If I’m not wearing oversized pants and shirts. Then I tend to show off my body a little. I work hard on my body too, because I’m a living breathing model of my own work. But a few must haves that are always on my person, a good pair of shoes. Sometimes I’ll sit in the closet or dressing room for hours analyzing what’s going best with what outfit. I’ll build a whole outfit around the shoes. Give me an elegant pair of jimmy choos for an event. Or a nice sleek pair of Vera wangs for just every day style. If I’m feeling more grunge I’ll bring out the converse. But shoes are the make and break of any outfit I feel. I also just love anklets and all sorts of dainty jewelry to accessorize with.

It’s funny, because Miri and I talked about shoes earlier! You literally can never go wrong with a pair of shoes. To me, I think the shoes really make or break an outfit. Sometimes you can have a really nice outfit put together, and then throw on a really bad pair of shoes and BOOM. Whole outfit is ruined
-laughs; Do you have any future plans as far as your career goes? Anything you’ve been working on?

Forreal! It’s insane. But I guess it shows that shoes are just a universal love. We all speak the same language there. As for my future plans I am kind of a fly by the skin of my teeth kind of girl. But I do have hopes. Back home in Iceland it’s kind of like a mini america but it’s not like big ground breaking opportunities are coming over there. Especially because everything is imported. That’s a big part of why I wanted to move here and see what I can do for myself. My biggest hope is to collaborate with as many brands as possible, but ESPECIALLY female owned. Those are so near and dear to my heart. I love to see slæm tík behavior. That’s “bad bitch behavior.” Which I thoroughly believe radiates from all women. We are a force and we can do anything. Like you… you’re bringing a whole human into this world! I love that, and I just wanna see us ladies take over the world some day! Other than a couple of hopes to stop collaborating , I’m not working on much more than trying to get my life together. If you want me to be honest.

Girl, honestly. FELT THAT! I feel like my whole life is a damn mess -laughs; I really love that you were able to build a life here in America, and I can’t wait to see where the future takes you! As far as designing goes, do you have any plans of branching off to do your own brand? OR do you prefer working for other companies?

Yes! I’d love to have my own brand, either swim wear or like, accessories. It kind of feels like everyone’s done everything though. And I want whatever I contribute to be unique. But strangely enough, even though I have this desire. I have found that since I am a huge people pleaser and my vision typically comes from taking someone else’s wants and making them a reality. I sort of have struggled with the idea of being self-sufficient in that way. I stop and get a little insecure. I wonder “well who says someone else will love this the way that I love it?” Again it definitely comes down to this being my craft and me feeling good when I have someone who's obsessed with something I worked hard on. I think that having such a band in Drew House Is helping me to hone my vision though.

I’d LOVE to rock some of your swimwear, if you ever do design any! I think you have a great future ahead of you, and I’m really excited to be watching the journey from the sidelines. You have so much talent, it’s insane. Okay, we’re gonna do a speed round of questions. Ready?

Thank you! Ugh, If I did, I would probably focus on maternity swim too because I’ve seen a lot of my girlfriends struggle to feel comfortable.

3 accessories you can be found wearing at all times:

Okay! ONLY THREE? -bites down on her lower lip, pondering real hard about that before taking a deep breath; Okay, I’m ready! 3 accessories I can be found wearing at all times? My wedding ring. Hoop earrings. My smile. It goes with everything.

If you were stranded on a deserted island for weeks at a time, what's one outfit you'd make sure you'd have with you?

If I were on a deserted island I’d make sure I had a tight, form fitting black dress, black and diamond studded Jimmy Choos, a gold, diamond hoop and my wedding ring. Because I’m a polar bear and there’s so way I would survive. So I’d wanna look my absolute Sunday best when they found my body. -bursts out laughing.

What are some of your fashion 'dos' and 'don'ts'?

Do: if you have a man in your life. Or if you just buy bigger shirts! You can absolutely take the shirts, throw on a waist cincher and some heels. That’s so simple but damn hot!
ALWAYS build your outfit around your shoes and accessories, FIRST.
Wear the fall colors but don’t go overboard, add a small pop of color!
Wear things that are more flattering for your shape, you’ll be so much more confident! Less is more with make up ladies.

over accessorize, then it becomes distracting and can totally ruin an outfit. Don’t overdue it on the ripped clothes.
If you do ripped jeans, keep a simple clean looking top.
And I’d stay away from big chunky stripped patterned pants. They’re god awful.
Don’t wear things that make you look short, always do things that elongate your posture!

Yessss, I love stealing Fergie's shirts for my outfits! Plus, they're super comfortable! Thank you so, so much for joining us this weekend and for being on the show! If anyone needs a stylist for any upcoming events, you know who to call!

Thank you so so much for having me babe!! This was a blast and I would love to come back some time! Thank you for being so damn awesome!

That’s all the time we have for this week’s episode of ‘When Life Hands You Lennons’! Thanks for sticking around and listening in, and be sure to check out this week’s playlist. A special shout out to our sponsors, the Yeah No, I’m Not Okay podcast, and Zucc Bros Pizza, where you can get the best slice in town. I’m not just saying that because my husband owns it. Tune in next week, where I’ll be sitting down and talking to everybody’s favorite clown, Justin Wallace!

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